Chapter 239

As soon as Mu Yu'an and Nian Tong left, only Gu Junyao and Mu Qifeng were left in the living room.

Mu Qifeng originally prepared a lot of words of thanks to say, but he didn't know how to say them this time.

Gu Junyao saw his embarrassed expression of hesitant to speak, and roughly guessed what he wanted to say, but he just said in a low voice: "Don't worry about what happened that night, I did it for Tongtong."

Mu Qifeng nodded and said: "I know you took such a big risk for Tongtong, otherwise, with what I did to you before, how could you risk your life to save me."

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked back at the thin figure who was busy in the kitchen, a rare tenderness appeared on his usually stern face.

"The matter is over, I hope I don't bring it up again, especially not to let Tongtong know."

Mu Qifeng was startled, "But I plan to confess to Tongtong. At that time, she misunderstood you like that, I was worried..."

Gu Junyao looked over suddenly, with sharp eyes: "I'm not worried that she misunderstood me, and I'm not worried whether your father and daughter can reconcile as before, but I don't want to see her sad, so don't mention that matter in the future."

Mu Qifeng was startled and didn't speak for a long time.

In fact, the reason why Gu Junyao dealt with him at that time and pulled him down from the position of mayor was not all because he discovered that he was related to Ye Yunhan's death back then, but...he wanted to unite with other political and police forces that Gu Junyao used. High-level officials from the two circles betrayed Gu Junyao together, ruining his reputation!
At the beginning, he considered that the consequence of betraying Gu Junyao would be that he would be ruined and even lose his life, but in order to prevent his daughter from being with Gu Junyao, he had no other way.

It's just that those high-ranking officials respected and feared Gu Junyao. Not only did they not participate in this matter, but they even told Gu Junyao about his conspiracy.

When he thought that Gu Junyao would do something to him, he held a wedding with his daughter as usual as if nothing had happened.

He didn't know that his retribution was coming until he was reported.

He didn't blame Gu Junyao for what he did, but was grateful that he never mentioned it in front of his daughter.

"At the beginning, I was old and dim-witted, thinking that Tongtong would not be happy with you." Mu Qifeng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Look at how wrong I am? Only now have I discovered that the only person in this world who can give Tongtong happiness is you." gone."

Gu Junyao didn't speak, and looked towards the kitchen uncontrollably. Nian Tong, who was chatting and laughing with Mu Yu'an in a low voice, also looked at this side inadvertently. When their eyes met, Gu Junyao evoked a doting smile, Nian Tong's heart was beating like thunder, and she made a playful grimace, but her soft eyes smiled like crescent moons.

Gu Junyao's heart skipped a beat, and he lost his mind looking at that radiant and beautiful face.

"It's hard to believe that a man like him can be trapped in love." Mu Yu'an noticed the interaction between Nian Tong and Gu Junyao, and couldn't help but tease.

Nian Tong looked back and hummed lightly: "Then you hope he didn't fall in love with me?"

Mu Yuan smiled: "How could it be? But, has he said that he loves you?"

That kind of man shouldn't just say the words 'I love you' casually, right?
Nian Tong thought of Gu Junyao's confession to herself before, a little sweetness filled her chest, but said: "This is a secret between me and him." So she will not share it with anyone.

The corner of Mu Yu'an's mouth trembled slightly, and he curled his lips and said, "What's great is that he said, there's nothing to keep secret."

Nian Tong shrugged, suddenly remembered something, looked at Mu Yun'an, and said cautiously: "Brother, are you... are you..." She didn't finish her sentence, but just looked at him uncertainly.

Mu Yu'an was silent for a while before asking: "You want to ask if I still suspect that he has something to do with my mother?"

Nian Tong was startled and nodded.

The hostility shown by her elder brother to Gu Junyao in the hospital that time has always worried her.

One of them is her relative and the other is her lover, and she doesn't want any of them to be hostile to each other.

Mu Yu'an turned his eyes away, stared at a certain part of the Liulitai and said, "After this incident, my opinion of him has changed a lot. Before, I always thought that even if he wasn't a heinous villain, at least he wasn't a bad guy. He will be a good person. But what is the specific definition of a good person and a bad person? I think a good person, such as Dad, he did that to Aunt Ye because of his selfishness. But the bad person I think Gu Junyao is willing to risk My life is in danger to save my father. These things that happened to Gu Junyao overturned my views and views on many things, I think I am really too pedantic and inflexible. "

"So, you won't be hostile to him now, right?" Nian Tong was still a little worried, "Aunt Hua..."

"What is the cause of her madness and death? I don't want to pursue it any further." Mu Ji'an interrupted her with a serious tone, "My mother... just treat it as her atonement for the sins she committed, I won't do it in the future Stop worrying about this."

"Really? You won't doubt him anymore?" Nian Tong was delighted, her pretty face couldn't hide her smile.

Mu Yu'an raised his eyes and smiled lightly: "I'm receiving his salary now, so I want to doubt him again. If I get fired by him, wouldn't I go drink the Northwest Wind?"

"Don't worry, you are your boss' brother-in-law, the boss will not fire your brother-in-law." Nian Tong winked mischievously at him.

Mu Yu'an's eyelids twitched, and then he thought again, actually being Gu Junyao's brother-in-law is quite awe-inspiring.

A cold, arrogant and beautiful face suddenly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help shivering, but he thought in his heart, that woman Lian Nuan always used her rank to overwhelm him in the company, and another day he would show off the prestige of Gu Junyao's brother-in-law Press her back.

"Brother, do you have any enmity with my chopping board?" Nian Tong's voice brought back Mu Yu'an's thoughts.

He came back to his senses, followed Nian Tong's line of sight and looked down, only to see that he was unconsciously scribbling on the chopping board with a knife, and what was strange was that Lian Nuan's face suddenly jumped out of the chopping board, smiling at him. There are many styles.

Startled, he quickly let go and pushed the chopping board away, but raised his eyes to meet Nian Tong's curious gaze.

"Brother, what are you so afraid of on the chopping board?"

Mu Yu'an opened his mouth, and finally said, "I, I'm going to the bathroom." After that, he left in a hurry, as if being chased by a ghost.

Nian Tong shrugged inexplicably and continued to work.

(End of this chapter)

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