Chapter 252

"You still let him pick you up?"

After dinner, while walking in her yard, Chen Siya suddenly said.

Nian Tong's body shook, but she didn't know how to answer.

Because she didn't know what to do to get the best of both worlds, keeping the baby without losing Gu Junyao.

After finally getting the baby into shape, she will have her and his child in a few months. She really doesn't want to give up and lose.

"You're almost five months pregnant, and he won't force you to get rid of the child." Chen Siya glanced at her sideways, and said, "You've been away for so long, don't you think he's not here without your news?" How did you get here during this period of time? I think he must be suffering."

Nian Tong smiled wryly.

How could she not have thought about it?So what if you just think about it?But the more I think about it, the more pain and distress I feel in my heart, and I feel so distressed that I want to go back to him immediately.

But she can't.

"I'm serious, Niantong. Don't torture yourself or him. In your case, you should go back to him quickly and receive the most complete medical care. This is the best for you and the baby. the best choice."

"Siya, I have checked that it will take six months after I am pregnant with this disease. After the inspection, there are no major problems to ensure the baby's survival rate of 70.00%. So no matter what, I have to go through these days to ensure the safety of the baby. .”

"Are you still worried that he will let you take the child when you go back now?"

Nian Tong was silent for a while, then nodded.

Although she is almost five months pregnant, she looks like she is only three months pregnant because of poor nutrition absorption. pregnant women.

Because the fetus is small, it is completely possible to remove the child.

She was worried that if she contacted Gu Junyao now, the ending would still be the same as before.

"But now with the increase of pregnancy months, your body load has increased. I'm worried about you..."

"No, I won't let my baby and I have an accident." Nian Tong interrupted her, not knowing whether to comfort her or himself, repeating this sentence again and again.

Chen Siya sighed and said nothing more.

Another week passed in the blink of an eye.

"You wait for me here, I'll go back to the department and take a leave of absence to send you back. Don't run around, lest you lose your tire gas." On the corridor of the hospital hall, Chen Siya helped Nian Tong to sit down on a bench beside her, Then said.

Nian Tong twitched the corners of his mouth, he couldn't laugh or cry because of Chen Siya's tone as if telling a child.

"Don't worry, I will sit here obediently and wait for you to come back."

Chen Siya nodded, handed her the prenatal examination report in her hand, and strode towards the elevator entrance.

Pregnancy has entered 21 weeks, and during this half month, the speed of fetal development is astonishingly fast.The abdomen, which was not very obvious at first, bulged up like a balloon in the past half month.

She lowered her head and caressed her abdomen, with maternal tenderness on her lips.

Baby, you have to stay well until the day you are born, then mother will be able to take you back to father with confidence, and the family will never be separated again.

She whispered to the fetus in her womb, and didn't care about the crowds coming and going in the hall, until a pair of shiny black Italian handmade luxury leather shoes appeared in her vision.

Her heart trembled, her gaze was fixed on the dazzling pair of leather shoes, she almost held her breath and looked up a little bit along the light gray straight trousers.

A suit jacket of the same color, a white shirt, a blue and white striped tie, a slender and elegant neck, and a tight jaw——she breathed a sigh of relief.

Not Gu Junyao.

Although she only saw the man's jaw, she was sure that the man in front of her was not Gu Junyao.

She raised her eyes in an instant, sharp and indifferent to the thoughtful black eyes of the person who came up.

"It's you?" Huo Yudong?

She frowned subconsciously, feeling flustered.

Yi Huotingdong's friendship with Gu Junyao, being discovered by him in City B is the same thing as being discovered by Gu Junyao.

"Is every woman as cruel as you, who leave as soon as they say they want to leave without leaving any news, which is cleaner than evaporating the world?" Huo Yudong said, his tone was cold and cold, and there seemed to be a trace of resentment.

Nian Tong was dumbfounded.

you?Besides her, who else was classified as a cruel woman like her by the man in front of him?

Could it be Cen Huan?

"Why don't you talk? Shouldn't you beg me not to tell Yunyao?"

Nian Tong looked at him, thoughts turned quickly in his mind, and he said after a while: "If I beg you, wouldn't you tell him?"

Huo Yudong snorted, as if smiling, "What do you think?"

Seeing that he looked at her as if laughing at her innocence, Nian Tong couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

It was really naive to want him to help her keep a secret.but--

"Mr. Huo, if you don't tell him, maybe I can provide you with some information that you really want to know."

Huo Yudong raised his eyebrows, stared at her quietly for a while before asking, "For example?"

"For example, the woman you mentioned is as cruel as me. All the things that happened to her this year, big and small, you can listen as carefully as you want."

Nian Tong wasn't sure if he was referring to Cen Huan, but he could only gamble.

And Huo Yudong looked at her, his face suddenly darkened, with a gloomy expression.

"Since it's a deal, let's talk in another place."

***************************************split line********* *******************************
It's been half a month since the divorce statement was released, but Gu Junyao still hasn't received any calls about Nian Tong.

He couldn't help wondering whether he had made a mistake in his judgment that the little thing was hiding in the country.Or maybe she didn't know about it at all, otherwise how could she be so calm?
Where did it go?Why are you so ruthless that you don't even give him any information?

He really hated the thought of that girl disappearing for three months.

There was a sudden vibration from the inner pocket of the jacket. He pulled out his mobile phone with concentration, his black eyes flicked across the screen flickering blue light in the dim room, he was slightly taken aback, and then connected the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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