Chapter 253

Following Huo Yudong to the open-air parking lot in front of the hospital, he opened the front passenger's door of a pure black Cadillac, then walked around to the driver's seat and got on the car.

Nian Tong hesitated for a while, then bent slightly to look at the man who had already sat in the car, and asked, "Where are we going?"

Huo Yudong looked over, "Do you think the hospital is a place to talk?"

"But I have a friend—"

"Call her now so that she doesn't have to wait for you." Huo Yudong interrupted her in a tone that was almost commanding, with no room for negotiation at all.

This point is exactly the same as Gu Junyao.

Or maybe, this is a common problem of so-called golden bachelors like them?

She pouted.Afraid that he would call and tell Gu Junyao immediately, so he had to compromise.

"I don't have a phone, so lend me yours." She got into the car and stretched out her hand to Huo Yudong. After a while, there was a beautiful and exquisite mobile phone in her palm.

When the phone was connected, Chen Siya heard that it was her, and immediately yelled, "Where have you been? Didn't I tell you not to run around? I was so anxious that I couldn't find you."

Seeing Chen Siya crying because she couldn't find her, Nian Tong felt guilty and apologized: "I'm sorry, Siya. I'm with a friend now. You don't need to ask for leave to send me back. He will send me back when I finish chatting with my friend."

"Your friend? Who is it?" Chen Siya still asked worriedly.

Nian Tong glanced at the expressionless man beside him, and then said: "You met, Cen Huan's uncle."

"President Huo of Huoshi?"


"What do you have to talk to him about?"

"Uh, something personal. Well, that's it. I'll call you when I get back."

After hanging up the phone, Nian Tong put Huo Yudong's mobile phone on top of the glove box, looked out of the window, and saw that the car was going in the direction of a high-end residential area in the center of the city, and said in surprise: "Mr. Huo, what are you going to do?" Where are you taking me?"

"my home."

"Your house?" Nian Tong was stunned, puzzled and said: "Why do you want to go to your house? Just find a coffee shop or a tea house and talk about it?"

Huo Yudong didn't return to her, and drove the car straight down and turned into a one-way street. After more than ten minutes, he drove the car into a garage in a high-end residential area, and then got out of the car and walked around to Nian Tong to open the door for her.

"Mr. Huo, it seems that you don't want to know the news about Huanhuan in recent years." Nian Tong said as soon as he got out of the car.

Huo Yudong glanced at her with strange eyes: "Did I say that I wanted to know about her?"

Nian Tong was suffocated by his rebuttal, seeing him locked the car and walking towards the elevator, it took him a while to regain his senses, followed slowly, and said to Huo Dong who was waiting for her at the elevator: "Actually, your heart is really cruel, right? Huanhuan has paid so much for you, but once she leaves, you never even think about her."

"What did she pay for me?" Huo Yudong asked her back, and then said: "She and I are nephews, how do you think an uncle should think of his niece?"

Nian Tong was speechless again.

Indeed, she forgot that Huanhuan and the man in front of her were uncles and nephews, not ordinary men and women.


She raised her head slightly to look at the man with gloomy expression, and sighed helplessly in her heart, thinking a little self-deprecatingly, she even handled her own affairs in a mess, so what right did she have to intervene in other people's feelings?
It's just that what I did in the past, I was not responsible at the time, but I always have to pay back in the future, no one can be spared.

Huodundong's residence is a standard three-bedroom apartment with a frighteningly large balcony.

The interior of the room is just simple decoration, even the furniture is pitifully sparse, and the furniture is still covered with a layer of light gray, obviously this is not the place where Huo Yudong lived for a long time.

Huo Yudong went into the kitchen to boil water, Nian Tong stood on the balcony for a while, then returned to the living room, cleaned up the corner of the sofa and sat down.

After Huo Yudong came out, Nian Tong asked straight to the point: "Have you told him that I'm with you?"

Huo Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "It's not that you are with me, but that I discovered you."

The implication is that he has indeed notified Gu Junyao.

Although Nian Tong had expected it, he couldn't help but turn pale.

"I didn't see who you called at all, how did you notify him?"

"Aside from calling, can't we secretly send text messages?" Huo Yudong glanced at her, and said again: "I will send a text message to my assistant and ask him to call Yunyao. I think Junyao should already be on the plane by now." gone."

Nian Tong froze, staring at Huo Yudong and gnashing his teeth, "I finally know why Huanhuan left you."

Huo Yudong's face remained unchanged, but his gaze turned cold.

"Because you are really hateful." He actually tricked her to come here, and secretly complained to Gu Junyao.

Huo Yudong seemed to guess what she was thinking, and said with her beautiful lips, "I only said to talk in another place, but I didn't promise to make a deal with you, isn't it a lie?"

Nian Tong stared at him, feeling tight in his chest.

"Yes, it's because I'm naive, I shouldn't trust others so easily."

Huo Yudong handed over a cup of slightly scalding boiling water, without saying anything.

In the silence, Nian Tong was half looking forward to half fearing.

Since they met Gu Junyao, the two had never been separated for such a long time.

She would dream of him almost every night, but in the dream he kept his back to her, as if he was angry with her and refused to forgive her repeated calculations, so he refused to see her even in his dreams.

But even so, she still longed to see him.

The result of seeing him is undoubtedly to be taken back by him.

Fortunately, the fetus has grown a lot in the past half month, and during the prenatal examination just now, the obstetrician and gynecologist had already said that even if her body showed a slight reaction, it is not suitable for another abortion, and only continue pregnancy.

So she was not afraid that he would be forced to kill the child again after seeing him, but she was afraid that he would hate her and would not forgive her.

(End of this chapter)

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