Chapter 243

The call is from Nian Tong.

Gu Junyao glanced across the screen unconsciously with a smile.

"Honey, I have prepared a big meal for you to come back tonight." A soft voice came from the other end of the phone, Gu Junyao smiled softly, turned off the computer screen with the phone in one hand and the mouse in the other Open the window, then walk to the door.

"Big meal? Are you the chef?"

"NO! In order not to waste those ingredients, of course I waited for Chef Gu to come home from get off work and cook myself."

Gu Junyao chuckled: "I knew that besides making soup, you little lazy pig can only cook fried rice with eggs and fried ham."

"So do you have time tonight?"

"If I say no, are you planning to go to Siyu's for dinner again at night?"

Nian Tong on the other end of the phone was guessed by his words, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue softly, and said coquettishly: "Sister Siyu is also alone, I don't want to eat with her, I just want to be lonely with her."

"Lonely?" Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, "Do you think you are lonely now?"

"If you're not by my side, I'll feel lonely when I'm alone. Of course, if you're willing to let Xiaoxi come back, that's another matter. Even if you're not at home, I will have Xiaoxi to accompany you."

"His school is not on holiday yet, let's talk about it then."

"Okay, so when will you be back?"

"About half an hour."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Nian Tong rolled a few times on the bed bored, turned on the camera function of the phone to take a selfie, but suddenly remembered that the wedding photos taken with Gu Junyao had been left at Lian Rong's and had not been retrieved.

So many things happened during this period that she almost forgot, but now she suddenly remembered, and she couldn't wait to see it.

She immediately turned off the camera function and prepared to call Lian Rong, but because she changed the phone card, the only contacts in it were Leng Siyu, Gu Junyao, her elder brother and her father, and there was no other contact number.

And she didn't remember what Lian Rong's number was.

I wanted to wait for Gu Junyao to come back and ask him, but at this moment, I couldn't wait.

She opened the drawer of the low cabinet beside the bed, looking for Lian Rong's business card. While searching, a transparent glass bottle containing small transparent yellow pills caught her attention.

She curiously picked up the glass bottle, read the English label on it, and then frowned—it turned out to be a male oral contraceptive.

Her face turned pale - no wonder she has been unable to conceive, it turns out that Gu Junyao has been taking this contraceptive pill secretly.

Although the two had communicated before and decided to wait until her internship was over before deciding whether to get pregnant, she didn't expect him to be so active in taking contraceptive measures.

Positive as if she was terribly afraid she might get pregnant.

Although it didn't mean anything that he was on the pill, she had a hunch that something was wrong.

While thinking about it, there was the sound of a car approaching outside the window, she regained her senses and quickly put the glass bottle back into the drawer, and then walked out of the bedroom.

The doorbell rang, and Nian Tong walked over to open the door.

Gu Junyao stood outside the door, holding a large bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a freshly baked pastry bought from Sbrb in the other.

She bent over and took his home shoes from the shoe cabinet and put them at his feet, and then took the flowers and pastries from his hands, but there was not much surprise on her face.

"What's the matter?" Gu Junyao looked at her with inquiring black eyes.

Nian Tong forced a smile: "I've waited too long, I'm hungry."

She said as she walked towards the living room.

Gu Junyao changed his shoes and stood behind her, his eyes thoughtful.

This girl was fine on the phone just now, why is she suddenly unhappy again?

"Tongtong, do you have something on your mind?"

It was clearly a question sentence, but it was said with great certainty.

Nian Tong sat paralyzed on the sofa in the living room, put the flowers and pastries on the coffee table, and generously admitted: "Well, I don't think I can hide anything from you. Since you keep asking, we might as well Let's talk."

Gu Junyao was slightly surprised by her slightly serious tone.

He walked over and sat down beside her.

"Talk about what?"

Nian Tong didn't reply to him in time, but after thinking about it, she looked up at him and said, "I found a bottle of male oral contraceptives in the drawer."

Gu Junyao nodded, without changing his expression, he said, "Didn't I tell you about this before?"

"You told me, but I didn't know you were taking it. Does that mean you don't want me to get pregnant?"

Gu Junyao didn't expect her to ask so directly, she pondered for a while before opening her mouth: "Tongtong, hasn't this issue already been discussed? You are still young, and premature pregnancy and childbirth are unfair to you. I hope You do what you think is meaningful while you are young. And whatever you do, I will support you."

"Is it really just because of this?" Nian Tong was still suspicious, but his tone softened.

"Really." He held her hand with an extremely sincere attitude.

"I thought it was because you didn't want me to conceive your child, that's why you took such active contraceptive measures." Nian Tong snuggled into his arms, sighed and continued: "Or you know that I have some disease and can't conceive That's why..."

"You are very healthy, don't think about it." Gu Junyao interrupted her, but the arms that hugged her body tightened suddenly.

Nian Tong thought that he had frightened him, so he smiled softly and comforted him: "I'm just talking, you think I'm so eloquent, and I get sick when I say I'm sick? Didn't I have a check-up in the hospital before? My body is very good, everything It's normal. Although I still haven't got an inspection report, it should be fine."

"Is there still an inspection report?" Gu Junyao frowned, "Why have you never heard of it?"

"It's all basic gynecological examinations, and it's fine, so I won't say anything."

Gu Junyao was silent, but complex emotions flashed across his deep black eyes.

"Uncle Gu."

"Huh?" He recovered. "how?"

Nian Tong shook his head: "It's okay, I just like calling you."

Gu Junyao smiled, lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips, and said softly, "Didn't you say you're hungry? Get up, and I'll cook you a big meal."

Nian Tong nodded, but suddenly hooked his neck and kissed him hard on the lips before letting go.

(End of this chapter)

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