Chapter 260

When the event was about to end, Gu Junyao came out of the venue, and when he picked up the car in the parking lot, he caught a glimpse of a figure approaching him from the rearview mirror.

Slender and tall, with shoulder-length straight hair, a thin face, and a pair of dark sunglasses covering most of his face on the bridge of his nose.

He squeezed the space between his eyebrows, pretended not to see it, and opened the driver's door to get in.

Unexpectedly, the figure suddenly stepped up and walked over, with his arms lined up in front of his car.

With a blank expression on his face, he reached into the car and honked the horn. The piercing sound of the whistle made the figure in front of the car take two steps back, but immediately stepped forward again.

Gu Junyao looked directly at that figure, his disgusted gaze was as sharp as a blade: "I said don't let me see you again, is it because your memory has not fully recovered after amnesia or you are not afraid of death at all?"

The faint voice did not carry a trace of warmth, and it was still cold when it was heard in the quiet underground parking lot.

The figure trembled, and suddenly went around the front of the car and jumped in front of Gu Junyao, took off the sunglasses on his face and threw it aside, hugged his leg, looked up at him and begged: "Brother Yunyao, I came here because I was desperate Looking for you, please give me a way to survive and let me return to the show business circle."

"Desperate?" Gu Junyao snorted, looking down at Du Kewei who was hugging his leg with downcast eyes. Although that face was heavily made up, it was no longer as smooth and delicate as before.

"Aren't you the mistress of the CEO of Qi Heng Construction?" He thought the woman in the arms of the CEO of Qi Heng Construction who also attended the event looked familiar, although Du Ke only avoided his gaze at that time. His face was drooping, but how could he not recognize a face he had known for so many years.

Du Ke was stunned, apparently he didn't expect that he would find out if he avoided it like that.

She lowered her head and said in pain: "I have nothing left. I know nothing but acting. If the boss of Qiheng Construction hadn't taken me in, I might have starved to death on the street now."

"Didn't you live with Lu Heng all the time? Since he is willing to take care of you, why did you leave?"

"...I don't want to involve him."

"Don't want to?" Gu Junyao sneered, "What do you not want for a person like you? You left him because you didn't want to live with someone who knew everything about you for the rest of your life, right?"

Du Kewei's face turned pale.

Gu Junyao's words hit her vital point.

She was just afraid that Lu Heng would look at her with that pitiful look and sympathize with her.

He knew that she had been raped and even became pregnant because of it, and he was doing everything for her.He knew so clearly about her, how could she have the face to stay?
"Don't make yourself so noble, no matter what you do, it's just for yourself." Gu Junyao broke free from the restraint of her hands, and said in a mocking tone: "The boss of Qiheng Construction should spoil you very much, otherwise he wouldn't Knowing your identity, you still brought you to such an occasion in public."

"No, I begged him to bring me here. I know you will definitely attend such an important event." It's just that she didn't want him to know that she was someone else's mistress, so she planned to find him secretly, but she was still caught he found out.

"Brother Yunyao, I really have no choice. I know that I was wrong before, but I have already received retribution. Can you let me go for my sister's sake and give me a way out?"

She stood up and made a gesture to grab his arm.

Gu Junyao dodged to dodge, bent over and sat in the car, but when the car door was closed, Du Kewei stretched out a hand without fear of death, and tightly grabbed the seat belt on the driver's seat.

"Please, brother Yunyao!"

Gu Junyao looked at her coldly, with cold eyes: "Don't call me Brother Yunyao to make me feel sick. What do you think you are begging me for now? If you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences. How can you even have this common sense? nothing."

"But I have been cruelly punished. I have experienced such unbearable things. I don't want to have sex anymore. I just want to be the same me in the showbiz again."

"Then you are asking the wrong person. You should ask the boss of Qiheng Construction, not me."

"Those people are living like you. He can't help me at all. What's more, he is just playing with me, not sincerely."

"Who is to blame for this?" Gu Junyao pulled her hand away and threw it out forcefully, quickly closed the car door when she fell to the ground, and started the engine.

Du Kewei didn't care about the burning pain from rubbing his hands against the ground, so he immediately got up and grabbed the handle of Gu Junyao's car door.

Gu Junyao snorted coldly, and when she pounced, she had already started the car and roared out of the parking lot.

Du Kewei rushed to nothing, and fell to the ground again, looking at the rear of Gu Junyao's car and crying out in pain.

****************************************split line******** *******************************
That night, Gu Junyao stayed in city A to handle some business that had to be handled by the head office. He was busy until two o'clock in the morning, only then did he remember that he forgot to call the little thing.

But at this time, the little thing is probably fast asleep.

After thinking about it, he still dialed Ye Lanshan's phone number, wondering if the little thing had made some weird requests while he was away.

"She kept thinking about when you would come back. She didn't have any appetite for dinner and didn't eat much. Instead, she yelled for Mala Tang. She kept begging me and crying. Oh, I was about to cry when I begged, but I didn't agree. she."

Sure enough, she knew she wouldn't eat in peace.

"What about her now?"

"I cried and fell asleep after eleven o'clock, and I still have a sour face, and it hurts me to see it." Ye Lanshan sighed on the other end of the phone, "Jun Yao, don't blame Tong Tong for being ignorant, because she will never grow up." Big. Because of you pampering and loving her, she dared to be so self-willed and relied on you for everything. But this time, she really suffered a lot in order to give birth to a child that belongs to you. "

"I know." That's why he forgives her repeated calculations.

"Then when are you coming back?"

"Probably the day after tomorrow. There are too many things piled up here. I have to deal with the important ones before I have time to stay with her until she gives birth."

"Okay, then you can call her tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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