Chapter 241

Even if Qiao Yueqing didn't want to, he had to accept the transfer order issued by his superiors. One month later, he was transferred to the C City Public Security Bureau as the Deputy Bureau.

Since Xiao Lingtian was arrested, many enemies who had been secretly ignorant of Gu Junyao have stopped their efforts, gave up the idea of ​​trying to deal with Gu Junyao, and tried their best to protect themselves.

Nian Tong never asked Gu Junyao about Yin Ming, but learned from Lian Rong that he had been escorted back to England by Geng Di to apologize at his mother's grave."Yin Ming", who was previously sentenced to death for various crimes, was replaced by another death row inmate.

When all the dust settled, Nian Tong resumed her internship.

"Xiaomu, there is a handsome guy looking for you."

As soon as Nian Tong came out of the doctor's examination room, he heard the front desk shout.

When she heard the sound, she raised her head and saw clearly the tall figure standing at the front desk, her expression slightly startled.

In the garden of the hospital, Nian Tong held a cup of hot drink that was a bit hot to the touch, and looked at the delicate and colorful flowers not far away, with a calm expression on his face.

"You seemed surprised to see me just now?"

A voice fell from above his head.

She withdrew her gaze, raised her eyes slightly, and looked at the round pillar leaning against the garden pavilion on the opposite side. She put one hand obliquely into the pocket of her suit trousers, and the other hand played with the man who was playing with the mobile phone. Going up, frowning and raising his hand to cover his face, he said, "Brother Lu Heng, don't shoot me."

Lu Heng was slightly stunned, looking at Nian Tong who was covering his face through the phone screen, smiled bitterly, nodded, but still quickly pressed the OK button, and saved the photo.

Nian Tong saw that he put the phone away before putting it down.

"Since you passed out in the hospital that night and were taken away by Gu Junyao's friend, I have not been in touch with you for a while. I don't know your new mobile phone number, and I have been unable to contact you, so I came to the hospital to look for you .”

"Oh, no wonder." Hearing what he said, Nian Tong remembered that he had changed his mobile phone number and didn't tell Lu Heng. No wonder he ran to the hospital to find her.

"Xiaoye, I can tell from your expression that you have been immersed in the joy of Gu Junyao's resurrection during this time, so you probably never thought of me?"

Nian Tong was shocked.

"Did you forget that you still have some things in my place?"

After his reminder, Nian Tong remembered that he had lived in Lu Heng's place for a few days before, and some of Gu Junyao and her things were still at Lu Heng's house and had not been brought back.

"I'll go get it sometime later."

Lu Heng frowned, and fixed his eyes on her face: "Xiaoye, what do you mean by that means you won't divorce him?"

Nian Tong was stunned, and before he responded, Lu Heng smiled wryly and said: "You really didn't propose to break up because you don't love him. And I knew it, but I still had a little luck, I hope you didn't just say you didn't love him just because I was perfunctory. Nor is it duplicity."

"Brother Lu Heng, you..."

"I treat you, are you pretending not to know because you don't want to face it, or do you really not feel it?" Lu Heng interrupted her, a touch of anxiety appeared on his handsome face.

He ignored Nian Tong's shock, walked over and bent down slightly to look down at her, the affection in his eyes was undisguised.

"Xiaoye, when you told me that you were going to marry Gu Junyao, I had already made a decision to let go and get rid of my feelings for you. I was really working hard, but I couldn't. The more I It is to suppress my feelings, the more I regret not choosing you at the beginning. And the more I regret, the more I want you."

With such a naked confession, although Nian Tong had already noticed that Lu Heng's feelings for him had changed, he was still shocked by his words.

"I know I gave up on you back then, so now I'm not qualified to ask you to come back to me, but I can't let go of my feelings for you." Lu Heng straightened up and sat down beside her, covering his face with his hands A face full of remorse and pain.

Nian Tong looked at him silently, recovering from the shock little by little.

She believed that Lu Heng's feelings for her were not fake.

It's just that she no longer needs this relationship that she dreamed of in the past.

With Gu Junyao, her world is already complete, and she doesn't need extra feelings to add trouble to herself.

She took a deep breath and said after a long time: "Brother Lu Heng, thank you for loving me. It's just that your love is too late, and I don't need it anymore."

Lu Heng's heart trembled, and he slowly let go.

"Didn't it be agreed a long time ago that we will only be brothers and sisters? If I call you Brother Lu Heng, you will always be my elder brother." Nian Tong said decisively.

Lu Heng looked at her, feeling sour and bitter in his mouth.

"I know that even if I express my feelings for you, you will not change anything to me." He smiled wryly, "Actually, if it wasn't for the letter that Kewei left me when he left, I wouldn't have the courage to say these things .”

"The letter Du Kewei left for you?" Nian Tong was taken aback, "What did you write?"

"She told me that you approached Gu Junyao only because of me." Seeing that Nian Tong's face changed slightly, Lu Heng was sure that Du Kewei's words were correct.

"So what she said was true."

"It's true." Nian Tong admitted generously, without the slightest bit of discomfort.

Lu Heng's eyes brightened: "Does that mean that you loved me?"

Nian Tong smiled slightly, stood up, looked at the distant scenery and said: "Brother Lu Heng, is it too late to talk about this now? Whether you have loved or not, the person I love now is Gu Junyao, And I will continue to love him until the day I die. So, don't mention this kind of thing in the future, I don't want to think of you in the future with only headaches instead of some good memories."

Lu Heng's face was ashen.

"I will pick up the things at your house some other day, thank you for taking care of me." She turned around, as if she was about to leave.

Lu Heng called her to stop, with a sad tone: "Xiaoye, if I had chosen to stay by your side, wouldn't the only one you love to death be me?"

Nian Tong paused, but didn't look back.

"Brother Lu Heng, you are often associated with dramas. You have seen so many different aspects of life. You should be able to see more clearly than anyone else. There are never ifs in life. So, I can't answer your question."

Lu Heng's pupils shrank, and he watched Nian Tong go away, but he was neither qualified nor courageous to call her.

Lost is lost.

(End of this chapter)

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