Chapter 278

"I always thought you loved Brother Lu Heng very much, and I don't know if I misread it or your acting skills are too good to deceive me." Nian Tong sneered.

"Xiaoye." Lu Heng suddenly called her. "Forget it, she has to go."

If you want to go, you can't stay.

What's more, if you can keep people, you can't keep your heart.

Duan Xinliu seemed a little surprised that Lu Heng agreed so happily, but after thinking about it, he immediately understood - wouldn't it be more convenient for him to meet the woman he has always loved in his heart when she leaves?

She sneered, looked at Nian Tong and said, "Sister Nian Tong, in fact, I was not the one who hurt brother Lu Heng. No matter what I do, I can't hurt his heart, because he doesn't have me in his heart. But you are different, you It's the woman he has always loved in his heart, he thinks about you every day, and now he sees you husband and wife loving each other, this is what hurts him the most."

"Liu Liu, what nonsense are you talking about!" Lu Heng stopped impatiently, and almost wanted to sit up from the bed, but just as he moved, every fracture in his body was affected, and his face turned blue from the pain.

"Brother Lu Heng, don't move." Seeing that he was in such pain, Nian Tong quickly came over and pressed his shoulder to persuade him.

"Am I talking nonsense, you know it in your own mind! All these years you have treated me as her shadow and loved me, and it is thanks to her that I can enjoy your special care. Do you think I don't know? Actually, from your frequent I knew it when her name was mentioned in front of me, you never forget her!"

"You're enough!" Nian Tong couldn't bear it any longer, "Duan Xinliu, brother Lu Heng is your husband! Not your enemy, do you have to see him suffer to be reconciled?"

I really didn't expect that a person who looks so weak and kind on the outside is so unreasonable and disgusting in his bones.

She really admired Lu Heng's good temper, she didn't know how she could endure Duan Xinliu's suspicion all these years.

"Xiaoye." Lu Heng took a cold breath and called to her, "Stop talking."

"Liu Liu, let's go." He said to Duan Xinliu again.

Duan Xinliu gritted her teeth and glared at Nian Tong before turning and leaving.

"She has a slight schizophrenia, her emotions are out of control and she can't be stimulated anymore, otherwise the situation will be difficult to deal with." As soon as she left, Lu Heng explained.

"Split?" Nian Tong was stunned, with a shocked expression: "Brother Lu Heng, what kind of woman did you marry?"

Lu Heng smiled wryly, "I won't talk about this anymore. It should be getting late now, you go back, lest I worry about going back later."

Nian Tong frowned, "No one is taking care of you now, if I leave, what will happen to you here?"

"Before you came, I asked the hospital to arrange a 24-hour intensive care for me."

Hearing this, Nian Tong thought that Lu Heng probably guessed that Duan Xinliu would leave at any time, so he did so.I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

Because he is a public figure, the news of Lu Heng's injury was blocked, and even the Lu family did not know the news of his injury.And once Duan Xinliu left, Lu Heng really didn't have half of his relatives around him.

"You don't have to worry about me, you can rest assured that I have special guards to take care of me." Seeing her silence, Lu Heng knew that she was worried about him, so he said.

Nian Tong nodded, and glanced at the time, it was past ten o'clock.

"I'll go see who your special guard is, and I'll go back when she comes over."

six months later.

"Uncle, give me a hug."

As soon as Lu Heng walked out of the recovery room, a fluffy lump of flesh jumped in front of him.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at the little girl who was hugging his leg, and smiled unconsciously.

It was cold outside, and the little girl was fully armed, from head to toe dressed as furry as a panda.

"Tao Tao, uncle is very tired after exercising just now, don't make trouble with uncle." Nian Tong came over and tried to pull her daughter away, but Tao Tao hugged her tightly, with a stubbornness that would not give up until she reached her goal.

"It's okay, my hand has healed a long time ago, and it's okay to hug her." Lu Heng leaned over to pick up the shameless Taotao, and as soon as he stood firmly, a mint-flavored lollipop popped into his mouth.

"Uncle hug Taotao, Taotao will give you candy." Taotao squinted her eyes and smiled flatteringly.

Lu Heng took out the lollipop with one free hand, and said with a wonderful expression of enjoyment: "The candy that Taotao gave is really sweet."

"Brother Lu Heng, you just finished the rehabilitation test, so sit down and rest for a while."

Nian Tong said that she forcibly took her daughter from Lu Heng's arms.

Lu Heng nodded, approached a bench and sat down, then slowly straightened his left leg.

After half a year of treatment, except for the slow recovery of the fracture on the left leg, the fractures on other parts of the body have basically recovered.

Fortunately, this fracture on the leg is not very serious, and the doctor said that there is great hope for a full recovery.

"In about half a year, I will be the same as before." He is confident that he can fully recover.

Nian Tong looked at him, and the two smiled knowingly.

In the past six months, she has come to the hospital to accompany him to take care of him almost every day. Seeing him getting better and recovering day by day, she feels very excited every day.

She suddenly remembered Duan Xinliu who had been away from Lu Heng for half a year. She insisted on leaving because she was afraid that Lu Heng would become a cripple. Decide?

"What are you thinking?" Seeing her looking at a certain place with a pensive expression, Lu Heng couldn't help asking.

Nian Tong came back to her senses, smiled, and said nothing.

"Pull it out!" The daughter in her arms suddenly yelled.

Nian Tong and Lu Heng were taken aback, and they both looked at the same time, seeing Gu Junyao walking towards them, Jun Rong smiled slightly, obviously hearing his daughter calling him.

"Why is he always like this?" Lu Heng asked suddenly.

Nian Tong was taken aback, "What does it look like?"

"That is, no matter how many years have passed, he is still the same as when I first met him." The same calm and calm, clear and unmistakable.

Nian Tong fully agrees with this.

In her eyes, Gu Junyao was like eating the elixir of immortality, his appearance remained unchanged year after year.

She really doubted that maybe when her face was wrinkled and her hair was graying, her family would still look like this.

(End of this chapter)

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