Chapter 244

As the morning sun shone in, Nian Tong vaguely heard Gu Junyao's voice calling her, so he couldn't help but open his eyes.

Gu Junyao stood by the bed in a suit, straightening his collar with both hands. Seeing her open her eyes, she said, "It's time to get up, little lazy pig. I've finished breakfast."

Nian Tong hugged the soft quilt and arched on the bed, blinking her eyes and looking up at the man who looked more imposing from her perspective, she had no intention of getting up at all.

Gu Junyao straightened his collar and saw that she hadn't moved, so he raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It's 10 minutes to eight."

Nian Tong went blank for a second, then exclaimed, and immediately got up from the bed.

"Why did you wake me up like that? I'm going to be late, you pack breakfast for me, and I'll eat it in the car." She rushed to the closet to open it, and frantically flipped through the clothes that she would wear when she went out. Clothes, then hurried to the bathroom to freshen up.

Gu Junyao rubbed his forehead and smiled lightly, shook his head and walked out of the bedroom.

When Nian Tong came out of the bedroom, Gu Junyao didn't pack breakfast for her.

"Come and eat before leaving. I'll take you to the hospital."

Nian Tong glanced at the time, a little depressed: "It's already eight o'clock, even if you send me there, you will be late."

Gu Junyao glanced at her, and said in a calm tone, "I'll just give your dean a call."

Nian Tong's eyelids twitched, but he obediently walked over and sat down beside him.

"You always use your privilege to open the back door for me. If other colleagues find out, it's not good."

"You are my wife, so what if you know?"

Nian Tong curled her lips, but her chest felt warm and sweet.

"Tongtong, I remember you hate hospitals." Gu Junyao suddenly said.

Nian Tong blinked, not understanding why he said that suddenly.

"I mean if you don't like being in the hospital, don't force it. I said you can do whatever you like and I will always support you."

Nian Tong gasped in confusion, moved his body a little, put his small hand on Gu Junyao's forehead, moved it away after a while, then frowned and said, "I don't have a fever, why did you say something inexplicable early in the morning?"

Gu Junyao glanced at her, wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and finally said, "Aren't you envious of Siyu's versatility? Do you want to learn from her?"

"Isn't it? Are you serious?" Nian Tong was surprised, "I used to hate the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, but now I have adapted, and I have studied for so many years, and now it is an internship stage, how can I give up halfway?" Give up and give up?"

Gu Junyao looked at her and said nothing.

"Uncle Gu... I think you're a bit strange." Nian Tong drank warm milk, but stared at Gu Junyao intently, with scrutiny and inquiry in his eyes.

He's never been the kind of man who likes to talk nonsense. If he brought up this topic for no reason today, there must be something wrong.

"Is there something you're hiding from me?"

Gu Junyao didn't answer her, and handed over the clean tissue in his hand, but Nian Tong didn't pick it up, but just stared at him with provocative eyes.

He smiled indulgently, leaned over and put the paper towel on the corner of her mouth, and wiped away the milk stains that spread to the corner of her mouth, with extremely gentle movements.

Nian Tong enjoyed his caring care, took another sip of milk on purpose to let the milk stain flow down the corner of his mouth, and then looked at the man with raised brows and smiled complacently.

And how could Gu Junyao fail to see that she did it on purpose?

"Little thing." He murmured, grabbed her chin with one hand and raised it, leaned over to kiss her lips precisely, and sucked the milk from her mouth and mouth little by little before letting go. open.

Nian Tong didn't expect that he would wipe the corners of her mouth with his lips instead of paper, and suddenly felt his face was burning hot, and his head drooped so that he didn't dare to look up at those black eyes stained with a narrow smile.

Gu Junyao rubbed her hair, smiled and said, "Let's go, or you're really going to be late."

Gu Junyao sent Nian Tong to the hospital, watched her walk in, but did not leave immediately.

He picked up the mobile phone on the glove box and made a call. After a while, a figure trotted out from the hospital. After looking around for a week, his eyes lit up, and he walked towards his car with a flattering smile on his face.

"Mr. Gu, this is what you asked for. I have also destroyed the other records. Don't worry." The visitor walked to the driver's seat of the car and handed in a document through the half-lowered car window.

Gu Junyao took it, glanced roughly and threw the document on the passenger seat, then started the car and left.

****************************************split line******** *******************************
At noon, in the staff restaurant of the hospital, Nian Tong ate the curry chicken rice in front of him without any appetite.

"You don't have much appetite, isn't curry chicken rice delicious?"

A voice came from above her head, and before she could raise her eyes, a figure sat down on the empty seat opposite her.

It was Liang Bing.

Since leaving the vascular department, the two have occasionally met in the hospital cafeteria.

"Your rice with braised pork ribs looks good." She pretended to look very eager to eat and looked at the meal he had just bought.

Liang Bing smiled, and generously put the plate in front of her: "Since you like it, I'll buy another one."

Seeing that he was serious, Nian Tong quickly stopped him: "I'm just joking, although it looks delicious, I really don't have much appetite."

"What's wrong?" Liang Bing asked.

Nian Tong shook her head, but raised her hand to cover her mouth and yawned.

"Why didn't you sleep well at night? You look sleepy."

"I don't know what's wrong. I have enough sleep, but I always feel that I don't get enough sleep, and I can't get up in the morning." Every day, Gu Junyao wakes up early and makes breakfast before waking her up.

"Then why don't you check your body? Anyway, it's very convenient to work in the hospital."

an examination?
Nian Tong was taken aback, then knocked herself on the head—she even forgot to go to Dr. Yao to get the examination report.

(End of this chapter)

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