Chapter 246

At the dinner table, Gu Junyao looked at the person opposite who had a surprisingly good appetite, and found that the little thing seemed to have gained a little weight recently.The original sharp chin was slightly rounded, and there was a little more flesh on the body.

This change originally made him happy, but for some reason, he felt unspeakable uneasiness in his heart.

"Tongtong, have you noticed any changes in yourself recently?" He said casually.

Nian Tong was drinking the soup beautifully. Hearing his question, he turned his bright eyes and blinked: "What change?"

"Haven't you noticed that you've gained weight?"

"Is there?" Nian Tong squeezed his face, hehe smiled: "It seems to be a little fatter. What, think I'm fat? Why do you keep saying that I'm thin? Is it right for you to be fat now? ?”

Gu Junyao looked at her with deep black eyes.

"Tongtong, do you have anything to say to me?"

Nian Tong was startled, and raised the bowl in his hand a little bit, pretending to concentrate on drinking the soup, trying to cover the two sharp eyes with the bowl.

Gu Junyao frowned slightly, and continued: "You have been too wrong these days, I hope it's not what I thought, you did something behind my back."

Nian Tong was inexplicably nervous by him, and almost choked on a mouthful of soup.

Gu Junyao sighed inaudibly, got up and walked over, took out a tissue to wipe the corners of her mouth, but still stared at her keenly.

"Why don't you talk? Tongtong, I'm waiting for you to answer my question just now." Sensing her trembling, Gu Junyao's face darkened slightly.

"There's nothing wrong with me... isn't it just a little fatter?" Nian Tong covered his face with his hands, "If you don't like it, then I'll work hard to lose weight."

"That's not what I want to hear."

Nian Tong let go of her hand, turned her head and said helplessly, "Then what do you want to hear?"

"Are you sure you have nothing to say?"

Nian Tong was silent.

Seeing this, Gu Junyao grabbed her wrist.

"Let's go to the hospital."

Nian Tong was startled, and hurriedly grabbed him with his backhand, and said anxiously, "What are you going to the hospital for?"

"What are you going to do?" Gu Junyao looked at her with a stern face, and his eyes fell on her abdomen, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Nian Tong turned pale, and turned sideways trying to avoid his gaze, but she didn't know that this deceitful act made Gu Junyao more sure of what she had done.

"Girl, you are really getting bolder and bolder." Gu Junyao's tone was soft, but mixed with anger that shocked Nian Tong.

She shrugged her shoulders, her face was pale and she didn't dare to look at him.

"Give you three seconds to see if you want to confess yourself or I will take you to the hospital for examination?"

"No!" Nian Tong broke free from his hand and ran back to the bedroom.

Gu Junyao followed with a sullen face, only to find that the bedroom door was locked from the inside by the little thing.

He stood at the door, with his palms on his forehead, took a deep breath to calm the churning emotions in his chest, and knocked on the door lightly: "Tongtong, open the door, let's have a good talk."

"No! You are so fierce!" Nian Tong hid in the bed and hugged the quilt and replied to him in a muffled voice.

Such an accusation made Gu Junyao dumbfounded, but his tone softened: "Okay, I'm not fierce, you are good, come and open the door."

There was silence for a moment, and then the sound of small footsteps was heard.

He heaved a sigh of relief, and watched the door open little by little, revealing his pale face, and the little thing looked at him timidly, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Uncle Gu, can you forgive me if I confess?" Nian Tong thought for a while, and felt that she couldn't hide it anyway, so she simply confessed to him.

Gu Junyao tried hard to restrain his emotions, staring at her belly with black eyes: "Are you pregnant?"

Nian Tong tightened the doorknob, nodded slowly, and immediately caught a glimpse of a cluster of fireworks in the two-way cold black eyes.

"I have been taking contraceptive measures, how did you get pregnant?" Although Gu Junyao tried his best to control his emotions, his face was never gloomy.

"I... replaced the contraceptive pill you took with folic acid, which is helpful for pregnancy..." Because the two medicines are yellow transparent pills with similar color and size, Gu Junyao couldn't detect it.


Gu Junyao's heart sank, he clenched his fists unconsciously, and walked in away from her.

Niantong followed behind tremblingly like a little daughter-in-law. Seeing Gu Junyao sitting down by the bed, his face was extremely ugly, and he didn't dare to act like a baby anymore. Even more annoyed, but I can't get angry, and I can't bear to scold.

"How many months?" he asked after a long time.

Nian Tong compared two fingers, stretched out another finger and bent it in half: "Two and a half months, ten weeks."

Hearing this, the blue veins on Gu Junyao's forehead couldn't help but twitch.

No wonder she felt a little fatter, and even grew some flesh on her body. It turned out that she was more than two months pregnant.

And he has been kept in the dark.

Most importantly - they did it intensely the night before!

She is a medical student, does she have any basic common sense?Don't you know that too intense sex can cause miscarriage?

"Have you been planning to conceive since the day you knew what your body was like?" he asked.Thinking back to the beginning of the period, she got up early and went to bed early to exercise every day. She was probably preparing for pregnancy.

Nian Tong nodded in agreement.

"Why didn't you listen to me? Didn't you say that your body is not suitable for pregnancy?"

Nian Tong bit her lips, "I know, but I really want a child who looks like you or me..."

"So you're not going to kill yourself just to have a child?" Gu Junyao interrupted her, the anger that was finally suppressed rolled in her chest again.

"But I'm fine now. I'm very careful every day, and I have regular prenatal checkups. The doctor said I don't have to worry about it."

"Dr. Mu said it himself?" Gu Junyao's mouth curled up with a trace of anger, and he stood up suddenly and grabbed her hand, "Go to the hospital and take the child away while your body is still strong."

Nian Tong was shocked suddenly, and raised her eyes in astonishment: "What did you say?"

Gu Junyao turned his eyes away and forced himself to be ruthless.

"I'm doing it for your own good. Your body doesn't allow you to get pregnant. No problem now doesn't mean it will be safe in the next few months. So I can only get rid of the child."

(End of this chapter)

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