Chapter 245

"Tongtong, there are no dry bath towels, pass me one in."

Gu Junyao's voice came from the bathroom.

Nian Tong sat on the bed blankly with an ugly expression, holding the piece of paper that he took out from Gu Junyao's coat pocket, and when he heard Gu Junyao calling her, he mechanically went to the closet and took a clean bath towel away to the bathroom door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Gu Junyao opened the bathroom door, and when he reached out to take the bath towel, his black eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of Nian Tong's face, his handsome face was stunned, he didn't care to wipe his dripping body, and put the bath towel on Tie it around your waist and stride out.

"What's wrong with you?" He grabbed her shoulder, looked down, and saw that she was holding the piece of paper in her hand, and frowned suddenly.

If I knew it earlier, I should have torn up the corpses and wiped out the traces.

"Tongtong, listen to me..."

"Why is my inspection report in your hand?" Nian Tong interrupted him, his voice was flat and almost undulating.

Gu Junyao stared at her silently.

He knew she had a lot of questions to ask him now.The more depressed she was, the more calm she appeared, but the more agitated her emotions became, it was difficult to control.

"I just told you last night that I had a physical examination more than a month ago, and I forgot to take the examination report. But when I went to pick it up today, I was told that the doctor was on annual leave, and there was nothing in their medical records. Without me. I thought it was strange at the time, but now that I think about it, everything should have been arranged by you."

Nian Tong looked at him calmly, and continued: "You sent me to the hospital in the morning, but the main purpose is actually to get this examination report, right?"

Gu Junyao remained silent, neither denying nor admitting.

"Speak up!" His silence forced Nian Tong to raise his voice involuntarily, "Why did you take my inspection report before me? Do you know something?"

Gu Junyao sighed, spread his arms and embraced the out-of-control person, stroked her back lightly with his wide palms, and comforted her: "Tongtong, no matter what happens, you have me, so... "

"So I don't even know what disease I have?" Nian Tong interrupted him again, broke away from his embrace, and raised the puncture examination report in Yanggao's hand: "The examination results showed that the bone marrow image was normal, but you After taking so much trouble to get it, you must know what disease I have, right?"

Gu Junyao looked at her, caressed her tender cheeks with warm palms, and his eyes were doting and gentle.

"Tongtong, do you believe me?"

Nian Tong bit her lip and nodded.

"Since you trust me, don't ask about this matter again. As long as you know, I won't harm you."

"But I've already found out, how could I resist ignoring it?" Nian Tong smiled wryly, his eyes were sour, and his vision soon became blurred.

"Uncle Gu, I know you love me, and everything you do for me is for my own good. But don't treat me like a child. I'm not Xiaoxi, I have the right to know my own affairs, you said no You're going to lie to me, right?"

"I mean I won't lie to you, but it's okay not to answer."

"Then you think I can't know if you don't answer? You forgot that I am in the hospital myself, and it is easy to do a full set of physical examinations?"

Gu Junyao was suffocated by her rebuttal, unable to answer for a while.

Indeed, if she was determined to know, how could he keep it from her.

It used to be because she didn't know and would not go for a full set of physical examinations for no reason.And now...

"Uncle Gu, I beg you, can you tell me?" She sniffed and hugged him back, rubbing against his chest mournfully and begging.

Gu Junyao closed his eyes, nodded and said slowly: "You have a rare recessive aplastic anemia."

Like a bolt from the blue, Nian Tong was dumbfounded.

"Anemia?" She smirked twice, feeling unbelievable: "How is it possible? When I was young, I was only a little weak, but after my physical constitution changed, nothing happened every time I checked. This time, the blood and bone marrow were also normal. Why? Possibly anemic?"

"The doctor said that you were acquired. You used too much medicine when you were a child, and it was messy, so this kind of anemia was caused."

"How do you know?" Nian Tong was suspicious, "I haven't had a physical examination in front of you since I met you."

"On the second day after you directed and acted the kidnapping, you went to the branch office to find me, and then got caught in the rain on the side of the road, and had a high fever that night. It was that time that your blood was abnormal, and after further examination, it was determined that you had a A rare recessive aplastic anemia."

The second day after self-directed and self-acted kidnapping?
Scenes of scenes appeared in Nian Tong's mind, but he only remembered that time when Gu Junyao guarded her all night, and he didn't remember some of the details.

"You didn't find it in the blood test before, because the symptoms of this kind of anemia are not obvious. It can only be detected when there is a high fever or bleeding."

Rare recessive aplastic anemia?

Nian Tong himself is a medical student, but he has never heard of this disease.

"What's the difference between this kind of anemia and ordinary anemia? Will it cause death?" She gripped his arm uneasily, her body couldn't help trembling.

Gu Junyao hugged her tightly, twirled her chin against her hair and comforted her: "Although this kind of anemia is rare, it's not a difficult disease. Don't worry, I won't let you get into trouble."

Isn't it a problem?

Then why are you so nervous to let her know?
Nian Tong knew that he was comforting himself, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "General anemia is already a headache, let alone it is rare for me, how could I not worry?"

"The doctor said that as long as you take good care of your body, don't have a high fever, and don't do things that make your condition worse, the symptoms of anemia will not appear."

"And what things can make things worse?"

Gu Junyao looked at her, and said after a while, "For example, she is pregnant."

Nian Tong was shocked again, only a buzzing sound remained in her ears.

She suddenly understood why Gu Junyao had been taking birth control pills, because she knew that her disease was not suitable for pregnancy.

And being unable to conceive doesn't mean that she won't be able to be a mother in her life?

(End of this chapter)

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