Chapter 257

Nian Tong was suddenly hugged into a familiar embrace, her body seemed to have self-awareness, she snuggled closer, her hands hugged him behind her back, her cheeks rubbed against his chest, and a smile spread across her mouth.

"I'm almost a mother, and I can't even walk myself. How will I teach my children in the future?"

Gu Junyao recalled the dangerous situation just now, and couldn't help denouncing him in a low voice, but his tone was more worried.

Nian Tong secretly raised her head to look up at him, touching the undisguised love and worry in his eyes, she felt a heat in her heart, her eyes were red, she wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

"Uncle Gu, I'm sorry, I thought you brought me to the hospital to remove the child."

"Am I that unbearable in your eyes?" Gu Junyao glanced at her, and gradually let go of her hand to help her sit down on the bench beside her.

He looked around and couldn't see Lian Nianye, so he couldn't help asking: "Where is Nianye?"

"Oh, I'm a little thirsty, he poured me some water."

Gu Junyao knew that she could not drink any other drinks except plain water.

No wonder so thin.

He frowned and sat down beside her.

Nian Tong rubbed his hands together, glanced at him, one hand crawled over his leg little by little to cover his big hand on his knee, and then grabbed it.

"Uncle Gu, at Huo Yudong's house, you didn't even want me to touch it. I felt so uncomfortable, and I was so afraid that you would give up on me."

"If it's possible, I want to give up on you." Gu Junyao cut off her words, feeling the tightness of the hand covering her, and couldn't help but glance at her, the panic on that face made him feel distressed.

"You can't learn to be obedient. I don't let you do what you want to do, and you even make fun of your own life. Do you think my heart is made of metal and can withstand all blows?"

"No, it's not that I don't listen to you. I didn't make fun of my own life, it's just that I really want to have a child that belongs to us."

"Can't Xiaoxi do it? Because he wasn't born by you, that's why you have the idea of ​​wanting to give birth to one yourself?"

Nian Tong was stunned, not knowing how to refute this sentence for a long time.

What to say?

She really likes Xiaoxi.

He is smart, cute, and knows how to love others. She really likes that clever kid.

This has no conflict with her insistence on having a child that belongs to her and Gu Junyao.

Now that she has her own child, she will not favor Xiaoxi because she was not born to him.

But what could she say to convince him?
"Uncle Gu, I don't like..." I don't like the feeling of being misunderstood by him.

But she couldn't say that.

How many times has she misunderstood him and blamed him?

What a comeuppance.

Looking at the tears rolling down her cheeks, Gu Junyao remembered what Dr. An said before, rubbed her sore temples, pushed her hands away and stood up, trying to control her emotions.

Lian Nianye poured boiling water for Nian Tong, and felt the dullness and unhappiness between the two of them, but he was helpless.

"Is the room ready?" Gu Junyao asked.

Lian Nianye nodded, "It has been prepared according to Dr. An's instructions. All the necessary equipment is available. I have prepared all the daily necessities such as washing and washing. I can live here tonight."

"Go back, I will call you again if I have something to do."

"it is good."

****************************************split line******** *******************************
If you don't know that the place you are in is a hospital, the completely home-like room in front of you will not feel like a ward at all.

The soft big bed, Tiffany blue quilt sheets, and even the curtains are Tiffany blue, which is more Tiffany style than the home in Jinhaiwan, City A.

"Doctor Ann said that this kind of blue can make people feel stable and effectively control their emotions, and I know you like Tiffany, so I use Tiffany blue for all."

Also, he knew that she hated the strong smell of disinfectant in the hospital, so he bought imported colorless disinfectant from abroad, so apart from the faint scent of flowers, there was not even a trace of the smell of disinfectant in the air.

Standing at the door, Nian Tong lamented that it was possible to re-expand and transform the hospital ward into a living room. I don't know how much Gu Junyao spent to do it?
"From now on, you must stay in the hospital and listen to Dr. An's words until you give birth safely and she says you can leave the hospital."

Nian Tong was taken aback, looked back at him, and said nervously, "What about you? Are you going back to City A?"

Gu Junyao looked back at her and asked, "What does it matter to you whether I'm here or not? You can disappear so chicly for three months, so I believe you will be able to live chicly in the next few months."

"How could it be the same?" Nian Tong hugged his arm anxiously, "I used to have to avoid you, but it's different now, since you already knew and allowed me to give birth to the child, of course I hope You can stay with me."

"You disappear when you don't need me, and keep me when you need me. I just come and go when you call me?"

"No, no, don't say that." Nian Tonggai hugged his waist and tightened his hands. "Uncle Gu, I was wrong. This is the last time I don't listen to you. I promise there won't be a next time, okay?"

"When has your guarantee been effective?" Gu Junyao glared at her, "You rely on my love for you to be lawless, every time I forgive you and you commit the same crime again, just like a hidden gentleman who smokes opium , you even hide your mistakes!"

"No, there won't be a next time. I promise that after giving birth to this child, I will never count you as secretly pregnant again."

"Do you still want a future?"

Nian Tong bit her lip and looked at him tearfully, with a pitiful expression.

"You liar!" Every time he would only trick him into softening his heart with tears.

Gu Junyao gritted his teeth and cursed, but helplessly wiped the corners of her eyes with his fingertips, and behaved softly.

"Doctor An said that if you want your mother and child to be safe, you'd better maintain a good mood."

"Then you forgive me?"


"You won't be returning to City A for a while, will you?"


"After I give birth to the child and leave the hospital, shall we go back to City A together?"

"Little thing, don't push yourself too far!"

(End of this chapter)

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