Chapter 251

Although he had no appetite, when passing by a seafood shop, Gu Junyao still involuntarily stopped the car, walked to the large glass cabinet of the seafood shop and stood there to watch.

Xiaodongxi loves seafood the most. Almost every time she takes her to a restaurant for dinner, she will inevitably order two seafood dishes.

"Boss, give me four hairy crabs and a box of salmon."

A male voice sounded next to his ear.

Because it sounded familiar, Gu Junyao subconsciously glanced at it, and the other party happened to look over too, and both of them were stunned at the same time.

"Brother Lu Heng, do you know each other?"

Lu Heng withdrew his dazed gaze, and unnaturally said to the young girl beside him, "Liu Liu, I'll give you the wallet and you can pay the boss."

The girl named Liu Liu glanced at Gu Junyao again, nodded and took the wallet handed over by Lu Heng, and walked in behind the owner of the seafood shop.

"She is the daughter of an uncle of mine." Lu Heng suddenly explained.

Gu Junyao twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"I saw the news that you and Xiao Ye Shenming divorced on the TV station, so I'm curious what are you playing? Why did you suddenly make such a show?"

Gu Junyao remained silent, but stared at Lu Heng with probing and examining eyes, as if to peep into his true inner thoughts.

From Lu Heng's tone and eyes, and the angry look when he questioned him, he judged that Lu Heng should not be aware of the conflict between him and the little thing, so it is impossible for him to hide the little thing.

That being the case, he has nothing to talk to him about.

He turned and walked to his car.

"Gu Junyao, what do you think Xiaoye is yours?" Lu Heng called to him and asked in a bad tone.

Gu Junyao didn't even look back.

Lu Heng's jaw clenched and he strode to catch up.

"I know that you have been looking for her since you announced that you were going to divorce Xiaoye, but her phone has been shut down. What happened to you? Where is Xiaoye now?"

In front of the car, Gu Junyao finally stopped. He turned his head and looked at Lu Heng, who looked a little annoyed, and said coldly, "Mr. Lu, no matter what happens between me and her, it has nothing to do with you." .Because you are neither her family nor her lover."

Lu Heng suffocated, his handsome face flashed with embarrassment.

"The girl just now is nice. I can see that she likes you. You should grasp her or other women, not other people's wives."

Gu Junyao spoke so directly, leaving no leeway for Lu Heng. He originally wanted to continue asking him about Nian Tong's whereabouts, but he couldn't open his mouth at all.

"Brother Lu Heng!"

A crisp female voice came from the door of the seafood shop.

Lu Heng was in a trance for a moment, and when he raised his eyes, it seemed that the charming smile with crooked eyebrows caught his eyes.

He shook his head vigorously, and then looked intently. Sure enough, it was just his illusion.

Brother Lu Heng.

Such a title was a curse to him.

Seeing him looking at the girl who raised her hand at him, Gu Junyao's face became more and more gloomy, and he probably guessed what he was thinking, a look of displeasure appeared in his heart, his face sank, he opened the car door, got in and walked away.

****************************************split line******** *********************************
"Mom, where are my classmates?"

When Chen Siya returned home, she couldn't see Nian Tong in the living room, so she immediately ran to the kitchen to ask her busy mother.

"Oh, she said just now that her chest was tight, I asked her to go back to her room and lie down for a while."

"A little stuffy in the chest?" Chen Siya's face turned pale, "Then why didn't you call me and tell me?"

"She said it's okay, just rest for a while." Mother Chen turned her head and saw her daughter turned pale, and said in surprise, "Why do you have such an ugly face? Pregnancy is hard work, and there will always be times of discomfort during such a long pregnancy." , you don't have to worry."

"Oh, you don't know." She stuffed some supplements she bought for Nian Tong into her mother's arms, turned around and left the kitchen, and went straight to Nian Tong's bedroom.

Hearing the sound of hurried footsteps, Nian Tong who had just fallen asleep opened his eyes, and then saw Chen Siya pushing the door and walking in.

Seeing this, she wanted to sit up, but Chen Siya hurriedly stopped her: "I heard from my mother that your chest is a little stuffy, how do you feel now? What's wrong with you? Don't hide it from me."

Nian Tong forced a smile, his complexion was a little pale.

"The information says that my disease will get worse as the months of pregnancy increase. It's almost five months now, and there should be a little reaction. But other than chest tightness, everything else is fine, so you don't have to worry."

"How could I not be worried?" Chen Siya was burning with anxiety, "You have been like this for less than five months, what will you do after that? I think you still..."

"No, Siya!" Nian Tong interrupted her urgently, "I have survived for more than two months, you can't regret sending me back now, I'm fine, don't worry, I can make our mother and child safe .”

"But do you know..." Chen Siya wanted to say something, but stopped, with a very embarrassed expression.

"what do you know?"

She knew that Chen Siya was straightforward, and it was difficult to keep a secret in her heart.If she hadn't threatened her with her life to hide at her house this time, Chen Siya would have called Gu Junyao to report it long ago.

Sure enough, seeing her questioning, Chen Siya couldn't help but said: "Didn't you watch the news? Your husband announced the divorce from you on major TV stations. I think he was angry with you this time, so he made this decision." Such a move."

Declare a divorce?

Nian Tong's chest felt cold, and suddenly felt a coldness spread to his chest, it was so cold to the bone.

"I guess he's serious this time. You have to think about whether you want to keep the child, or contact him honestly and ask him to pick you up."

Nian Tong froze.

Why is there always so many multiple-choice questions in her life that make it difficult for her to choose?
At the beginning, she chose to keep the child in her belly and leave him because he would not want her, but now that he publicly announced that he wanted to divorce her, can she continue to stick to her original choice of wanting the child instead of him?
(End of this chapter)

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