Chapter 248

When Gu Junyao walked out of the bedroom, he immediately smelled a strong aroma of coffee.

"Breakfast is just ready, hurry up and eat it while it's hot, and your coffee." Nian Tong called him from the dining table.

He walked over and looked at Nian Tong's calm face as if nothing had happened, feeling a little suspicious in his heart.

"Why don't you eat it? Are you afraid that I will drug you?" Nian Tong said jokingly, then sat down, took a piece of bread and dipped it in butter sauce to eat.

Gu Junyao didn't return to her and sat down beside her.

"Uncle Gu, after much deliberation, I think what you said last night was really correct." Nian Tong took a sip of milk, turned to look at him, and the corners of his mouth twitched in self-mockery: "I have always only asked you for it, But I never thought about you, it's really damn selfish."

Gu Junyao held the slightly hot coffee cup without saying a word, and heard her continue: "You always protect me very well, you always think about me, you take good care of me, and you are so considerate that everyone can Envious and jealous. But do you know that sometimes I don't want you to protect me like a child. "

"So? What do you want to say?" Gu Junyao took a sip of coffee, and the bitter taste immediately swept through the taste buds and spread down the esophagus.

He frowned, and for the first time felt that the coffee was so bitter that he couldn't bear it.

Nian Tong smiled and shook her head: "I don't want to say anything, I just want to tell you that I love you very much. Although my love for you only brings you pressure and trouble, I really love you."

The answer was completely wrong, but Gu Junyao heard the meaning behind her words, and raised her thick eyebrows immediately, "Do you regret that you promised me to kill the child last night?"

Nian Tong was taken aback for a moment, his expression was a little flustered, but he didn't make a sound, and gnawed on the bread.

Gu Junyao stared at her for a long time, took a long time to look away, and drank all the remaining coffee in one go.

"Let's go." In order to avoid long nights and dreams, he planned to make a quick decision.

Nian Tong's face turned pale, and he grabbed the hem of the coat tightly with one hand and remained silent.

Seeing this, Gu Junyao got up and wanted to pull her, but suddenly felt dizzy in the brain, and even his vision was a little blurred.

He was startled, and stared at Nian Tong in disbelief, "Did you drug the coffee?"

Nian Tong still lowered his head and said nothing.

Gu Junyao was so angry at her calculation again that the blue veins on her forehead were throbbing. With one hand, she propped up the edge of the table to support her swaying body, and with the other hand, she grabbed Niantong's wrist and pulled her up roughly, gnashing her teeth: "Mu Niantong, I told you I hate being calculated! You just forgot what you said so quickly?"

He let go of her hand to lift her chin, only to realize that the little bloodless face was covered with painful tears.

"I'm sorry..." Nian Tong closed her eyes and apologized, "I really don't want to lose this child..."

"So you'd rather lose me?"

Nian Tong suddenly opened his eyes, shook his head and denied: "No! I just hope to give birth to the child, and then—"

"There is no after!" Gu Junyao couldn't help growling, and was so angry with her stubbornness that she wished she could strangle her to death, "Last time you plotted me into secretly getting pregnant, this time I want to leave alone, you treat me as me What is it? I tell you, this time you leave, don't come back!"

Nian Tong was deeply shocked, but immediately shook his head: "Don't say that, you won't want me, I know you just did this in a fit of anger, when the time comes..."

"Can you come back by then?!"

"Yes, I promise that I will bring our baby back to you safely when the time comes."

"But I don't care about it!" The feeling of dizziness became more and more intense. He knocked on his head hard, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and tried hard to see the numbers on the keyboard to make a call, but the mobile phone was blocked by Nian Tong. Grab it.

His eyes were tearing apart, and he roared angrily: "Bring it!"

She shook her head and stepped back: "I'm sorry..."

Gu Junyao was furious, but it accelerated the volatilization of the medicine, and his vision was so blurred that he couldn't see the teary face in front of him that was full of pleading and pain.

"go away!"

As if exhausting all his strength to spit out these two words, Wei An's figure slowly softened.

"Uncle Gu..." Nian Tong rushed over to support his body, let him lean on his body, tears fell wildly on the handsome face that had closed his eyes tightly, and his heart ached so hard .

She really didn't feel complacent, so she took advantage of his habit of drinking coffee every morning, and added the Valium tablets she had prescribed from the hospital a while ago due to poor sleep quality.

She knew that if he didn't do this, he would never change his decision to let her kill the child.

"Uncle Gu..." She hugged his head and kissed his brows and eyes, crying uncontrollably.

"Don't hate me...I'll come back..." She kissed his lips again and again reluctantly, and finally got up and went back to her room to get her passport and some simple luggage, and then left.

****************************************split line******** *******************************
It was noon when Gu Junyao woke up.

The feeling of dizziness still remained in his brain, but he stood up at once, glanced at the breakfast on the dining table and his exclusive coffee cup, and all the memories returned to his brain.

That girl, how dare she do this!

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling a tightness on his face, he stroked his cheek unconsciously, and then he was stunned, knowing that it should be the trace left by the dry tears of the little thing on his face.

Thinking of the little face covered with painful tears before he fainted, he couldn't help but feel a little pain in his heart.

He picked up his mobile phone from the dining table to call Nian Tong, and went back to his room at the same time.

After a while, there was a voice on the other end of the phone to remind the user that the phone had been turned off, and he opened the drawer where Nian Tong usually put his passport, and found that her passport and the credit card he usually used for her consumption were missing.

He dialed Qi Xin's phone with a gloomy face: "Give me the flight records to the United States and the United Kingdom immediately, Tongtong is missing."

(End of this chapter)

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