Chapter 275

"Liu Liu, why are you crying?" Lu Heng looked at his wife, feeling as if his chest was suffocating every time he said a word.

Duan Xinliu just shed tears.

"Liu Liu?" Seeing that she didn't answer, Lu Heng shouted again, his tangled brows were wrinkled into several deep horizontal lines.

"Is it my hands or feet, or am I paralyzed?" She cried so sadly and refused to speak, Lu Heng could only guess for herself.

Duan Xinliu knelt down beside his hospital bed, looked at him with blurred eyes, and asked, "If I told you that your leg might be disabled, how would you feel?"

Lu Heng was startled, realized that his wife was not joking with him, and felt a little uncomfortable, but said: "I feel lucky to be able to survive, so I am grateful to God for treating me well."

When his body was knocked off the ground by the car, he always thought that he would die this time.

So he was grateful to wake up.

"God treats you kindly?" Duan Xinliu laughed with tears in her eyes, "Brother Lu Heng, I really hate God, why did God give me a bad body and a broken marriage, and now I'm so sick? And make all the people I love crippled!"

At the end, she couldn't help but shouted hysterically, "You married me without loving me, I endured that you loved another woman in your heart, endured that you talked about her every day, endured you Holding me in my dream but calling her name... I have endured so much, I really can't hold it anymore..."

Lu Heng's whole body hurt like a knife, especially his head was so painful that it seemed to burst at any time.

He wanted to explain, but the intense pain made him unable to speak.

"Actually, I like her personality very much." Duan Xinliu sat on the ground slumped, leaning her head on the edge of the bed and murmured, "I envy everything about her so much that I'm almost jealous. Why can she have her husband's love for her?" Wholehearted love, why does she live so happily, why does she not have to do anything, but can easily have everything I want?"

"...Liu Liu, this has nothing to do with Xiaoye, don't misunderstand her..." Lu Heng endured the pain in his heart to defend Nian Tong, "I never miss her, when you asked me to marry you, I I told you that there is someone I love in my heart..."

"Yes, you told me. But I didn't expect that after you and I got married, you would only have her in your heart!" Duan Xinliu looked at the haggard and pale face, but still handsome, his eyes were full of pain.

"We've been married for so long, but you've been refusing to touch me. Brother Lu Heng, are you guarding yourself like a jade for her?"

Lu Heng closed his eyes, and after a while he said: "Liu Liu, I don't touch you because I'm worried about your body."

"Excuse!" He immediately refuted him as soon as he finished speaking, "Don't I know my own body? The doctor just said that I can't do strenuous exercise. You are using this as an imperial decree to blame yourself. .”

"Liu Liu, can you stop talking about this at this time?" Lu Heng was tortured by waves of pain and was almost numb, but he still had to face his wife's accusations and complaints. Now he doubted that he had compromised with Duan Xinliu before. Marriage is actually a wrong choice at all.

Duan Xinliu looked at Lu Heng's face tortured by pain, and smiled sadly: "I don't want to say it, but I can't help it. Did you think of me when you were saving her daughter? Did you ever think about it if you couldn't wake up? ,What should I do?"

Lu Heng opened his eyes and looked at her with calm eyes, "Liu Liu, in fact, you don't love me at all. In other words, what you love is not my people, but my beauty in front of others. Have enough vanity to love me in this shell."

Duan Xinliu froze.

"I am willing to marry you, and I am willing to give you a marriage. In fact, I am really trying to manage this marriage well, so that my relationship and life can return to normal. I am working very hard to get rid of my feelings for Xiaoye and do my best. Don't you feel my efforts to accept you, don't you feel?"

The passage was too long, and Lu Heng's chest was so stuffy that he wanted to cough, but when he coughed, it seemed that all the pain switches in his body had been touched, and his face turned blue from the pain.

But even so, he still had to finish the sentence he wanted to say the most: "If you are worried that my disability will affect you in the future, then you can tell me when you go through the divorce procedures, and I will accompany you at any time."

Duan Xinliu couldn't react to Lu Heng's sudden indifference.

In his memory, he would never speak to her in this tone.

He has always taken care of her tenderly and accommodated her, as if with infinite pampering.

If it wasn't for Mu Niantong, she would have thought he really loved her.

"You want to divorce me?" She couldn't believe it, but her emotions didn't fluctuate much.

Lu Heng closed his eyes again, but said: "Isn't this what you think in your heart? You don't have to worry about you divorcing me and others will say that you are real or something. I will explain it to your parents and take all the responsibility on me body."

It was the last thing he could do for her.

Duan Xinliu was silent.

"Liu Liu, for the sake of the relationship between husband and wife, can you go out first and leave me alone for a while?"

Duan Xinliu looked at him and took a while to get up.

"Brother Lu Heng, if I divorce you, don't you blame me?"

Lu Heng didn't reply to her.

Duan Xinliu turned around and walked towards the door with a sad expression.

Nian Tong walked out of the hospital with her daughter in his arms, and seeing that it was still early, he hailed a taxi and went directly to Gu Junyao's company.

Taotao hadn't been to her father's company before, so she ran into the company lobby while her mother was paying for the car as soon as she got off the car.

"Tao Tao, wait for Mom." Nian Tong called to her daughter, fearing that she would make trouble, so the driver followed her without even asking her for money.

Taotao ran to the front desk of the hall, tiptoed very hard, but still couldn't reach the bar at the front desk, so she had to knock on the front counter to remind others of her existence, and said: "Sister, Taotao find someone to pull out."

The little girl at the front desk poked her head out when she heard the words, and just saw the ball of fans, before she asked anything, she saw a figure running over and picked up the ball of fans on the ground and scolded lightly: "How many times have I said, don't mess around?" Run, mom won't bring you next time."

"President's wife?" The girl at the front desk recognized Nian Tong, and hurriedly said, "I'll notify the president right away—"

"No need." Nian Tong interrupted her, smiled and said, "I'll go up by myself."

After finishing speaking, he carried Taotao to the elevator.

Mu Yi'an came out of the president's office, carrying a pile of documents in his arms, and walked towards the secretary's room. He was still at the door when he heard laughter and joy as if a pot was boiling inside.

He frowned, knocked hard on the door with one free hand with a stern face, and then walked in and said, "Is it off-duty time now? Why don't you all have to do anything?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt something tugging at his trousers. When he looked down, he was startled—it was a little girl!

Looking at it again, he said in surprise, "Taotao?"

"Uncle." Taotao called him with a smile, waving her little fleshy arms to hug Mu Yu'an.

Seeing this, Mu Yu'an quickly put the documents in his arms on the table beside him, then leaned over to pick up Taotao, and Taotao immediately kissed her face loudly.

"Peach misses uncle."

Mu Yu'an's eyes softened, "Uncle also misses Taotao, where's Mom?"

"Secretary Mu, the president's wife is standing next to you." The colleague reminded Mu Yu'an, with a hint of narrowness in his voice tinged with a smile.

Mu Yu'an twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, looked at the little girl who was quietly watching him smiling, and asked, "Why didn't you say a word when you came? He probably didn't know you were coming, did he?"

Otherwise it wouldn't be so quiet.

Nian Tong shook his head, "I also suddenly wanted to come over to see him, but I knew you were talking about something, so I came to your place first."

Mu Yunan carried Taotao to his office, and Niantong pulled a chair and sat down.

"Uncle, Taotao wants to see my younger brother." Taotao, who was sitting on Mu Yu'an's lap, said suddenly.

Mu Yi'an looked at Nian Tong, who smiled and said, "She saw a little boy who was younger than her, and then she clamored for me to give her a younger brother. I said that my uncle's family has one." If it wasn't because Lian Nuan was in B The city's natal family, it is estimated that the daughter has already clamored for her to take her to see her brother.

"She's coming next week."

"Huh? Are you going to work so soon?" Nian Tong was a little surprised.

"I will be going to Dubai for three months at the end of the month, so she will be back to work about two weeks earlier."

Nian Tong raised his eyebrows, "Brother, do you want me to complain to your boss that it is inhumane for him to break up the newlyweds?"

Mu Yu'an laughed in surprise, and stopped him: "Don't, otherwise the next time may not only be three months, but three years."

Nian Tong smiled, "You made him look like a petty tyrant."

"Tyrant, pull out the tyrant." Taotao, who was playing with her phone, said suddenly.

The corner of Mu Yu'an's mouth twitched, "How does she know who we're talking about?"

Niantong's face turned hot, and she didn't know how to answer.

The daughter will know that the tyrant is Gu Junyao. It is entirely because Gu Junyao made out with her daughter while she was asleep, and accidentally tore her nightgown, and she read him a tyrant. As he fell asleep, he also said something about the tyrant. At that time, Gu Junyao couldn't laugh or cry, and wanted to throw his daughter into his son's room on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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