Chapter 271

"Miss Duan, I'm sorry, we can't accommodate without an appointment."

"Joke! I am the daughter of the CEO of Hongyuan Construction. Hongyuan and Gu are long-term partners. You should know better than me what the relationship is. And I came to your president not to chat and eat, but to discuss important matters. If you don't inform me, can you afford to delay the time?"

As soon as Mu Yu'an walked into the company lobby, he heard arguing from the front desk.

He stopped and looked over, and saw that the girl at the front desk was arguing with a fashionable young girl, and that girl's voice was obviously much louder than the girl at the front desk.

"What's going on?" He asked as he walked over.

"Secretary Mu!" The girl at the front desk saw him as if she had seen a savior, and hurriedly said, "Miss Duan said that she has something important to do with the president, but she—"

"Are you Brother Gu's secretary?" The girl interrupted the girl at the front desk, looked at Mu Yu'an proudly, and continued, "I am Duan Xinxin, the daughter of the boss of Hongyuan Construction. I want to see Brother Gu, and I hope you can help inform me." One sound."

Brother Gu?
Mu Yu'an frowned - when did Gu Junyao show up with such a young sister?Or the daughter of the boss of Hongyuan Construction?

He pondered in his heart, but said: "Miss Duan, our president's schedule is very tight today, and there is no spare time. So please make an appointment after today."

Duan Xinxin didn't expect that he would still not get any favors for bringing up his father's name, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

And Mu Yi'an stopped talking to her, and winked with the girl at the front desk to signal her to do her own thing, and then went straight to the elevator entrance.

"Hmph! I don't believe it's so difficult to meet your president!"

Unconvinced, Duan Xinxin followed Mu Yu'an closely, and when he entered the elevator, he quickly squeezed in, with an expression of 'what do you want me to do'.

"Miss Duan, I hope you respect yourself!" Mu Yu'an opened the distance between the two of them, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes: "I don't think Boss Duan knows that you are in our company, and I wonder if Miss Duan wants me to notify Duan on your behalf. All together?"

Duan Xinxin froze, then said angrily: "You threaten me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the elevator door opened.

When Mu Yu'an walked out, Duan Xinxin naturally wanted to follow, but because of his threat just now, she could only watch helplessly as the door gradually closed.

"I have already discussed with her about Lian Nuan and I going to Dubai at the end of the month, and she agreed to let me go for three months."

In the president's office, Mu Yu'an added after reporting his work.

Gu Junyao was a little surprised, "Secretary Lian agrees to let you go?"

The suspicion in his eyes made Mu Yu'an very embarrassed, coughed lightly and said awkwardly: "She is reluctant to leave the child, so she can only let me go for three months."

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, "No wonder." If it wasn't for his reluctance to bear the child, Lian Nuan probably wouldn't have let her husband go so far away to deal with a group of women.

"Also, there was a man named Duan Xinxin who claimed to be Duan Hongyuan's daughter just now, and said he had something important to discuss with you, and even called you...Brother Gu?" The latter sentence was obviously confused.

"Duan Xinxin?" Gu Junyao snorted softly - unexpectedly found his company.

"She didn't have an appointment, so I didn't report."

Gu Junyao nodded, "I see, you go out."

******************************************split line****** *********************************
Gu Junyao accompanied the client out of the Jinsha Hotel, exchanged some pleasantries before going to the parking lot to pick up the car.

"Brother Gu."

As soon as the car door was opened, a female voice came from behind.

He paused, and from the rearview mirror, he saw a pale yellow figure walking towards him with a ostentatious posture on high heels more than ten inches high. Gu Junyao's breathing.

He frowned subconsciously—he could really find it, and found the place where he met the client.

"Brother Gu." Duan Xinxin came over and shouted again, with a smug smile on his delicately made-up face.

"I went to your company to find you in the morning, but I was stopped by your secretary. You should know, right? That's why I followed you all the way to find you here. But I didn't disrupt your work with customers, but waited until you left Now, this doesn't count as disturbing your work, does it?"

She didn't get a response from Gu Junyao after she explained, he just stroked his forehead and said expressionlessly: "Miss Duan, I don't know you well enough to be called brother and sister, and at my age, I'm not as good as you little sister."

Duan Xinxin saw Gu Junyao's disregard for him at his father's birthday banquet that night. He thought that his wife was present that night, so he had some scruples. He didn't expect that he was more indifferent today than that night.

But it doesn't matter, she never thought that this man would curry favor with her like other men.

The more difficult a man is to arouse her fighting spirit.

"Since you don't like me calling you Brother Gu, then I won't call you." She said in a compromising tone, "Mr. Gu, I came to you because I hope you can do me a favor. It's important to say."

She looked at Gu Junyao expectantly.

Gu Junyao rolled his eyes and said indifferently: "No matter what I do, I can't help you."

"Don't refuse in a hurry. You can definitely help me with this job. Otherwise, if you don't help me for a day, I will pester you forever. Anyway, I have plenty of time."

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked directly at the young girl who was ten years younger than himself. The stubbornness on that youthful face reminded him of the tenacity when the little thing chased him a few years ago.

But the face in front of him really disgusted him, but the little thing at that time made him feel swayed.

He hooked the corners of his mouth unconsciously, and his originally tense handsome face softened instantly, making it breathless.

Duan Xinxin's heart beat violently.Although he didn't know why he was laughing, he was sure that this man's charm was indeed much more deadly than those of his fellow leaders.People can't help but want to get him.

"I just want you and me to pretend to be a couple and play a scene for my brother, so that he will mistakenly think that you are with me, and automatically give up the right to inherit the property. I promise that I will never pester you again in the future."

Gu Junyao narrowed his eyes, "Is this why you and your brother followed our husband and wife at the same time?"

Duan Xinxin shrugged as if it was no big deal, "Let me tell you clearly, in fact, my brother and I have made a bet long before my father's birthday banquet. I will chase you, and my brother will chase your wife. Who will win first?" If you chase one of you, the loser will automatically give up the right to inherit the property. I know that I can't do this, so I found you to clarify the matter, and I hope you can help put on a show, so that it can also avoid Your wife was molested by my brother."

"Why do you brothers and sisters focus on our husband and wife instead of others?"

"It's because you are so famous in City A. Especially the rumors that you dote on your wife to the point of making people purple, then it is obvious how deep the relationship between you is. And that's what makes it challenging , neither my brother nor I will get it easily, otherwise, if you can make them obediently bow down like other people, how boring would it be?"

Gu Junyao pondered for a while before saying: "Miss Duan, you brothers and sisters should see a psychiatrist. I have a friend who is an authority in this area. Next time I will introduce him to your father and ask your father to take you to see a doctor."

After saying that, he bent down and sat in the car, then locked the door and drove away, leaving Duan Xinxin exposed to the scorching sun, his face fluctuating red and green.

*************************************split line*********** *******************************
It was the weekend, and because Xiaoxi was helping to take care of her daughter, Nian Tong slept until almost noon before getting up to make lunch for the two children.

When I opened the refrigerator, I found that there were very few ingredients in it.

"How about we go out to eat? By the way, we will go shopping in the supermarket together when we come back?" she suggested.

Sitting on the floor of the living room, Xiao Xituan was acting as a mannequin for Taotao, her face was painted colorfully with Niantong's make-up, it was too horrible to look at, and she didn't dare to respond, for fear that Taotao would give him a slap in the face while he was talking. Only lipstick enters.

Niantong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she walked over to pick up her daughter and said helplessly, "Taotao, you torture brother like this every weekend, brother won't play with you next time."

She took the eyebrow pencil and lipstick from her daughter's hand, turned to Xiaoxi and said, "Go and wash your face, we will take Taotao out for dinner."

Xiaoxi wiped her mouth, and muttered: "Taotao is so good at torturing people at such a young age, which man would dare to want her when she grows up."

"Take it out." Taotao replied with a smile, and wiped Nian Tong's face with her finger, which was so red with lipstick, that immediately a bright red color appeared on Nian Tong's face.

"...giggle..." Taotao smiled triumphantly.

Niantong and Xiaoxi looked at each other with a bitter face, and they all laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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