Chapter 249

Soon, there was news of Nian Tong from Qi Xin.

Gu Junyao rushed over immediately.

When Qi Xin saw him, she asked, "Why did she go to New York without a word? Did you quarrel?"

New York?

That was her little aunt, Ye Lanshan, who went to join her.

With a sullen face, Gu Junyao briefly explained the reason for the incident, then called Mu Yunan and asked for Ye Lanshan's address and contact number.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yu'an didn't know about it at all.

"My dad should know that he had contact with Tongtong's little aunt before."

Hearing what Mu Yu'an said, Gu Junyao went to find Mu Qifeng again, who found out the business card and contact number that Ye Lanshan had given him, and said in surprise: "Tongtong should know her aunt's phone number, you..."

"She went to New York."

"To New York?" Mu Qifeng frowned, "Junyao, Tongtong is the most reluctant to leave you, why did he suddenly go to New York without you knowing?"

Gu Junyao looked at him, "Tongtong suffers from a rare recessive aplastic anemia, which is not suitable for pregnancy at all, so I kept it from her. But she calculated that I was pregnant secretly, and I forced her to go to the hospital Get rid of the child. She didn't want to, so she stunned me this morning and ran to New York."

"Regenerative anemia?" Mu Qifeng turned pale. "How could it be? Neither her mother nor I have this disease. How could she have it?"

"Her disease was acquired, and it was caused by excessive medication when she was weak."

Mu Qifeng knew that her daughter had always been in poor health due to premature birth when she was a child, and she had to go to the hospital for a long time every three days.

"Then what should we do now? She has never been to her little aunt's house, and she is pregnant." Mu Qifeng was anxious, "I will contact her little aunt first and ask her to hold Tongtong, and then I will Go and bring her back."

"No, I have a branch in New York, I will arrange it." Gu Junyao said and walked out the door.

Mu Qifeng called to stop him: "Junyao, is there no way to cure Tongtong's illness?"

"Her type is recessive, and it is different from general aplastic anemia. When she is in good health, no symptoms of this disease can be detected at all, so as long as you avoid behaviors that aggravate her condition and destroy her health, you can Guaranteed to be okay."

Hearing what he said, Mu Qifeng finally understood why Gu Junyao insisted on asking his daughter to get rid of the child.

This man will not allow anything that threatens his daughter's life to happen.

***************************************split line********* *******************************
The wait is always long.

Gu Junyao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, looking at the bright neon lights outside the window, his flickering handsome face was obscured by the neon lights.

No news from New York yet.

I went to Ye Lanshan's residence and company, and they said that Ye Lanshan and her husband went to Dubai.

He wasn't sure if Ye Lanshan really went to Dubai with her husband. After all, Little Things must have contacted Ye Lanshan before deciding to go to New York. Otherwise, she was unfamiliar with New York and was pregnant. If Ye Lanshan wasn't here, then what should she do
Annoyed, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket and lit one, the spark between his fingers flickered, and the white smoke that appeared immediately blurred his vague expression.

Even threatening her not to come back after leaving, she was so courageous that she dared to run away from him according to the original plan, relying on him to pamper her and indulge her in everything.

At this moment, he regretted that he spoiled her to the point of lawlessness, that's why she dared to act so boldly and do things that annoyed him.

The mobile phone on the table vibrated, and he was startled. He strode towards the desk and put the cigarette in the ashtray. He couldn't wait to answer the call without even looking at the caller ID.


"Yunyao, it's me." Leng Siyu's soft voice came from the other end of the phone.

He inadvertently frowned, "Is there something wrong?"

"are you OK?"

Gu Junyao rubbed his forehead and sat down on the soft chair, and said with a wry smile silently: "What is the definition of okay? What do you think I will do?"

"Tongtong hasn't contacted me in this period of time. I don't know that she has such a plan secretly."

"She can't even hide it from me, so how would you know?"

"Any news about her?"


"Then there is news about her, you tell me."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, he took out his wallet and looked at the pretty face with a sweet smile inside, feeling bitter in his heart.

In fact, he had already replaced the original photo of him and Du Zixin with a photo of him and Little Things, after she mentioned it that time.It's just that she never checked his wallet, so she didn't notice it.

She never knew that any request she made to him, as long as he could do it, he would never refuse.

In the early hours of the morning, he finally received a call from New York, but the content disappointed him greatly.

"Mr. Gu, we have contacted Ms. Ye Lanshan and her husband, and confirmed that they are indeed in Dubai. And she said that she did not receive a call from Mrs. Gu who wanted to come to New York to find her, and asked us what happened, listen The tone should also seem to be ignorant."

If you didn't go to New York to find Ye Lanshan, who else could it be?
Thinking of the little thing being helpless in New York, Gu Junyao regretted his carelessness.

Obviously aware that something is wrong, but still not defending her, it will make her plan succeed.

While he had someone go to Dubai to follow Ye Lanshan to see if she helped to lie to him, he paid attention to the credit card swiping information that was taken away by the little things.

He guessed that the little thing didn't have much cash on him, and as soon as the cash was used up, he would definitely use his credit card, and then he would be able to confirm the country she was in.

It's just that after a week, not only Ye Lanshan couldn't get in touch with Niantong, but even the credit card side didn't move at all.

A living person suddenly evaporates without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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