Chapter 259

Nian Tong was seven months pregnant. Dr. An told Gu Junyao with a smile, "Your wife and your child are fine. If there is no accident, your child will be able to come out to meet you in two more months."

This is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for Gu Junyao's restless heart.

Seeing that Nian Tong's complexion became more and more rosy day by day under the care of him and Ye Lanshan and the cooperation of Dr. An's treatment, it was the first time that he thought that it was not for nothing that others said that he was only loved by God.

It is a blessing for a person to meet a person who loves and loves himself in his life.

And how many people are as lucky and consummated as him?
So after Little Things gave birth, he planned to gradually reduce his working hours and spend more time with her and the baby.

He has already missed Xiaoxi's growth, and he will never miss the changes in every stage of his second child's life.

"Uncle Gu, ask Dr. An if I can eat cheese sticks?"

The more advanced the pregnancy was, the better Niantong's appetite became, and she even wanted to get her hands on greasy sweets such as cheese, which she had avoided in the past.

After Ye Lanshan returned to Country Garden that day, Nian Tong pestered Gu Junyao to ask.

"Dr. An's diet prescription for you states that you can't touch high-sweet foods. Cheese sticks are so sweet, so you don't need to ask to know it's okay." Gu Junyao returned her casually, and cut apples, tomatoes and strawberries into fine particles. Dressed up as a fruit salad and handed it to her.

"This can be eaten, and it's also a dessert."

Nian Tong refused to answer, pouted and said: "The taste is not the same at all."

"What's the difference if they're all sweet?" He picked up a spoonful and handed it to her mouth. Seeing her grunting and staring at him with her mouth tightly shut, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, and persuaded softly, "You want Be good, just be patient for another two months and give birth to the baby, then I will find a way to get you whatever you want to eat."

"But I only want to eat now. I want it so much, it makes my heart itch." She looked at him, her black eyes full of longing sparkled.

Gu Junyao stroked his forehead.

It was said before that she made a mistake as if she had taken opium, but in fact, the little thing at this time is like a gentleman who has committed a drug crime, eagerly hoping that he can nod his head in agreement.

I couldn't stand her looking at him like that.

"I'll ask Dr. An." He made a compromise.

Nian Tong immediately bent her eyebrows with a smile.

Gu Junyao couldn't help but patted her head, walked out of the room and called Dr. An outside the door.

He came in after more than 20 minutes, holding a beautiful small cake box in his hand.

"Huh? So fast?"

Nian Tong stared at the box in his hand and asked in surprise.

Gu Junyao glanced at her bright eyes, and the corners of her mouth trembled, "I asked Dr. An, and she said that you can eat a little, because if you are not allowed to eat, you will get emotional and affect the treatment, but you can't eat more. And this I asked Luoxuan to buy it and send it over, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait."

When Nian Tong heard him say that he looked like a starving ghost who had never eaten, he smiled embarrassedly, stared intently at him as he opened the cake box, and cut a small portion of cake for her.

She couldn't wait to take it, scooped up a small mouthful and put it to her mouth. Just as she opened her mouth, she suddenly remembered something, and handed the spoon to his mouth: "Dear Uncle Gu, you have worked hard recently, you eat first."

Gu Junyao glanced at the cheesecake that made him feel tired just by looking at it, and frowned, "I never eat these things."

"Really don't eat? Then I want to start eating?"

Nian Tong took the spoon into her mouth, and the rich cheese and milk fragrance immediately permeated her mouth, and the sweetness flowed down her throat into the bottom of her heart, the taste was so good that she wanted to scream.

Seeing her expression of satisfaction as if she had received the whole world, Gu Junyao felt helpless and distressed.

During this period of time, she ate and drank according to Dr. An's dietary prescriptions every day, which really made things difficult for her who was always spicy, unhappy and picky.

Nian Tong quickly finished the small portion, looked at the remaining portion eagerly, and heard Gu Yunyao say: "If you want to eat, you can eat a little more."

She was overjoyed, but then she shook her head, lowered her head and stroked her abdomen, and said, "It's better not to, so as not to make any mistakes."

It was rare for her to think so suddenly, Gu Junyao was a little surprised, but smiled, poured water for her to rinse her mouth, and helped her to lie down halfway.

****************************************split line******** *******************************
Because he had to attend an unavoidable business event, Gu Junyao had to entrust Nian Tong to Ye Lanshan, and returned to City A by himself.

When he came out of the airport, he immediately rushed to his destination with Mu Yu'an who came to pick him up for the event.

"Tongtong, is she recently... okay?"

On the way, Mu Yu'an held back and finally couldn't hold back, and asked him.

"very good."

"When is the due date?"

"She is almost nine months old now, and she should be almost there in more than 20 days."

Mu Yu'an nodded.

"I'll get out of the car and go in later, and you go back to the company immediately to get me a document." Gu Junyao ordered.

"it is good."

The event attended today was jointly organized by the government and business, and the venue was full of crowns.

As soon as Gu Junyao arrived, he immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Whether it was high-level politicians or business leaders, they all gathered around.

Gu Junyao greeted them calmly, and everyone present was overwhelmed by his majestic aura and powerful aura.

"Mr. Gu, I heard that you are about to be promoted to be a father. Congratulations." Someone said.

Gu Junyao smiled lightly: "Thanks to everyone, I am indeed going to be a father soon."

"Hey, let me tell you that it was a lie when I saw Mr. Gu's statement on TV that he wanted to divorce Mrs. Gu. Now hearing what Mr. Gu said, it really was a false alarm."

Gu Junyao glanced at the person who was speaking, and the person's expression froze immediately, and he hehe smiled and backed away.

"I'm going to the bathroom, excuse me."

(End of this chapter)

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