Chapter 262

Nian Tong's impression of Du Kewei was really bad. Even if she saw her who lost her memory after being raped at Lu Heng's house before, she felt that she deserved what she deserved.

A person who can do that kind of thing to his own sister doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy at all!
"I can't help you with anything, and I won't help you." She said coldly to Du Kewei who stopped her.

"Don't do this, I know you hate me." Du Kewei's eyes darkened, "I begged Brother Yunyao, I begged him to give me another chance to return to the showbiz, and I won't bother you in the future life."

"But he didn't promise you." That's why he came to her.

Nian Tong took a few steps back to distance herself from her, with disgust on her face, "Do you want to go by yourself or should I let someone drive you away?"

Du Kewei didn't expect Nian Tong to be so unfeeling, and continued to plead anxiously: "Please help me and talk to Brother Yunyao, he loves you so much, he will definitely listen to you, since you don't want to see me, you should Promise to help me, so that I won't pester you again in the future."

"Do you think you will have a chance to get close to me in the future?" Nian Tong asked her back, "You know that other people are in city A, so you have the courage to come to me? You are not afraid that he will treat you after knowing that you came to me. more angry?"

"But I have nothing to do. No one is willing to use me now. I am living a life that is worse than death. Are you going to die without saving me?"

"Your body is covered with frighteningly expensive famous brands of the season. Is this why life is worse than death?" Nian Tong looked contemptuously.

Du Kewei was suffocated, and then said after a while: "If I say that I am now one of the N mistresses of other people, these are all rewarded by him, do you believe it?"

Nian Tong was surprised.

Du Kewei, who is so proud and arrogant, is willing to put down his dignity to be someone else's mistress?
"I was penniless when I left Lu Heng, and I really had nowhere to go. For the sake of my being Aunt Xiaoxi, can you tell Brother Yunyao for me?"

"You have hands and feet, even if you are penniless, there is no need to choose to be someone else's mistress. You will end up like this, and it is entirely your fault for wanting to get something for nothing." Ye Lanshan said, then turned to Nian Tong and said: "Tong Tong, this kind of person is not worthy of pity, just ignore her, I will help you back to your room."

"I don't want to get something for nothing, but there is really no other way, I beg you to help me." Du Kewei grabbed Nian Tong's sleeve, stared at her abdomen and said, "You are about to become a mother, and I Because of the miscarriage after the last pregnancy, it is impossible to have the opportunity to be a mother again in this life, so I can only return to the familiar stage of the entertainment industry to find sustenance. You are sorry and I will help you, as Jide for the child in your belly Tianshou."

Ye Lanshan's face immediately changed when she heard that, she pulled Du Kewei's hand and pushed her away, and said harshly: "You woman really does not hesitate to use any means to achieve your goal, what's the matter with the child in Guan Tongtong's belly?"

Seeing that Nian Tong was determined not to help her, Du Kewei couldn't help feeling desperate.

She stared at Niantong's abdomen bitterly, and said with a sneer, "I know that you are not in good health after pregnancy, so you are so careful to protect your pregnancy. Do you know the reason? Because Brother Yunyao has done too many crimes! Harmful Countless! His crimes are serious, so God will retribution on his child, so that his child cannot be born!"

"Damn it!" Ye Lanshan couldn't take it anymore, stepped forward and slapped Du Kewei hard on the face.

"You vicious woman, you have a heart of snakes and scorpions!"

Nian Tong's face was pale, and he subconsciously caressed his upper abdomen with his palms. Du Kewei covered half of his face in his vision, and looked at her viciously, like a silent curse.

"Tongtong, don't be angry." Ye Lanshan sensed that something was wrong with her face, and hurriedly yelled at the dazed nurse at the front desk: "Mrs. Gu doesn't want to see this crazy woman, why don't you ask someone to drive her away!"

The nurse came back to her senses and immediately dialed the hospital's internal line, and soon several security personnel came up from the safety ladder.

"I've come to beg you like this, but none of you are willing to give me a chance. Do you think he can do whatever he wants? No matter how capable he is, can't he just watch you fail to keep the child?"

Du Kewei was grabbed by the arms by the security guard, but he kept saying vicious words to stimulate Nian Tong, "I curse your child to be stillborn!"

Nian Tong suddenly gathered the hand covering her abdomen, feeling a dull pain in her lower abdomen, and her face turned blue and white.

"Aunt..." She grabbed Ye Lanshan's hand in a panic. Ye Lanshan's hatred for Du Kewei couldn't be over, she kicked her viciously with both feet, and let the security guard cover her mouth to take her away.

She held Nian Tong's hand, and hurriedly said to the nurse at the front desk: "Tell Dr. An to come over quickly."

*************************************split line*********** *********************************
The night was dark.

Lian Nianye received Gu Junyao at the airport after nine o'clock, got in the car and said, "Niantong's little aunt called me, saying that Du Kewei ran to the hospital to make trouble."

Gu Junyao's face tightened, "What's wrong with Tongtong?"

"I was a little irritated, but it's okay. Dr. An is watching over her."

"A person like Du Kewei won't change his nature, maybe next time—"

"She won't have a next time!" Gu Junyao interrupted coldly, his black eyes burst into a cold light.

"Let Lian Rong run away."



Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Du Kewei, who had just come out of the bathroom, was taken aback, wondering how could someone knock on her door at this time because she didn't call the customer service?

The knocking continued.

She walked over and saw the man dressed as a hotel waiter standing outside the door through the peephole, and he was actually a handsome man.

She opened the door: "Did you make a mistake? I didn't call customer service."

The handsome man raised his phoenix eyes and asked, "Are you Du Kewei?"

She nodded, and then saw a big smile on the handsome man's mouth, but it made her feel creepy for no reason.

"Your name is Du Kewei. As for me, I'm here to see you off."

A hard object pressed against Du Kewei's chest, and after a slight muffled sound, her eyes widened, and she slowly lowered her head to look at the splotch of blood blooming on her chest, her body softened a little...

(End of this chapter)

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