Chapter 270

When they got home, they heard their daughter crying at the entrance, and the couple walked in without even changing their shoes.

In the living room, Xiaoxi hugged the crying Taotao helplessly, and when she heard the footsteps of the two, she immediately fell down and said with a wry smile: "You guys are finally back, otherwise Taotao's voice will be hoarse from crying."

Niantong walked over to Xiaoxi to hug her daughter back, and said distressedly: "What's wrong with baby Taotao? Why are you crying so sadly? Come on, mom won't cry after a kiss."

"It's useless for you to kiss. My father will do."

Hearing this, Nian Tong and Gu Junyao were both startled, and they all looked at Xiao Xi.

Xiaoxi curled her lips and looked at her father with dissatisfaction: "Dad, why did you even lie to a three-year-old child? I really can't see it."

Three year old?Peach?
Gu Junyao was incredible, "What did I lie to her?"

"Did you promise to feed Taotao for dinner in the morning? She can remember, she waited for you to come back at night, and didn't even want me to feed her. Like."


Gu Junyao looked at her daughter who was still sobbing in Nian Tong's arms. She was looking at him tearfully, with an aggrieved and sad expression.

He said in the morning that he would come back to feed her in the evening, but at that time he just said it casually. He didn't expect Xiao Routuan to remember it all the time, and he waited eagerly for him to come back to feed her. He didn't even let his brother feed her when he was so hungry.

"I'll go and heat up Taotao's food, you hug her." Nian Tong handed her daughter into his arms.

"I'm going to take a shower to do my homework, Taotao is not good today, I can't do anything." Xiaoxi also stood up and walked to her bedroom.

In a blink of an eye, only the father and daughter were left staring at each other in the huge living room.

Even though she tried to get close to her daughter in the morning, Gu Junyao still felt a little uncomfortable being watched by her without blinking.

"Pull..." Taotao called him sobbing, her mouth was flattened, her long eyelashes were watery and her eyes were red, and Yiwang's tears were dripping in her eye sockets, making Gu Junyao feel so distressed that her heart twitched It hurts.

It seems that talking to children can't be perfunctory, and we must do what we say, otherwise it will become the situation today.

"Tao Tao, you silly child..." He gently wiped the tear stains on his daughter's face with his fingertips, and the touch from his fingertips was so good that he couldn't help but kiss her on her face.

Taotao blinked her big eyes blankly, then broke into a smile, 'giggle' laughter spread in the living room, Nian Tong, who was heating up her daughter's food in the kitchen, looked back at the living room, her eyes were full of happy smiles .

In the morning, I still complained that my life was not perfect enough, and the two most important people in my life were not on the same board. I didn't expect to solve my troubles so quickly.

She sighed softly—this time, it was finally complete.

Feeding the child seemed simple, but Gu Junyao, who was always upsetting, couldn't help but beg for mercy when he did it himself.

Or maybe Taotao is more mischievous and difficult to serve than other children.

When feeding her, she has to take a bite by herself, and she has to play and throw toys with her, otherwise she won't eat.

Nian Tong warmed up the food for her daughter and went back to the bedroom to take a shower and remove makeup, but Xiao Xi had no time to help with her homework in her bedroom, so Gu Junyao had to do everything by herself.

Just looking at the sticky nutritious porridge, which was mixed with the carrot he hates the most, it was really hard for Gu Junyao to force himself to eat it.

"Pull it out, I'm hungry..." After Taotao finished throwing away the toy, seeing her father staring at her job with a look of disgust, she stretched out her hand to pull his trousers, signaling him to finish eating quickly and come to feed her.

Gu Junyao twitched the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and handed his daughter's rice spoon to his mouth.

He opened his mouth, but didn't move for a long time—the thought of carrots really made his throat choke.

But the strange thing is that the rice spoon suddenly stuffed into his mouth by itself!

Opening his eyes, he saw his daughter got up at some point, smiling and looking at him, with one hand raised high, obviously she was the one who pushed the rice spoon into his mouth just now.

"Pull it out and eat it."


Gu Junyao couldn't laugh or cry with his rice spoon in his mouth.

"Peach eats too."

Seeing her daughter staring at the rice bowl with bright eyes, Gu Junyao reluctantly swallowed the food in her mouth, and took a mouthful to feed her daughter's already wide-open mouth.

Taotao immediately smiled, her eyebrows and eyes crooked, and she chewed her food with relish.

After finally feeding a bowl of rice, Gu Junyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After Taotao finished her last bite, she habitually looked for a paper towel to wipe the corners of her mouth, looked but couldn't find it, then came to her father again, tilted her head to look at her father, and then did something that made Gu Junyao want to cry without tears ——The daughter actually put her face on him to wipe her mouth!
"Peach, who taught you?"

Taotao thought her father wanted to praise her for being clean, and pointed at herself with a fleshy finger, "Taotao knows it herself."

Looking at her daughter's big bright eyes, Gu Junyao was angry and funny.

Unable to let his daughter down, he patted her head and praised against his will: "Taotao is really a good baby who loves to clean, but in the future, you can't wipe your mouth on your clothes. You need to find a tissue, you know?"

Tao Tao kept smiling and nodded.

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows - did you understand so quickly?

"Dad, you are really partial."

Xiaoxi's accusation suddenly came from behind.

Gu Junyao looked back at his son leaning on the sofa, wondering, "What do you mean?"

"I couldn't even see you once when I was a child, let alone you would spend more than an hour feeding me."

Gu Junyao snorted softly: "So are you planning to settle accounts after the fall, or do you want me to feed you like Taotao?"

"You feed me one bite at a time?" Xiao Xi couldn't help shivering, with disgust on his face, "Forget it, I just want to say that you have missed my childhood, and I hope you don't miss Tao Tao's childhood again, you know, you There is only one chance in your life to watch your child grow up under your nose little by little, if you miss Taotao, what will you remember when you get old?"

Gu Junyao was stunned.I really didn't expect my 14-year-old son to say such mature words.

And these words, he remembered that Nian Tong seemed to have said?

(End of this chapter)

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