Chapter 255

Seeing that he didn't speak, Nian Tong's face became more and more gloomy, and he guessed in his heart that he really hated her, so hated that not only he didn't want to hug her, but he didn't even want to talk to her.

For the past three months, she has learned about him every day through TV or newspapers and magazines, and falls asleep chanting his name every night.

When he woke up, his brain was not fully awake yet, but his face had already appeared in his mind.

Although she has been avoiding him, there is not a day when she does not look forward to seeing him.

At this moment, she finally got her wish, but under his silence, she could only look at him anxiously, but she didn't dare to rush forward, acting like a spoiled child to him as usual.

After what seemed like a century, Gu Junyao finally took his eyes off her.

He glanced at the barely touched food on the coffee table, stood up abruptly, walked around the coffee table, sat down beside Nian Tong, took a sip of the spoon she had just been drinking milk and bird's nest soup, and handed it to her mouth.

Nian Tong was slightly stunned, but opened his mouth instinctively, staring at Gu Junyao, feeling sorry for the furrows between his brows, and subconsciously reached out to smooth them out for him.

It's just that he just stretched out his hand, and before it touched his forehead, he had already turned his head to avoid it.

Such an obvious refusal made Niantong feel embarrassed for a while, his hands froze in the air ridiculously.

He didn't even want to be touched by her.Since she was so disgusted, why did she still feed her?

She mechanically swallowed what Gu Junyao was feeding, and suddenly she didn't know what she had eaten, her throat convulsed, and her stomach suddenly surged up.

Her complexion changed suddenly, and she immediately covered her mouth and got up and ran to the bathroom.

Gu Junyao's hand holding the spoon and bowl tightened suddenly, and hearing the sound of violent vomiting from the bathroom, it seemed to be tearing his heart, and there were bursts of sharp pain.

He put down the bowl and spoon, got up and went to the bathroom, saw Nian Tong leaning on the wall of the bathroom with one hand, holding his stomach with the other, and vomited into the toilet.

Warm big hands covered the back and patted, the familiar breath mixed into his breath, Nian Tong was so sad that he wept.

He vomited everything he ate, Gu Junyao looked at her face so pale that there was no trace of blood, and a suppressed flame was burning in his deep eyes.

"Is this what you call taking good care of yourself?" He said, his deep voice clearly mixed with anger.

Nian Tong washed her hands, and the soreness from her waist when she straightened her body made her whole face tangled up.And this fueled the fire in Gu Junyao's heart even more.

"I'll take you to the hospital." He gestured to hug her.

Nian Tong stared wide-eyed when she heard the words, and said in panic, "No! Uncle Gu, I just felt nauseous just now, and I seldom vomit. Don't take me to the hospital, I'm fine."

"You're okay with this appearance?" Gu Junyao growled suppressedly, and the veins on his forehead trembled uncontrollably.

"I said it was an accident this time." Nian Tong held down her abdomen, explaining the vomiting just now.

"Accidents? How many times can your body withstand such accidents? I shouldn't have softened my heart and been deceived by your tears when I found out you were pregnant!" Before he met this girl, he never knew what regret was when he did things!

But the pale and thin person in front of him made him regret his soft heart that night.

After being tricked by her again, he realized that excessive pampering was not pampering for her, but rather fattened her courage and made her do what was right with him.

Hearing what he said, a guilty conscience flashed across Nian Tong's face.

"I'm sorry, I really had no choice but to do that. Because I know that if you don't do it, you won't allow me to give birth to the child. But the child is innocent. Since it already exists, why don't I give birth to him? I It can't be that cruel."

"So you would rather be cruel to me?" Gu Junyao asked her back, with a stern tone, "You did everything possible to provoke me, forcefully entered my world to let me accept you and get used to you! Have you ever thought that if something happens to you, then you What do you want me to do! How can you fulfill your promise and return to me safely!"

Nian Tong was shocked.

She knew that her leaving had caused him great harm, but she never thought that he was so afraid of losing her.

"At the beginning, I told you that your body is not suitable for pregnancy, but you refused to listen. Do you think you can give birth to the child safely with your enthusiasm? At the beginning, what I asked you to do was just an invisible If you force the embryo to develop into a human form, what if you can’t? Then you think you are not cruel? Then your pain will be a million times more painful than when I asked you to take it away !"

"No! I will give birth to the baby safely." Nian Tong closed her ears, shaking her head and refusing to listen.

She knows that she is self-willed like this, but the matter has come to this point, she has no way out, isn't she?
So she has to stick to it no matter what.

"Is this child so important to you? Even more important than me in your heart?" Gu Junyao looked at her with dark eyes.

"It's different...Although you will always be the first, this is also your child. How can it be unimportant?"

Gu Junyao stared at her for a long time, finally turned his eyes away, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialed Lian Nianye, and as soon as he got through, he said: "Nianye, has the hospital been arranged? I probably Arrive in half an hour."

He hung up the phone, and saw Nian Tong clenched his hands into fists, staring at him without blinking, with a look of despair flashing across his eyes.

"Uncle Gu, I just had a prenatal check-up today, and my attending doctor said that I can no longer perform abortions at all, otherwise both me and my child will be in danger."

Gu Junyao put away the phone, walked over to hold her hand and walked out.It's as if he didn't hear what she just said at all.

Nian Tong's heart was as cold as ice, and his mind was in a mess, he let him lead him away from Huo Yudong's apartment in a daze.

"Can I call and tell my classmates?" After getting in the car, Nian Tong suddenly remembered that she hadn't returned to Chen Siya's house so late, and their mother and daughter must be dying of anxiety.

Gu Junyao handed her the phone, then without looking at her again, he drove towards the hospital with a blank expression all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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