Chapter 279

In the evening, Gu Junyao's family invited Lu Heng to have dinner in the restaurant, Xiao Xi carried Tao Tao to the sofa next to her after eating early, and coaxed her to feed with Nian Tong.

Lu Heng's foot injury hadn't fully recovered and he couldn't drink, so he and Gu Junyao substituted tea for wine.

"I have always owed you a thank you, and I will pay you back today." Gu Junyao picked up the teacup and came over to clink.

Lu Heng couldn't help laughing—this man even had such a personality when he thanked others.

"Xiaoye has said this sentence so many times that I can hear cocoons in my ears." He raised his glass to touch him, took a sip, looked back at Niantong who was patiently feeding Taotao, and smiled.

"Peach is very cute."

"That is, I don't care about anyone's daughter."

Probably because he didn't expect Gu Junyao to answer such a sentence, Lu Heng doubted his hearing for a while.

"What do you need my help for?" Gu Junyao suddenly changed the subject.

Lu Heng looked at him silently.

After a while, he said, "I didn't save Taotao to ask you to repay me, you—"

"You misunderstood me." Gu Junyao interrupted him, "I'm just not used to being in debt to anyone, besides, you always need my help, as long as I can help, I will not refuse."

Lu Heng thought for a while, but didn't refuse again.

A man like Gu Junyao, who calls the wind and rain in the mall, is used to overturning the clouds and rain to control everything. He has always been owed only by others.It is indeed difficult to get used to suddenly being in debt to others.

"Whenever I think I need your help, I will not be polite."

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, and the two clinked glasses again.

After coming out of the restaurant, Nian Tong insisted that Gu Junyao send Lu Heng back.

Because Lu Heng's left leg can't be bent for a long time, he can't drive yet.

"No need. The doctor said that my legs need to be exercised more, so the chances of a complete recovery are higher, so I want to take a walk before going back by car." Lu Heng refused with a smile.

Although Nian Tong was not at ease, after thinking about it, he did not persist.

"Then be careful and call us immediately if you need something."

"Okay." Lu Heng replied, originally wanted to say hello to Taotao, but saw that Taotao had fallen asleep lying on Gu Junyao's lap.

"I'm leaving." He waved his hand and walked to the other side.

***************************************split line********* *******************************
Lu Heng returned to the apartment, but after getting out of the elevator, he caught a glimpse of a petite figure standing at the door of his house.

He froze for a moment, and when he realized who it was, he couldn't help frowning.

The other party was obviously aware of his presence, and turned his head suddenly. The moment he saw him, his eyes lit up, and he walked over quickly.

"Brother Lu Heng, you're back? I've been waiting for you at the door for a long time. Did you change the anti-theft lock on the door? Why can't my key open?"

As soon as Duan Xinliu saw Lu Heng, she asked a series of questions, but none of them were about his health, whether he had a good life during the time she left.

Lu Heng stared at her quietly, and it took a long time before he spoke: "Liu Liu, I asked the lawyer to draw up the divorce agreement the day after you left, and you can sign it at any time."

Duan Xinliu turned pale, shook her head and said: "Brother Lu Heng, I was wrong, I don't want to divorce you, didn't I come back to look for you? Forgive me, I'm childish and ignorant, don't blame me."

If it was before, Lu Heng might feel that he couldn't bear it, but after the car accident, he fully realized that there would never be a possibility between him and Duan Xinliu.

Even if he could force himself to live with her for the rest of his life, it wasn't likely that she would bear it.

"Liu Liu, are you sure you don't want to divorce me?" he asked.

Duan Xinliu nodded sharply, "I will live with you well in the future, and I will never be mad at you for not being self-willed."

"Then will you take care of me? I'm not the same as before, and I can't take care of you like before. Would you like to take care of me instead?"

Duan Xinliu froze, "What do you mean?"

Lu Heng sneered in his heart, but said calmly on his face: "My left leg is completely disabled, watch me walk." He turned around, deliberately exposing the disadvantage of his left leg to Duan Xinliu.

And Duan Xinliu looked at his left and right shoulders rising and falling, and his heart sank.

"How did this happen? My dad secretly went to the hospital to see you. He said that you are recovering very well, and you will be fully recovered in a few months at most."

"So that's the real reason why you don't want to divorce me?"

Lu Heng turned around, his handsome face was full of indifference.

"Liu Liu, what exactly am I to you? Is it your lifebuoy? A piece of driftwood to live on? Or a fool who wants to be what you want, and when you don't want it, you will hurt me with bad words?"

"No no no, I love you, you are my husband." Duan Xinliu shook her head vigorously, "After these few months, I realized that I love you, I have made up my mind, I promise you Go for a heart transplant operation, after the operation is successful we can live like a normal couple, we will be very happy."

"But I'm disabled!" Lu Heng reminded her.

Sure enough, when this point was mentioned, Duan Xinliu fell silent.

"Liu Liu, do you still care if I'm disabled?" Lu Heng approached her and asked.

Duan Xinliu took a few steps back, but still shook her head.

"Look, if I'm disabled, you don't want me. Does that count as loving me?" Lu Heng smiled sarcastically.

"You must have lied to me, I don't believe it!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask my doctor in charge." Anyway, he has already greeted the doctor in charge, and he is not afraid of cheating.

"You, you really can only walk like this in the future?" Duan Xinliu couldn't help feeling chills when he recalled the way Lu Heng walked just now.She couldn't accept Lu Heng becoming a cripple!
"I... I'm leaving first." Before Lu Heng could answer, she missed him and walked towards the elevator.

Lu Heng didn't keep her either, instead he said: "I hope you will sign the divorce agreement as soon as possible, and give me back my freedom as soon as possible."

Duan Xinliu paused for a moment, then looked back at Lu Heng, that handsome face could still touch her heart and fascinated her.


She doesn't want a cripple.

The elevator door opened, and she walked in without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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