Chapter 261

Based on Gu Junyao's understanding of Du Kewei, she will definitely not give up until she achieves her goal, so she will definitely come to him again.

It's just that with her current status, she doesn't dare to come to his company to look for him, so even if she is unwilling, she can't get close to him.

He used two days and one night to finish his business ahead of schedule, and rushed to the airport as soon as he left the company.

Before boarding the plane, he originally planned to call Little Things and tell her that he had returned to City B early, but after thinking about it, he decided to give her a surprise.

As twilight fell, Ye Lanshan, who accompanied Nian Tong out for a walk in the garden, glanced at the time, pulled Nian Tong who continued to walk forward, and said: "It's getting late, when the wind blows, let's go back."

Nian Tong stayed in bed most of the time, and finally had a chance to come out, so she stayed for a while.

Anyway, without Gu Junyao, it was difficult for her to fall asleep.

"Auntie, why don't you take a walk? Anyway, I'm wearing such thick clothes and I'm not cold."

Ye Lanshan poked her forehead dotingly, and nagged, "You are not so strict because of your auntie's absence, so you make things difficult for me."

"I know you love me, so I don't want to embarrass you." Nian Tong took the little aunt's hand intimately, rested his head on her arm, and asked as he looked at the lights that gradually lit up in the distance, "Auntie, have you been away from uncle for so long?" , must miss her very much, right?"

Ye Lanshan glanced at her and said with a smile, "You miss Junyao, don't you?"

Being guessed, Nian Tong's cheeks immediately turned red.

Ye Lanshan patted her hand lightly and sighed: "At the beginning, I was really worried about whether you would be happy if you married him. After all, the gap between you is too big. A man like him is used to dominating everything in the shopping mall. You are so much younger than him, and simple. You two stand together, except for your appearance, I really can't see where you match. "

"That's not true, old couples and young wives are perfect matches, and only I am worthy of Uncle Gu, otherwise how could he fall in love with me?" Nian Tongtian retorted with a smile.

"Don't be shy." Ye Lanshan teased her.

"You, I really don't know whether to say that you are lucky, or that Yunyao just likes you. If I were as innocent as you, I would have been despised by your uncle long ago."

"Uncle is eaten to death by you, does he dare to despise you?" Niantong blinked and said suddenly; "Auntie, what method did you use to make uncle obey you?"


Ye Lanshan laughed.

"To manage a marriage, not only love can last a lifetime, but also enough tolerance and compromise. Your uncle doesn't shy away from me. It's just because he loves me that he compromises my temper everywhere. Give him enough face to be a big man. In this way, he not only gets face, but also I can always have his love for me."

"It's so profound, can you be more specific?"

"Silly girl, everyone's marriage has its different way of getting along. You and Yunyao's old husband and young wife match are different from my uncle's. You are spoiled by Yunyao. With his love for you, You don't have to worry about his heart flying away at all."

"I'm not worried that his heart will fly away, but I want to learn to be a good wife that makes him impeccable."

"I think, you just need to be yourself. Junyao probably likes you who is natural and simple." Ye Lanshan said meaningfully.

Her words made Niantong startled for a moment, Gu Junyao's answer came to mind when she asked Gu Junyao what he loved her a few months ago.

——I remember you said at the beginning that you are a bloodless person, and you will not hate someone for too long.I think I'm drawn to these qualities of yours.You are innocent and simple, kind and scheming.Although childish and self-willed, I am willing to tolerate all your shortcomings, pamper you, love you, open my arms for you, and only allow you to rest and dock alone as your harbor.

"It's windy, let's go back." Ye Lanshan said.

She nodded and went back the way she came.

"Nurse, please let me know, okay? I'm really her friend, I just came to see her."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu ordered that all Mrs. Gu's friends be gone except for Miss Chen Siya."

As soon as Nian Tong walked out of the elevator holding his little aunt's hand, he heard a conversation from the front desk.

And one of the voices sounded very familiar.

She subconsciously looked up, and saw a woman with straight hair hanging loose at the front desk of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, wearing an expensive fur coat and boots, her whole face was covered by the straight hair, so she couldn't tell at the moment Find out who the other party is.

"What's wrong?" Ye Lanshan asked when she saw her standing still looking at the front desk.

"That woman over there is looking for me, but I can't remember who she is at the moment."

"Go over and have a look and you'll know?" Ye Lanshan walked over with her on his arm.

Not knowing why, Nian Tong suddenly felt uneasy.

"Aunt, let's not go there." She pulled Ye Lanshan back.

Seeing that her face changed slightly, the latter stopped immediately.

"What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? I'll call Dr. An immediately."

"No, I'm just a little flustered. Let's go back to the room."

She turned around, but the nurse at the front desk glanced at her sharply, and quickly shouted: "Mrs. Gu, this lady said she was your friend."

As soon as the nurse finished speaking, the woman who turned her back to them immediately turned her head and saw Nian Tong beside Ye Lanshan, her disappointed expression lit up, and she strode over.

When Nian Tong heard the sound of approaching footsteps, her heart beat inexplicably increased.

She pressed her chest, frowned and turned to look at the person who came, but when she saw the other person's face, she froze suddenly, her beautiful eyes widened.

"Du Kewei?!"

"I thought you didn't know me anymore." Du Kewei approached her, but saw Nian Tong subconsciously took a few steps back, his face full of vigilance and defense.

"What did you come to see me for? I don't think you are my friend." Nian Tong said coldly.

Ye Lanshan at the side felt her hostility towards Du Kewei, so she raised her vigilance, embraced Nian Tong and said, "Since she's not your friend, let's ignore her."

"Wait!" Du Kewei called to them, and said anxiously: "I didn't mean anything malicious, and it was very hard to find here. I just want to ask you to do me a favor. Just give me a few minutes, and I'll finish speaking just go."

(End of this chapter)

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