Chapter 234

Nian Tong has never held a gun before, let alone shot and killed people.

When the shot was fired, not only the hand holding the gun, but even the legs trembled violently.

Seeing Yin Ming rolling over and falling into the coffin box, she panicked, holding the gun in both hands and making gestures in that direction to continue shooting, but she heard Yin Ming say: "Actually, even if you don't kill me, now that he's dead, I won't kill him either." intend to live alone."

In the coffin box that could only accommodate one body, Yin Ming lay sideways on the frozen corpse. The icy chill pierced his bones, but he didn't notice it. He stared at the face below him with deep love in his eyes. .

Nian Tong saw Yin Ming's face pale and terrifying under the white light through the transparent coffin, which reminded her of the legendary vampire zombie.

"Since you don't plan to live, why didn't you kill yourself early?" Nian Tong was suspicious, staring at him with guarded eyes.

"How can I die before I'm not sure whether he's still alive?" Yin Ming's gaze was dazed for a moment. "I have never believed that he is really dead. Except for reports on TV that he was seriously injured and his whereabouts are unknown, there is no news of his death. I guess you must have set up a trick to catch me, so you deliberately created a scene of his death The curtain made me throw myself into a trap. But...but I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the person lying here was really him..."

The old and new gunshot wounds on this corpse were all thanks to him. The old wound was when he kidnapped that girl, and Gu Junyao blocked a shot for her. Qi Feng was injured by Xiao Lingtian.

That night he sensed that something was wrong, so he excused himself to go back to his room to rest, but when Xiao Lingtian asked his left and right hands to tell him to go downstairs, he shirked that he was going to the bathroom.In fact, he was making himself into another person at that time, so that he could escape in the chaos.

When he hid in the dark and saw that Gu Junyao was injured in the hail of bullets from Xiao Lingtian and his men and was struggling to cope, he ignored the police troops swarming up from the other end, and dealt with many people on Xiao Lingtian's side in the dark. It wasn't until Xiao Lingtian was arrested by the police that he escaped in the chaos.

It's just that I didn't expect to learn that Gu Junyao was seriously injured and his whereabouts were missing from the TV.

At first, he thought it was Gu Junyao who set up a trap to arrest him, and the police wanted him everywhere, so he stood still, but after a week, he heard the sad news of Gu Junyao's death, and he finally couldn't hold his breath.

He approached Nian Tong again as Geng Di, just to make sure that the person lying in the funeral parlor was Gu Junyao, but unexpectedly...

He suddenly turned his head to look at Nian Tong, with resentful and vicious eyes: "If it wasn't for knowing you, he wouldn't have been threatened by anyone. It was you who killed him! So even if I don't want to live, you don't want to live either! "

Nian Tong was shocked by his vicious stare, his hands holding the gun tightly, pretending to be calm and said: "Now I have the gun in my hand, and you hid yourself inside, do you think you still have the gun? Can you crawl out unharmed from under my gun and deal with me?"

Yin Ming twitched his lips and smiled strangely: "I don't need to do anything at all. In ten minutes or so, you and all the staff on duty in the funeral home, and even this funeral home, will be buried with me."

Nian Tong was shocked, and stared at Yin Ming who was smiling so creepily, and heard him continue: "Just now I didn't really go to the bathroom after eating too much, but to install a miniature time bomb."

Yin Ming took out an exquisite gadget from his pocket and showed it to Nian Tong: "Don't look at it as small, but the destructiveness after detonation is astonishing. Just two such bombs are enough to wipe out the entire funeral home." Razed to the ground."

Nian Tong's face turned completely white in an instant.

"Are you afraid?" Yin Ming smiled twice, and turned his eyes back to the body that was radiating a bone-chilling chill, his eyes became hot.

"Since I couldn't have you before I was alive, let us be annihilated together after death, and we will be entangled for life after life."

Nian Tong's scalp felt numb.

"Uncle Gu is mine, if you want to die, just die!"

"He belongs to you?" Yin Ming narrowed his eyes, stared at him fiercely, but said with a smile, "I am the one who is with him now, aren't you pregnant? Then you take his child to hell with you."

"You! You are so perverted to the extreme!" Nian Tong was angry and angry, and also anxious and panic because of the time bomb in his mouth.

That bastard Lian Rong, where did he go?
And that hateful man, did he have to wait until she and the funeral home were reduced to the ground before he appeared?

The more anxious Nian Tong became, the more he felt aggrieved, and his eyes filled with water in an instant.

"I just love him too much, is this a pervert?"

"Your feelings for him are not love at all, but a perverted possessive desire!"

"Don't you?" Yin Ming asked her back, his eyes resentful: "Which one of you doesn't want him to monopolize him?"

"But the problem is that he doesn't love you at all!"

"So what? I'm not the one with him now?"

Nian Tong stared at Yin Ming, who was dying of love, and was dumbfounded for a moment.

In fact, she also knows that love does not distinguish between gender, age, race and national boundaries. If you fall in love, you are in love.

Just like she fell in love with Gu Junyao, in fact, Yin Ming's feelings for Gu Junyao are not fake, but his love is crazy beyond the range that others can bear, and he uses improper means to get him, so he just loves Gu Junyao. Will push loved ones farther and farther away.

How could a man like Gu Junyao accept same-sex love?

And Yin Ming is too persistent in one thought, that's why he pushed himself into a dead end.

"You are so pitiful." Nian Tong looked at Yin Ming with pity.

Yin Ming sneered: "Are you jealous? I'm jealous that the person who ends up with him is me instead of you!"

Before Nian Tong returned to him, another voice suddenly sounded: "Since you like that corpse so much, then I will be generous and let you accompany that corpse to ashes and annihilation, and you will be entangled with it forever from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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