Chapter 242

Back in the department, Nian Tong felt a little sad when he thought of Lu Heng's confession to him in the garden.

Once a love at his fingertips was put in front of him, but he easily refused, and left when she needed him most, and he left for more than five years.

At that time, did he ever think that one day he would regret his original decision?

But so what?
There is no room for turning around.

The sudden sound of unread text messages from the mobile phone brought her back to her senses. She took out the mobile phone from the pocket of her white coat, opened it, and found that it was Lu Heng's number.

She didn't tell him her phone number just now, she must have found it at the front desk of the department after she came to the hospital.

She clicked on the content of the text message: You are right, there are never ifs in life.I missed you, so I am not qualified to ask for anything.Even if I still can't forget it in the future, I promise I won't spoil your happiness.I just hope that when you think of me occasionally, I will still be the big brother next door in your mind who has cried and laughed with you, and spent countless long nights together.

After reading the text message, Niantong heaved a sigh of relief.

Before, I was worried that since Lu Heng made the matter clear, some troubles would be unavoidable in the future, and even worried that he would find Gu Junyao.But he didn't expect him to think about it so quickly.

A big stone was lifted from her heart, and she suddenly felt relaxed.

Putting down the phone, she was about to return to the doctor's office when someone called her from behind.

She turned around and saw that it was her tutor.

"Xiaomu, there is an examination report for the 24-bed patient in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, please bring it to me before you get off work."

She glanced at the time, there was still half an hour before she got off work, so she nodded.

"I have asked someone to take the examination report of the 24-bed patient in your department."

Nian Tong didn't expect that she ran for nothing, causing her to trot almost all the way here.

"You look familiar."

Nian Tong was slightly surprised, looking at the kindly female doctor who was scrutinizing her face intently, and then remembered that the other party was the female doctor who gave her a gynecological examination last time.

"You have a good memory. I came here for an inspection more than a month ago."

"Oh, no wonder I feel familiar. Let me think about it, your surname Mu?"

Nian Tong nodded.

"Your surname is Mu, that's right. In fact, I don't have a very good memory. I only remember you because you still haven't picked up an inspection report. I told you to come and get it the next day, but you never came."

Nian Tong didn't quite remember this, probably because she was shocked by the result that she was not pregnant at all, so she didn't pay attention to the doctor's advice.

"Wait, I'll look for where I put it." The female doctor stood up and rummaged through the mountain of reports behind her.

Seeing her anxious look, Nian Tong comforted her: "Doctor Yao, I'm not in a hurry, you can find it slowly." Anyway, she already knew that she was not pregnant, and her body was always normal, so she wasn't worried about the inspection report. .

Dr. Yao patted his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Well, I'll call tomorrow when I find it and ask you to come and get it."

Seeing that it was already past the off-duty time, Nian Tong nodded and said, "Then I will trouble Dr. Yao, bye."

***************************************split line********* *******************************
Gu's headquarters.

"President Gu, here is the company's quarterly report you want." Lian Nuan knocked on the door of the president's office, put the documents on the desk, and said to the man who was staring intently at the computer screen.

Gu Junyao nodded, but didn't speak.

"That's no other order, I'm going out."

"Wait." Gu Junyao called her to stop, and then said: "Secretary Lian, you go to City B for me, Nianye and the others will not be able to come back soon after they are abroad."

"City B? Me alone?" Lian Nuan was slightly surprised.

Gu Junyao shifted his gaze from the screen to Lian Nuan, "Is there a problem?"

"No, what I mean is that it might be more appropriate for Mr. Gu to send Assistant Mu there."

Mu Yu'an?
Gu Junyao changed his mind and dialed the internal line: "Assistant Mu, come here."

Mu Yu'an on the other end of the phone was taken aback, but Gu Junyao had already hung up the phone.

He rubbed his brows, left his seat and walked towards the president's office, but when he saw Lian Nuan standing in front of the desk in the president's office, his left eye jumped up strangely.

"President Gu, what's the matter?"

He was talking to Gu Junyao, but his eyes were on Lian Nuan, with deep vigilance and embankment, as if Lian Nuan was carrying dangerous unexploded goods, which would explode at any time and blow him to pieces Same.

"Tomorrow, you and Secretary Lian will go to the branch office in City B to handle the affairs there for me."

"Me and her?" Mu Yu'an exclaimed, a trace of panic flashed across his handsome face.

"Mr. Gu, I haven't been in the company for a long time, and I'm not very familiar with the company's operations. I probably can't cooperate with Secretary Lian, so..."

"You have investigated Mr. Gu's details so clearly, why are you still not familiar with him?" Lian Nuan turned around, looked coldly at Mu Yu'an, who was not gloomy, and curled the corners of his mouth calmly, and said again: "Actually, are you afraid of being alone with me?"

Mu Yu'an was startled, then frowned and said, "Secretary Lian, I'm not afraid to be alone with you, but I don't want to work with you at all."

Lian Nuan sneered: "Then what should we do? Do you want me to resign or you resign yourself?"

"When did the two of you become so incompatible?" Gu Junyao interrupted the two of them, waved his hand and said, "It's decided like this, even the secretary will book a ticket for tomorrow morning, and you will go there together."

His tone was undeniable, Mu Yuan opened his mouth, but after all, he didn't say anything, and left the president's office with a sad expression.

Lian Nuan snorted softly, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Secretary Lian, you've been with me for so many years, this is the first time I've seen you be so serious about a man."

Lian Nuan's body shook, but he heard Gu Junyao say: "Assistant Mu is pretty good, but his brain is not as fast as yours, but it's better for you to bully this way."

The corner of Lian Nuan's mouth twitched, and he turned around to say something, when Gu Junyao's cell phone rang on the table.

She opened the door and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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