Chapter 254

The airport in city B was crowded with people, but it still couldn't conceal the proud appearance of the man with outstanding appearance standing out from the crowd in the dark crowd.


Zhan Luoxuan yelled at the tall and straight figure walking up the road, and then went up to meet him.

"The car is parked outside, here are the car keys."

Gu Junyao took it, and heard a female voice chirping in his ear, and glanced casually, and saw a group of young girls staring at him with their hands on their cheeks, pretending to be nympho, shouting something' so handsome, so good I want to grab home oh' and other words.

His eyelids twitched, and a certain image suddenly appeared in his mind-a crowded airport hall, a little thing in a pure white chiffon dress that was as dazzling as a fairy, looking at him obediently and saying, Uncle Gu.

At that time, Uncle Gu's voice was as soft as cotton, and those eyes that looked at him so moist that they seemed to seep water really touched his heartstrings, and he still remembers the trembling in his heart at that time. new.

"Boss?" Zhan Luoxuan called out hesitantly when he saw him staring at a group of girls who were infatuated with him.

Gu Junyao immediately returned to his senses, took the car keys, and strode out of the airport hall.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Nian Tong looked at the pile of nutritious food in front of her—the dinner that Huo Yudong specially asked Calm Rong Yuan to cook carefully for her was full of supplements such as the top-notch bird's nest.

But she couldn't arouse the slightest appetite.

Calculating the time, Gu Junyao should be arriving soon, so he became more and more nervous and apprehensive.

I don't know what was the first sentence he said after seeing her?
Did he look at her with resentment?

Or is it expressionless, because he has given up on her?

Shouldn't it?

She consoled herself.If he really gave up on her, he wouldn't rush to City B to look for her as soon as he heard about her.

"You don't eat anything, isn't it a waste of Yun Yao's heart?"

Huo Yudong came out of the study and saw that she hadn't touched the food in front of her, so she said.

Nian Tong was stunned for a moment, looked at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

"These are specially ordered by Yun Yao to my assistant to Rong Yuan. He said that you like Rong Yuan's taste."

Nian Tong's chest tightened, and his eyes were hot.

She hadn't been back to City B with him for a long time, and she mentioned that she liked Rong Yuan's taste a lot before they got married, but he never expected him to remember it.

"For the sake of his heart, you should eat a little bit, so that he won't be more angry when he sees it later. It's okay to be angry at you for not loving yourself, and angry at you for mistreating his child."

Nian Tong sniffed, picked up a small spoon to scoop up a spoonful of milk and bird's nest soup and put it in his mouth. He suddenly thought of something, but before he could speak, he heard Huo Yudong say again: "These tonics are all made by Yun Yao after consulting the woman. If you are an expert, you can eat it with confidence.”

Nian Tong was surprised that Huo Yudong knew what she was thinking, couldn't help but look at him, and suddenly asked, "Will you love your daughter very much in the future?"

Huo Yudong glanced at her and snorted, "Your words sound like I already have a daughter?"

Nian Tong was startled, and said, "I'm just asking hypothetically, if you had a daughter, would you love her very much?"

"I hate hypothetical questions the most." Who used to ask him over and over again, if they were uncle and nephew, would he love her, would he marry her, and have children.

"Maybe hypothetical questions will one day become reality?"

"But definitely not that I will have a daughter."

His extremely firm tone made Niantong sneer, "Don't you have a fiancée who has been dating for more than a year? What is her name, Duoyi? After that, you will always get married and have children. Why are you so sure that you will have a son instead of a son?" daughter?"

Huo Yudong frowned, and under the light, his profile made his nose straighter and firmer.

"You'd better worry about how you explain to him when Jun Yao is here." He said coldly, and then the doorbell rang outside the door.

Nian Tong's face changed instantly, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Huo Yudong glanced at her, went back to his room and took out his mobile phone.Then go to the door.

Nian Tong sat stiffly on the sofa in the living room, unable to move.

I heard the sound of the door opening and closing, and then the sound of footsteps getting closer.

But there was no sound of conversation.

Huo Yudong and Gu Junyao used the same 7411 cologne, so even though the footsteps were approaching, he was not sure whether the person standing behind him was Huo Yudong or the person she was waiting for.

It wasn't until she felt the fiery gaze of those two eyes behind her that she trembled and confirmed the identity of the person behind her.

He is finally here.

Taking a long breath, and taking a few deep breaths, suppressing the anxiety in her heart, she turned around——

I thought I was mentally prepared enough to face his resentful or expressionless eyes.But when their eyes met, they were forced to burst into tears by the emotions released from those terrifying eyes.

What kind of gaze is that?
Heartache, pain, longing...and hate...

Too many emotions were woven into an invisible net and cast towards her, enveloping her tightly so that she could no longer escape from him.

"Uncle Gu..."

With a trembling voice, she called him softly, and stretched out her arms anxiously to ask him for a long-lost hug.

Gu Junyao stared at her for a long time, as if he didn't see her arms still stiff in the air, he walked around the sofa and sat down opposite her.

Nian Tong's heart turned cold, and she became more and more panicked.

Silence struck the two of them.

A rectangular brown glass coffee table, like an insurmountable gully, blocks between the two.

Gu Junyao leaned slightly, clasped his hands on his lap, resting his fingers on his chin, and his scrutinizing eyes fell on the person opposite.

The face is thinner.

The chin, which was slightly rounded before, is now pointed and delicate, and the round collar can't hide the prominent collarbone.

Except for the round belly like a ball, he couldn't tell at all that she was pregnant for more than five months.

Other women will only get fat after pregnancy, why is it that she is the only one getting thinner?
He frowned, and there was a layer of haze between his brows.

(End of this chapter)

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