Chapter 277

Lu Heng was indeed woken up when Duan Xinxin yelled.

Seeing that Nian Tong saw through him, he first smiled wryly, then opened his eyes, his always gentle eyes were full of helplessness and many unspeakable emotions.

"I don't want to explain why Liu Liu said I want to divorce her." So he pretended to be asleep.

Nian Tong looked at him, feeling full of guilt.

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't for saving Taotao, you and Xinliu wouldn't have become like this."

"As long as she doesn't really love me, even if it's not because of this time, there will be a next time." Lu Heng sighed, looking at Nian Tong: "Since you know about this, it should be her who put the relationship between us into trouble." I told you everything?"

Nian Tong hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Did she say that I married her because I sympathized with her?"

Without waiting for Niantong to answer, Lu Heng said again: "I really don't know what to do to make her believe that I also want to live a good life with her before marrying her, not all because of sympathy."

Nian Tong saw Lu Heng in pain, but didn't know how to comfort him.

She didn't understand the relationship between him and Duan Xinliu.

"No matter what, as a husband and wife, she can do whatever she wants, and I can agree to her. It's just that I don't understand why she told her family that I want to divorce her."

Obviously she meant it.

Obviously she disliked that he might become disabled in the future.

Nian Tong saw that his mouth was dry, so he got up and poured boiling water to moisten his lips with a cotton swab, and said, "Are you thirsty? I asked the doctor, you can drink a little water now."

Lu Heng shook his head.

Now he feels numb to the pain and doesn't think about anything.

"Brother Lu Heng, don't do this." Nian Tong held his hand sadly, "You have to cheer up, the doctor said that if you recover well after recovery, there is a 70.00% certainty that you will return to normal. Take it easy, you can do it."

Seeing him like this, Nian Tong felt more and more guilty.

"You became like this because you saved Taotao. If you don't cheer up, how can I have the face to see you in the future?"

"I didn't say to give up on myself." Seeing her blame herself, Lu Heng comforted her instead, "Xiaoye, if it were other children, I would also save them, so you don't have to feel guilty or owe me anything. "

Nian Tong knew that he was comforting himself.

If it were other children, he would try his best to save them, but he would not trade his life for it.

"You only came here during the day, why come here at night?" Lu Heng changed the subject, "Where is your daughter?"

"Her brother was home after school, so I didn't bring her."

"Then... you come to see me so often, is he jealous if he knows?" Lu Heng asked half jokingly and half seriously.

Nian Tong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Brother Lu Heng, it's too late for him to thank you now, why is he jealous?"

Lu Heng looked at Nian Tong who smiled happily unconsciously, and sighed sincerely in his heart: "It's great to see you so happy." Fortunately, he finally decided to let go.Now seeing her live so happily and happily, I feel comforted in my heart.

You are happy so I am happy.

This line of lyrics suddenly popped up in his mind, and he twitched the corner of his mouth, trying to say something, when there was a rush of high-heeled shoes at the door.

Nian Tong was taken aback for a moment, and just as he got up, the door was pushed open, revealing Duan Xinliu's face.

Seeing Nian Tong, she was not surprised at all, obviously she already knew that she was here.

She nodded at Niantong, then walked towards the hospital bed, bit her lips and looked at Lu Heng, with a struggling face, and said after a while: "I'm sorry, Brother Lu Heng, I just told my dad that I might have to leave for a while, let him Come to the hospital to see you more. He kept asking me to tell us about us, but he didn’t expect Xinxin and the others to know about it, and even found the hospital to quarrel with you. Brother Lu Heng, I’m sorry. You won’t blame me, will you?”

When Nian Tong received a call from Duan Xinliu before, she also said on the phone that Lu Heng wanted to divorce her. She didn't believe it at the time, but now she is even more sure that Duan Xinliu forced Lu Heng to say the divorce.

She hurt a sick patient who was lying in a hospital bed and was now asking for forgiveness in turn.

If she still wanted to persuade the two to make peace before, she absolutely supports Lu Heng and Duan Xinliu's divorce now.

Such a woman is not worthy of Lu Heng pampering her and treating her well.

Lu Heng looked at his wife who had slept in the same bed for hundreds of dark nights, and it was that pitiful expression that tricked him into sympathy.

Her words of "Brother Lu Heng" and the look on Nian Tong's face when she was wronged made him reluctant to reject her.

During these years when the two were together, he indulged her everywhere and pampered her. Why can't she feel the kindness he has done to her?

After finally making up her mind to start over, she made up her mind not to pay attention to all the news about Nian Tong.But he didn't want to end up like this.

"Liu Liu, I'll find a lawyer tomorrow to hand over the divorce agreement to you, and I'll agree to any compensation you want."

Duan Xinliu froze, her pale face became more and more transparent.

"Brother Lu Heng, actually I..." She hesitated halfway through speaking, turned her head to look at Nian Tong, and then continued: "I never said I would leave you, but I just want to leave for a while."

Nian Tong sneered when she heard her words.

"When Brother Lu Heng needed you the most, you said you were going to leave for a while?" She approached Duan Xinliu, staring sharply at her panicked eyes, "Miss Duan, how can you be so selfish. You put Lu Heng Brother, what are you doing? You said that you never said you would leave him, but just wanted to leave for a while, so is the length of time you left related to whether Brother Lu Heng can fully recover after he recovers from his injury? If he is intact, you You can’t wait to go back to him, play a weak person again and continue to win his sympathy, and if he doesn’t finish well, you can’t wait to come back and ask him for a divorce.”

Duan Xinliu stared at Nian Tong in disbelief, and said in a low voice: "Sister Nian Tong, how could you misunderstand me like this? I love Brother Lu Heng!"

"Since you love him, why did you leave when he needed you the most? And he just woke up today and you told him this, don't you think you are doing too much? Do you have the self-consciousness of being a wife? ?”

"I..." Nian Tong's aggressiveness made Duan Xinliu helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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