Chapter 274

The second point is that Niantong took Taotao to the hospital to see Lu Heng. There were a lot of people in the ward, all of them were Duan Xinliu's family members, including Duan Xinxin and Duan Xinlan's siblings.

"Brother-in-law made himself like this just to save her daughter?" Duan Xinxin pointed at Taotao and yelled when she saw Nian Tong holding Taotao in, then curled her lips and said: "It's too worthless, you've made yourself crippled."

"Shut up, Duan Xinxin!" Duan Hongyuan shouted in a low voice to stop his daughter's unrestrained speech, his face calmed down, and he turned to Nian Tong and said, "Mrs. Gu, this girl speaks without thinking, don't mind."

Nian Tong looked at Duan Xinxin who was gnashing her teeth with hatred, frowned, nodded, and handed the fruit basket in the other hand to Duan Xinliu who was beside her.

"Okay, let's go back first." Duan Hongyuan greeted his son and daughter.

Duan Xinxin reluctantly walked out with his father, but Duan Xinlan by the hospital bed looked at Nian Tong with complicated eyes, hesitated for a while before saying: "I'm sorry, if I hadn't been messing around yesterday, maybe you would have gone home early, and you would have gone home early. There will be no accidents."

Nian Tong never expected that such an arrogant and rich young master Duan Xinlan would humbly apologize to her.

"I sincerely apologize to you, and I hope you accept it." Duan Xinlan said sincerely.

Nian Tong thought for a while before saying, "According to what you say, then the person you should apologize to is not me, but your brother-in-law."

Duan Xinlan took a long breath and nodded, "I will apologize to him when he wakes up. But I hope you will accept my apology."

"Hush." ​​Taotao in Niantong's arms still remembered that Duan Xinlan was the uncle she saw at Pizza Hut yesterday, and shouted with a smile.

"Little cutie, do you still remember me?" Duan Xinlan was pleasantly surprised, and raised her hand to touch Taotao's face, Niantong noticed that there was a long OK bandage on his wrist, which happened to be where Xiaoxi slashed it off yesterday.

"Then you swear that nothing like yesterday will happen again." Nian Tong warned in a low voice.

Duan Xinlan nodded quickly, raised a hand and said, "I swear, I won't do such boring things again, and I won't do anything to hurt you."

"Then get out now, I don't want to see you." Nian Tongbai said with a playful smile on Duan Xinlan's face.

The latter's handsome face collapsed, but he nodded and said: "Okay, I'll get out for now. Little cutie, uncle is gone, say goodbye to uncle."

Taotao rolled her eyes, imitating her mother's tone and said: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh."


Duan Xinlan rubbed her nose and walked out reluctantly.

"You seem to get along well." Duan Xinliu suddenly said after Duan Xinlan walked out.

Nian Tong smiled helplessly, and was too lazy to explain in detail, but said, "When did the doctor say brother Lu Heng would wake up?"

Duan Xinliu smiled wryly: "They said they could wake up in the morning, but it's already afternoon, and there is no sign of waking up yet."

"Sit down." She pointed to the sofa chair behind Niantong.

Nian Tong nodded and put her daughter down.

"Your daughter is very beautiful. When she grows up, she will be a beauty that everyone loves like you." Duan Xinliu said while looking at Taotao who was gazing around with wide-eyed eyes.

After hearing this, Nian Tong felt a strange feeling in her heart, and then looked at Duan Xinliu's face, but there was a slight smile on her face, there was nothing unusual about it, and she thought that maybe she was being overwhelmed.

"The children you and Brother Lu Heng will have in the future will be as good-looking as you."

"Us?" Duan Xinliu twitched the corners of her mouth, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

"It is impossible for him and me to have another child in this life."

Nian Tong was stunned, and then Duan Xinliu said: "I suffer from congenital heart disease, and I can't even do strenuous exercise, let alone give birth to a child." Duan Xinliu laughed at himself, "What's more, he and I Although they have been married for almost two years, they have always been a couple in name only."

The news was so shocking that Nian Tong couldn't digest it for a moment.

No wonder the first time I saw Duan Xinliu, I felt that her face was abnormally white, and she looked weak and not frightened. It turned out that she was suffering from congenital heart disease.

"Some things I said yesterday may make you misunderstand that I don't love him deeply enough. In fact, I love him so much that even if he doesn't want to touch me, I am willing to marry him and be a couple in name only. I said I can't accept that he will be disabled in the future, but I have no plans to leave him, but I'm really disappointed that the perfect brother Lu Heng in my mind will be replaced by a physically disabled brother Lu Heng."

"Xinliu, the doctor said that there is a 70.00% hope that Brother Lu Heng will recover completely. You must have confidence in Brother Lu Heng." Nian Tong comforted her.

"But I'm afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In this case, I may leave him when I am very disappointed."

Nian Tong was dumbfounded.

She never expected that the seemingly happy marriage between Lu Heng and Duan Xinliu would have such a complicated and bitter inside story.

She has always been very happy that Lu Heng finally found a woman he loves and loves him, but it turns out that everything is just a deceiving illusion.

"I have been with him for such a long time, and the person he mentioned the most is you. That's why I am familiar with everything about you, including what you like to eat, what you like to play, who's songs you like, and who you hate What... about these, he never tires of mentioning them every day..."

The more she said, the more flustered Nian Tong became.

"Xinliu, stop talking. Since brother Lu Heng chose to marry you, you have to believe that he loves you." Nian Tong stopped her from continuing.

Duan Xinliu raised her eyes to look at Nian Tong, and said with a wry smile: "If he loves me, he won't even want to touch me."

"Maybe he's just worried about your body, so..."

"But I'd rather die immediately after being touched by him, than he obviously sleeps in the same bed with me, but always hugs me through a layer of quilt." She planned to miss Tong, and said painfully: "He actually Marrying me is just to sympathize with me, because I forced him to marry me that time. It is for this reason that he married me."

Nian Tong was too shocked to speak.

That day she noticed that Lu Heng looked at Duan Xinliu with affectionate eyes, how could it be just sympathy?

"Sometimes I really hate why he wants to marry me according to my wishes? Even if I force him, since he doesn't love me, he shouldn't marry me. Now I don't know more and more that I am marrying him. What is it for?"

Seeing that Duan Xinliu's emotions were on the verge of losing control, Nian Tong stood up in panic and wanted to comfort her, but a faint voice sounded beside her ear.

"Liu Liu..."

She was taken aback, followed the sound, and saw that Lu Heng had woken up at some point, so she was pleasantly surprised: "Brother Lu Heng, are you awake?"

Hearing this, Duan Xinliu looked over and saw that Lu Heng really woke up, so he hurriedly wiped away his tears and walked over, but looking at Lu Heng whose brows were deeply tangled, he couldn't help but burst into tears again.

As soon as Lu Heng woke up, he heard the sound of his wife crying, and called out subconsciously, but unexpectedly, he heard Nian Tong's voice, and what he saw was his wife's face again, which made his brain nerves a little confused for a while, and he couldn't tell the difference. It is clear whether the person in front of him is his wife or Nian Tong.

"Hush." ​​Taotao came to the bed at some point, and tried her best to tiptoe to Lu Heng who was on the bed.

Although Lu Heng didn't hurt his neck, but because of multiple fractures in his body, he couldn't move his body at all.

He turned his head with great difficulty, looked at the little girl beside the bed who was looking at him with big watery eyes, and tried hard to squeeze out a smile - the first time he saw this little face in the supermarket yesterday, he knew Whose daughter is she.

At that time, he was picking papayas at a papaya stand in the fruit section, and he caught a glimpse of a boy carrying a little girl back and forth in a shopping cart in the supermarket, and the little girl laughed happily.And he stared at the cheerful little girl in shock, then turned his eyes and saw Nian Tong who was picking fruits at the side.

At that moment, he wanted to go over to say hello, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up.

And after leaving the supermarket, he saw their family of three at the entrance of the supermarket, hesitating whether to go forward, when he saw the little girl suddenly let go of her mother's trousers and chased after a red balloon. Surprised, I dropped my things and chased after him without even thinking...

Fortunately, fortunately, the little girl looks lively and healthy.

"Tao Tao, it's not uncle, it's uncle." Nian Tong walked over to correct her daughter's address, then smiled at Lu Heng and said, "Brother Lu Heng, thank you for saving my daughter."

Lu Heng wanted to give her a comforting smile, but he couldn't laugh because of the pain from all over his body, and a dense layer of sweat soon appeared on his forehead.

"Uncle doesn't hurt, Taotao huhu~" Taotao saw that Lu Heng was inhaling in pain, her face twisted, so she quickly opened her mouth and exhaled into Lu Heng's face.

"Don't make trouble, Taotao. Uncle just woke up. Let's go home first and let him rest. We'll come see him tomorrow." Niantong picked up his daughter and whispered to Duan Xinliu, who was holding her mouth shut and suppressing her tears: "Xinliu , don't think about it, I believe Brother Lu Heng loves you, otherwise he wouldn't have to sacrifice his life's happiness just to sympathize with someone."

Duan Xinliu closed her eyes and said nothing.

Nian Tong sighed, turned to Lu Heng and said, "You have a good rest, I will come to see you tomorrow."

Lu Heng nodded slightly, watched her leave with her daughter in her arms, and then looked at his wife.And Duan Xinliu also looked back at him, but kept silent.

(End of this chapter)

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