Chapter 256

On the phone, when Chen Siya heard that Nian Tong was being taken to the hospital by Gu Junyao, she immediately yelled to come, but Nian Tong didn't know which hospital Gu Junyao was going to take her to, and she didn't want Chen Siya's mother and daughter to worry anymore. So he forced a smile on his face to reassure her that she was fine.

After hanging up the phone and looking at the man with tense face beside her, she subconsciously stroked her upper abdomen, and soon a mist appeared in her eyes.

"Several times I couldn't help but want to ask the doctor if I was pregnant with a boy or a girl, but I finally held back and didn't ask. Because as long as I don't know, I can pretend that I am pregnant with a boy, and I can imagine him as your eyebrows , a smaller version of you. Let him accompany me through the days without you."

Gu Junyao's pupils shrank, and he tightened his hands on the steering wheel, but he didn't say anything.

Nian Tong sniffed, then took a long sigh of relief, turned his gaze out of the window, and said quietly: "Uncle Gu, why do I have to face such difficult choices again and again? Why can't I have the best of both worlds, which can keep the child but also protect the child?" The way to make you angry? Why are you unwilling to try to let me have a baby? Why do I have to have such a disease..."

Too many whys tangled up in her mind one question after another, but Gu Junyao never answered her.

When they arrived at the hospital, Lian Nianye was already waiting for them in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Nian Tong's eyes fell on the woman in her forties beside Lian Nianye, who was also looking at her, but not at her face, but at her abdomen.

"Doctor An, she is Mrs. Gu's wife." Lian Nianye introduced the woman beside him.

"I know, there is a picture of her in the information you gave me before." Dr. An smiled and turned his gaze to Gu Junyao: "Mr. Gu, I want to chat with you in private."

Gu Junyao glanced at Nian Tong, nodded, and walked to the other end of the corridor.

Nian Tong looked at the backs of the two of them going away, and asked Lian Nianye: "Is this Dr. An an expert invited by Uncle Gu to perform surgery on me?"

"Surgery?" Lian Nianye was stunned, raised his eyebrows and said, "Doctor An is an authority on obstetrics and gynecology. He has successfully given birth to pregnant women with aplastic anemia. Boss invited her here this time to protect your pregnancy. Condition your body."

"Baby protection?" Nian Tong was shocked, and a hint of surprise appeared on his pale face.

"Didn't Uncle Gu bring me to the hospital to ask me to take away the child?"

"How is it possible?" Seeing her surprised expression, Lian Nianye guessed that she had misunderstood the boss's intentions, so he couldn't help defending the boss: "After Mr. Huo asked the assistant to notify the boss of your disappearance, he immediately sent someone to go to you for a maternity checkup." The hospital took a complete prenatal examination report. Knowing that you are no longer suitable for abortion, that's why they invited Dr. An, whom I had contacted before, to specially ask her to preserve your pregnancy and recuperate your body, so that you, mother and child, can be safe."

It turned out that she had wronged him.

Nian Tong looked at the direction Gu Junyao was going away, feeling guilty and guilty.

It was because she was too excited just now and misunderstood him without thinking clearly.

With his love for her, how could he continue to insist on taking away the child knowing that abortion would be very dangerous to her life now?

"It's a big deal that you disappeared this time. Boss is in a bad mood, and we people are worried about it every day. You hide it tightly. It's almost like you disappeared completely."

Hearing what Lian Nianye said, Niantong felt more and more guilty.

"If Mr. Huo didn't happen to meet you this time, would you still plan to keep hiding?"

Nian Tong nodded, then immediately shook her head.

"I plan to wait until the fetus is stable at six months before contacting him." After all, she was also afraid of hurting him too deeply, and he really wanted to divorce her then.

Lian Nianye looked at her, sighed, and said nothing.

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"Mr. Gu, I have carefully reviewed your wife's information. Judging from her prenatal inspection report today, her condition is not very bad, but the index of hemoglobin is significantly lower than that of the previous month. The decrease in maternal hemoglobin means This means that the normal oxygen supply to the fetus cannot be guaranteed, which is the biggest cause of fetal death."

Gu Junyao's expression changed instantly, and he frowned and asked, "Then what can we do to improve this situation?"

"At present, she is in the second trimester of pregnancy. She must strengthen supportive treatment. At the same time, she should be given a high-protein diet and a large amount of multivitamins. If necessary, a small amount of multiple blood transfusions should be taken. I will give you the specific treatment plan tomorrow. you."

Gu Junyao nodded, and asked again: "Will the blood transfusion have any side effects on the mother?"

"A small amount and many times will not. What she needs to pay attention to most now is diet. Her obstetric examination report shows that the abdominal circumference has increased rapidly this time. In fact, it is not that the fetus grows faster, but that your wife's blood pressure increased during pregnancy. There is a slight increase. The false image caused by edema of lower extremities and abdomen caused by pregnancy-induced hypertension.

"Can this symptom be improved by diet?"

Dr. An shook his head: "The phenomenon of pregnancy-induced hypertension will not disappear until the delivery is complete. I can only guarantee that this phenomenon will not intensify."

"Mr. Gu, I think your wife's complexion is very bad. This should not only be due to the heavy physical load, but also may be due to her low mood. This is not a good thing for her current situation."

Gu Junyao looked at her, saw her smile again and said: "I can see that you love your wife very much, then you should know what to do."

Gu Junyao remained silent, and nodded after a long time: "Then please Dr. An to take care of everything for my wife. I will find someone to settle your husband's lawsuit as soon as possible."

Doctor An smiled: "I really envy your wife's good fortune, having a husband who loves you so much."

Gu Junyao twitched the corners of his mouth, turned around and walked back.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Nian Tong raised his eyes, and a familiar face was reflected in his eyes. His eyes lit up, and he immediately got up to meet him, but he staggered a bit because he got up too hastily.

Gu Junyao was so frightened that his soul was about to shift. He rushed over to support her in two steps in three steps, but still couldn't restrain the fear, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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