Chapter 240

To celebrate Gu Junyao's safe return, he made a small proposal to have a carnival in Chaoge.

Gu Junyao brought Nian Tong to Chaoge and walked straight into the largest luxury box.

As soon as the two entered the door, they immediately became the focus of attention.

Nian Tong held Gu Junyao's arm and looked around, but was stunned.

I thought Leng Xiyun and the others were the only people present, but I didn't expect there were even a few unfamiliar faces.

Although Nian Tong didn't know them, he had seen them on TV a few times, and knew that one of them was the director of the Public Security Bureau of City A, and the other was a senior official of City A.And other older people...

Nian Tong frowned, looked at the somewhat familiar face, a name flashed in his mind, and finally remembered that the old man in front of him was Qiao Sen, Qiao Yueqing's father who had met once.

"You're here, Junyao." When Qiao Yueqing saw Gu Junyao, he immediately got up and greeted him, "The old man suddenly ran to the city without saying hello, and even called those two guys to come together, I don't know what to do ?”

Gu Junyao glanced at him and said calmly, "I invited you here."

Qiao Yueqing was shocked: "You invited them here? Why did you invite them?"

"Isn't today celebrating the capture of two drug lords, Xiao Lingtian and Yin Ming, at the same time? Uncle Qiao was always dissatisfied with you in the past, but this time your meritorious deeds and promotion have also allowed Uncle Qiao to gain your glory and show off his prestige in front of others. "

"Promoted?!" Qiao Yueqing's face changed suddenly, his brain buzzed, and he suddenly understood something.

"Yunyao, you are not cooperating with Xiyun and the others to lie to me that it is for you to celebrate, but actually force me to accept the transfer order from above in front of the old man, right?"

Gu Junyao smiled slightly: "Yueqing, why did you become smart all of a sudden?"

The corners of Qiao Yue's mouth trembled fiercely, and he said in a low voice, "You guys are working together to plot against me!"

Gu Junyao raised his hand and patted his shoulder lightly: "Your old Ye Ye is here, you have to be good and don't cry."

After the words fell, he walked over him to Qiao Sen and the others.

Nian Tong raised her eyes and took a peek at the man beside him who was smiling and even had such a charming side face. Thinking back to the scene where he finally comforted Qiao Yueqing just now, she couldn't help biting her lips and secretly laughing - in fact, this man also has a funny side, but he didn't realize it before That's all.

"Uncle Qiao, it's cold, Secretary An." Gu Junyao nodded and greeted them one by one. Except for Qiao Sen who looked at Gu Junyao with a faint smile and said nothing, the others got up one after another, with a respectful attitude.

Nian Tong has long been familiar with this kind of scene.

"I'll go to Siyu's side." She tugged Gu Junyao's arm and said.

Gu Junyao nodded, and sat down beside Qiao Sen after she left.

"Jun Yao, Uncle Qiao really doesn't know how to thank you for what you have done for Yue Qing." As soon as he sat down, he listened to Qiao Sen.

"Uncle Qiao, you are too polite. Yueqing can achieve today's achievements because of your good teaching."

Qiao Sen raised his slightly gray eyebrows, and said in a brisk tone: "Uncle Qiao just likes a young man with outstanding abilities like you but never takes credit for it. It is because of his cultivation in his previous life that Yue Qing was able to make a life-and-death friend like you. luck."

He has always been thankful that his son and the man in front of him are friends, not enemies.

For a man like Gu Junyao who is calculating everything, planning every step of the way, and possesses wisdom beyond ordinary people, whoever wants to make an enemy of him is simply digging his own grave.

Nian Tong who was sitting with Leng Siyu casually glanced at Gu Junyao.

That man was among a group of high-ranking political and police officials, but he had a sense of superiority that made people feel aloof, just like the leader of those people, and it was hard to hide the domineering and dignified king when talking and laughing.

"From now on, you can see him every day, so you don't need to keep your eyes on him even now, right?" Leng Siyu's teasing voice sounded in his ear.

Nian Tong'ergen felt hot, looked back in embarrassment and remained silent.

Leng Siyu looked at her, and suddenly said: "Tongtong, I'm sorry about Junyao."

Nian Tong was slightly surprised, and immediately understood what she was referring to, and hurriedly said with a smile: "What is there to be sorry for? I know you are as ignorant as I am."

"To be honest, I actually thought at the beginning that this was a situation set up by Yun Yao, but my brother and the rest of them were so sad, and you didn't realize that the corpse was not Yun Yao at that time, so I didn't continue to doubt it." .”

"That's Brother Xiyun and their acting skills are too good." Nian Tong recalled the grief and sorrow shown on the faces of Leng Xiyun and others at that time, and admired those people's acting skills even more in his heart.

"Did you know about the pregnancy?"

Nian Tong nodded, her eyes were a little sad.

"I didn't expect that even the doctor who saw you that day was ordered by Jun Yao to lie to you that you were pregnant, so as to cheer you up."

"He's doing it for me too."

"I can see, though, that you're disappointed you're not pregnant?"

Nian Tong smiled embarrassedly: "I'm a little disappointed, but I'm not in a hurry. I want to get pregnant. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

"It's good if you can think like this." Leng Siyu smiled. "You're still young anyway."

Nian Tong laughed: "Sister Siyu, you are only a few years older than me, but your tone seems to be a few rounds older than me."

"I'm getting old here." Leng Siyu pointed to the position of his chest and heart, with a look of vicissitudes that didn't match his age.

Nian Tong was dumbfounded.

She knew the meaning of Leng Siyu's words, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

Love has never been controlled by others, let alone bystanders.

Just like a play, no matter how anxious or distressed the audience is, it can't replace the love and pain of the people in the play.

"Today is so happy, let's not talk about these disappointing things." Leng Siyu swept away the sadness just now, Li Rong smiled again, took a deck of cards from the tea table in front of her and said: "Let's play a game, I do magic, you draw a card from my hand and I can change it back into my hand, but the card in your hand is another card."

Nian Tong noticed that her hands shuffled a little while shuffling the cards, knowing that she was just covering up her emotions, she couldn't help sighing silently.

(End of this chapter)

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