Chapter 280

Milan Linate Airport lobby.

"Hi, welcome to Italy, I'm Cary."

A big white hand with slender fingers reached out to Niantong.

She froze for a moment. She really didn't expect that the Italian man with short brown hair, deep eye sockets, high nose and thin lips, and a short beard under his nose and chin could speak fluent Chinese.

No one had ever told her that Gu Manqing's Italian husband could speak Chinese, and he could speak it so well, which caused her to study Italian crazily these days. She was worried that if she didn't understand a sentence, she would lose face to someone. Unexpectedly...

She turned her head and glared at a smiling man who was hugging her sleeping daughter, and with a bright smile on her pretty face, she shook hands with the man who stretched out his hand.

It's hard to tell that the man in front of him is actually over 40 years old. Except for a few light horizontal lines on his forehead, this authentic Italian man is unbelievably handsome.No wonder it can tie the heart of Miss Gu's family.

"Uncle Cary couldn't understand a word of Chinese when he met his aunt, let alone speak Chinese. It was my aunt who said that if he learned Chinese, he would date him. That's why he has achieved Chinese success today."

Xiaoxi at the side knew that Nian Tong was curious, so she explained her doubts.

"how do you know?"

"Grandma often said, it's hard for me not to know. In short, if you have been in touch with grandma for a while, you will know how much she loves the past of my aunt and my dad."

Regarding her mother-in-law who had been married to Gu Junyao for four or five years but had never met, Nian Tong still couldn't help being a little nervous.

Although she has kept in touch with her through video calls over the years, she can feel that the other party is an open-minded and tolerant mother-in-law through the video, but she has never met in real life. She is afraid that if she is not good enough, she will dissatisfy the elderly.

"Manqing and parents have prepared a full table at home, and we are waiting for you to sit together. Let's go home first." Cary took the luggage from Xiaoxi's hand and led the way.

"I'm so nervous."

Nian Tong put his hand into the pocket of Gu Junyao's coat, and read in a low voice.

"Why are you nervous?" Gu Junyao glanced sideways at her, then suddenly lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek.

"Don't think about it, don't you already know what kind of people my parents are? Or do you still remember her before—"

"No, no." Nian Tong interrupted him without waiting for him to finish speaking, thought for a while, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "I'm just afraid that I'm not doing well enough to make you lose face."

"Silly girl."

"Dad, can you two hurry up? I'm going to be hungry!" Xiao Xi couldn't help shouting when he saw his father and the others still lingering after walking for a while.

He didn't like the food on the plane, barely ate anything, it would be unbearably hungry.

Nian Tong smiled shyly, took his hand out of Gu Junyao's coat pocket, wrapped his arms around his waist from behind and said, "Let's go, anyway, I have Taotao as a shield, so there's nothing to be nervous about."

*****************************************split line******* *******************************
Cary's car can not only accommodate ten people at the same time, but also has excellent performance and an astonishingly fast speed. In just half an hour, the car stopped in front of a luxurious building.

At this time, the twilight is getting thicker, and the large glass walls are brightly lit, and the lights are reflected on the green lawn outside and the aisle paved with maroon wood, reflecting the floor lamps on the side of the road, making people unable to take their eyes off.

Xiaoxi opened the door first and got out of the car, then walked around to the trunk of the car to get the luggage.

Gu Junyao hugged his daughter, and Nian Tong followed behind, holding his coat cuff tightly with one hand.

Gu Junyao had no choice but to laugh, and lifted the girl up to hug her. Who knew that the little guy frowned, and suddenly opened his eyes, staring at his father.

"It's really time for the little girl to wake up." Gu Junyao kissed her daughter's forehead, pointed to Cary who came around with her luggage, and said, "Call me uncle."

Cary even dreamed of having a child of himself and Gu Manqing, but it was a pity that he was barren, so he always treated Xiaoxi as his own son.Now there is such a cute little girl, he fell in love with it at the first sight, and before Taotao could speak, he put down his luggage and reached out to hug her from Gu Junyao.

"Hi, I'm Cary." He greeted Taotao in another way.

Taotao just woke up, blinked her big eyes and rubbed again, then opened her hand curiously and touched the beard on Cary's chin, maybe it was Cary's beard that made her palms itchy, she burst out laughing, hugging her generously He took Cary's neck and kissed him hard on the chin.

"I am Tao Tao, the peach of Juicy Tao."

Cary accidentally got Taotao's passionate kiss, her deep eyes narrowed with joy, and she walked straight to the door with Taotao in her arms.


Nian Tong rubbed her forehead, thinking that she originally planned to hold her daughter as a shield, but now it's all right, the shield has been taken away.

"Let's go." Gu Junyao took her hand and followed.

"Dad, can you help me with the luggage anyway?" Xiaoxi shouted behind him carrying a few large bags.

Gu Junyao acted as if he had never heard of it, and he didn't even turn his head.

Xiaoxi secretly sighed—it's true that I forgot my son when I had a wife.

As soon as I entered the hall, I heard a burst of laughter.

Taotao has become more and more ghostly in the past eight or nine months, and her mouth is also sweet. Listening to her talking about her grandpa and grandma, the old man and the old lady are so happy that they are from ear to ear. Nian Tong feels more at ease.

"Welcome to the daughter-in-law of our Gu family who is finally willing to come to Italy to meet her in-laws." Gu Manqing glanced at Nian Tong standing at the door, raised her eyebrows and said something, everyone looked over, Nian Tong lowered her head in embarrassment.
I dare not lift it up.

"Manqing, what are you talking about?" Mother Gu scolded her daughter lightly, and walked towards Niantong with a warm smile.

"Silly boy, what's there to be shy about in your own family? Your sister Manqing is joking with you."

"That's right, I'm not kidding, you old man has nothing to say now." Gu Manqing also came over, pushed Gu Junyao away who was beside Nian Tong, put his arms around Nian Tong's shoulder and said, "Are you hungry? Wash your hands and eat first. "

"Hungry, Taotao is hungry!"

Taotao in Cary's arms shouted hungry as soon as she heard the meal.

The family immediately washed their hands and prepared to eat.

"Tongtong, don't you like spicy and spicy food? These are all your favorite food, authentic spicy and spicy taste, try it and see if it's different from what you eat in China?"

Mother Gu pointed to more than half of the dishes on the table and asked Nian Tong.

Nian Tong didn't expect that she would prepare so many dishes for herself, and she was moved and embarrassed at the same time.

"Mom, it's been a few years ago that she likes spicy food. After giving birth to Taotao, I asked her to quit spicy food. She hasn't eaten these for several years." Gu Junyao blocked Nian Tong from lowering his chopsticks to prepare Hands holding vegetables.

"Eh? Then why when I asked Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi said that Tongtong likes these?"

Several pairs of eyes looked at Xiaoxi, and Xiaoxi immediately raised her hands to explain: "Don't look at me, you should ask her herself, anyway, she took Taotao and me to eat Malatang many times. I don't know if Dad wants to eat or not." gone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nian Tong immediately felt the air pressure around him drop suddenly.

Gu Xici actually betrayed her~
She twitched the corner of her mouth and looked sideways at Gu Junyao, who was looking at her with squinted eyes, and said with an apologetic smile: "Actually, my body is really good enough to rival a cow, so don't worry that eating spicy food will harm my health. "

"Doctor An said you'd better not eat spicy food."

"That's what I said when I was in confinement. It's been several years now."

"Why do you want to eat without telling me?"

"I'm afraid you're not happy."

"Then I'm happy now?"


"Gu Junyao, why do you look more like a child when you get older?" Mother Gu looked at her son with a stern face, and couldn't bear to see it. It all happened a few years ago, she is in good health now, and she eats spicy food if she likes it, how can a big man even control what his wife eats?"


"That's right, Dad, you are too strict. She took me to eat two or three times a week. I have always been in good health. Your worries are too much."

Gu Junyao glared at him, Xiaoxi immediately fell silent and buried herself in eating her own food.

"Come on, Tongtong sits next to me, you can eat whatever you like, don't worry about him." Mother Gu got up and pulled the old man up, and changed places with Niantong.

With so many eyes staring at her, it's no wonder that Niantong can eat it.

Fortunately, Taotao, the pistachio, diverted her attention. She sat between Cary and Gu Manqing, asking Cary to peel the shrimp for her, and Gu Manqing to feed her at the same time. Her posture was more queen than the queen.

Nian Tong ate a meal uneasy, and secretly glanced at Gu Junyao's face from time to time, fearing that he would be angry with her, and she was relieved until he quietly handed him a glass of boiling water.

(End of this chapter)

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