Chapter 238

Nian Tong couldn't wait for a response, so he stopped asking.

After going through this series of events, of course she no longer thinks that he is just a pure businessman.

And since he has been involved in the Kingdom of Darkness, he must be involved in many unknown secrets.

It was for her own good that he didn't tell her.

Thinking about this, she immediately changed the subject.

"I want to know, when did you first realize that you fell in love with me?" she asked, staring into his eyes that were as bright as diamonds.

Gu Junyao has some headaches - talking about love is not his specialty.

Nian Tong looked at his embarrassed expression, hooked the corners of his mouth, and let him go generously, but then asked: "Why do you love me?"

This question made Gu Junyao raise his eyebrows.

Noticing this, Nian Tong felt a little uneasy - the way he raised his eyebrows really seemed to say that he didn't know why he loved her.

"I remember you said at the beginning that you are a bloodless person, and you will not really hate someone for too long. I think I am attracted by these qualities of yours. You are innocent and simple, kind and scheming. Although you are very childish, you also Some willful, but I am willing to tolerate all your shortcomings, pamper you, love you, open my arms for you, and only allow you to rest and dock alone as your harbor."

Nian Tong looked at him, her chest was full of warmth, but she thought to herself, how lucky is the girl whom this man said was so lucky to have the unique love of such an excellent and perfect man.

Is it because she is really too slow to realize that tolerance and pampering for no reason is actually love?
"It's almost dawn, do you have anything else to ask?"

Nian Tong regained consciousness, thought for a while before saying: "If I insisted on divorcing you immediately that day, would you agree to me?"

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows: "How is that possible? Didn't I say that I can't go through the divorce formalities for the time being? Don't you see that's an excuse?"

Nian Tong curled her lips: "When I heard you promised to leave me, I was so sad that I was so sad, how could I notice this? In fact, you were cruel to me. That time you said it was so sad to prevent me from following. people's words."

Gu Junyao chuckled and said innocently: "With your temper, if I didn't say that, you would definitely follow, or even if you didn't follow at the time, you would sneak away afterwards. I can't let you take that kind of risk. risk."

And he was glad that he spoke seriously enough that day, otherwise, if she really sneaked away, the consequences would be disastrous.

"You still think I'm cruel when I do this for you? When did you see me treat other women like you?"

His soft, almost sighing tone made Nian Tong feel guilty and distressed.

"I just know I'm not good enough, so I can't believe that you love me." She buried her face in the crescent of his neck, and unconsciously drew circles on his chest with her small hands. Suddenly, she remembered something, turned over and sat up. He opened his pajamas to check his chest.

"What are you doing?" Gu Junyao asked in confusion.

"You, weren't you seriously injured? Did I, we just...did you get a tear here?" She stammered as she checked, but she couldn't find a newly healed one when she searched his entire chest. gunshot wound.

what happened?Didn't they all say that he was seriously injured?
"I wasn't injured that time, although I did get shot twice, but I was wearing body armor and the bullet didn't penetrate the body armor, so it was just some bruises and minor internal injuries, which have healed up now."

Hearing this, Nian Tong paralyzed in his arms out of strength.

Thinking of the heart-piercing pain in his heart when he learned of his 'death', Nian Tong still has lingering fears in his heart.

"Uncle Gu, don't scare me like this again in the future, I can't bear to be tortured like this a second time." She subconsciously hugged him tightly.

"There won't be a next time." Gu Junyao hugged her back with a firm tone.

"Go to sleep." His warm breath brushed against her ear.

Nian Tong nodded, just as he closed his eyes, he opened them again: "Can I see you immediately when I wake up?"

Gu Junyao smiled and put a kiss on her lips: "Sleep, I promise you can see it as soon as you open your eyes."

**************************************split line********** *******************************
Knowing that Gu Junyao came back safe and sound, Mu Qifeng thought over and over again, thinking that thanks to Gu Junyao, he was able to escape from the gunpoint that day, so he asked his son to accompany him to Golden Bay.

However, Nian Tong and Gu Junyao didn't get up until noon. When they were preparing lunch together, they heard the doorbell. Nian Tong went to open the door and saw his elder brother and father standing at the door, smiling for the first time in more than half a month.

Seeing his daughter smiling so happily, Mu Qifeng was also relieved.

He knew that this time he was actually a blessing in disguise, because of a danger that resolved the gap between father and daughter.

So he was even more grateful to Gu Junyao.

"You haven't had lunch yet?"

Mu Yu'an could not help asking when he smelled the aroma of food floating in the air.

Nian Tong was ashamed to say that they had just woken up, so he only laughed a few times to perfunctory pass.

After entering the living room, Gu Junyao also came out of the kitchen, and only slightly nodded when he greeted the two of them.

Mu Yu'an was a little embarrassed when he remembered the last time he investigated Gu Junyao.

He used to be too pedantic in some aspects, even Lian Nuan said that he didn't know how to adapt, thinking that black is black and white is white.

In fact, there is no real distinction between black and white who can occupy the top in this world.

How many people can be like Gu Junyao without losing their human nature even if they get involved in the underworld?
From the initial hostility to the current admiration, even though Mu Yunan still cared about his mother's bizarre madness, he gradually learned to be tolerant.

"Let's talk, I'll go to the kitchen and have a look."

Nian Tong guessed that his father had something to say to Gu Junyao, so he said.

"I'll help." Mu Yuan stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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