Chapter 281

"Miss Qin, what's the matter?"

Qiao Xun asked with a frown.

He brought the person here, originally to make his cousin happy, but now that something like this happened, he was completely lost by this woman regardless of his face or face.

The woman who was named still kept her head down and kept silent, but her body trembled even more.

"Miss Qin, you don't have to be afraid, just say what you have to say, even if he is our leader, he has no right to force Liang to prosper!"

The girl in police uniform stared at the woman, but the words were meant for Qiao Yueqing.

And Qiao Yueqing almost laughed out loud.

What a force `good for prosperity.

He raised the corner of his mouth lightly, and slightly turned his head to look at the woman beside him.

"Miss Qin, right?"

The voice was too lazy to hear emotions, but it clearly carried a chilling danger.

The woman nodded subconsciously.

"Miss Qin, no one taught you that you should look people in the eye when you talk to them?"

The woman raised her head, her beautiful face was as pale as snow.

"I'm sorry, I, I..." She took a deep breath, as if to calm down the fear in her heart, and continued after a while: "My name is Qin Youxuan. I don't know what the report number is. I didn't call."

Qiao Yue raised his eyebrows, but Qin Youxuan turned to the girl in front of him and said, "You guys misunderstood, no one is forcing me here."

"Didn't force you?" The girl obviously didn't believe it. She half-closed her eyes and looked at Qiao Yueqing. Seeing the pride in his eyes, she sneered in her heart.

"Since he didn't force you, then you voluntarily came out to sell it?"

Qin Youxuan's face turned even paler, and she suddenly shook her head in denial: "I didn't, I didn't sell it, I, I'm clean..."

"Since he didn't force you and you didn't sell, then what's your relationship with him?" The girl was aggressive.

"I..." Qin Youxuan looked at Qiao Yueqing timidly, bit her lips and said, "I like him, so I begged Brother Xun to bring me here, hoping he would accept me as his girlfriend."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao Xun and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

What the truth is, everyone knows it well.It's considered that this woman is sensible and doesn't speak nonsense.

Although even if she was talking nonsense, they would at most explain a few more sentences, but it didn't look so good.

But now Qin Youxuan's explanation is to save face for her cousin.

"Sister Ruo, Ruoqing, since it's a misunderstanding, then, let's go." Huang Yuxia really couldn't stand the way the head looked at them, with an expression of indifference, but it made people tremble with fear.

Although Liang Ruoqing knew that the woman was lying.Even a blind person could see that she was terrified of that man, how could she like him.But she had no evidence to refute.

"Why, you seem very dissatisfied that she likes me?" Qiao Yue raised his chin and slowly exhaled the smoke, his facial features hidden in the white beauty, making it impossible to see his emotions at this time.

Liang Ruoqing held back what she wanted to refute, took a deep breath, lowered her eyes and said, "Mr. Qiao, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

"Mr. Qiao?" Li Dong couldn't help laughing, "Little sister, your ears are not good. Didn't you hear Brother Xun's introduction that Qiao Ju is our leader?"

Liang Ruoqing curled her lips, "For you, it's off-duty time, and this is not a police station, so I don't have to call him like I do in the police station."

Li Dong didn't expect this girl to be so stubborn that she didn't even give face to her boss.

Liang Ruoqing took one last look at Qin Youxuan, then turned around and left with her colleagues.

Seeing this, a group of people booed and started to make trouble again.

Qiao Yueqing looked at the door thoughtfully, and then said to Qiao Xun, "Give me a piece of information about this woman."

Qiao Xun was talking to his woman, but he didn't realize it for a while, pointing at Qin Youxuan and asking, "Her?"

Seeing Qiao Yue staring at him, he immediately understood.

"You mean that junior sister? She should be from Shuncheng District, because this store belongs to Shuncheng District. Before going to work tomorrow, I will give you a copy of her detailed information, which is so accurate that even her measurements are clear."

Qiao Yueqing always thought that his words were rascal enough, but he didn't expect this cousin to be even worse than that.

"I'm tired. I have to go to the bureau for a meeting early tomorrow morning. I'll go home and rest first." He said and got up.

"Leave now? You haven't had a few drinks." Qiao Xun stood up after him.

Qiao Yueqing didn't reply to him.

"It's all mine tonight. Let's have a good drink. I still have to go one step ahead."

"Brother Yueqing, wait, this is the key to the apartment. I almost forgot to give it to you." Qiao Xun took out a key from his pocket and handed it over, and said, "How about I take you back?"

"Are you still afraid that I can't find the way?" Qiao Yue gave him a white look, took the key and walked to the door.

Seeing this, Qin Youxuan hurriedly got up and followed.

Qiao Xun was taken aback, thinking what the hell is going on?This woman followed in such a hurry, did she really like her cousin?

"Brother Xun, Qiao Ju is really loyal, we will delay your blessing, come, everyone toast Brother Xun."

Hearing his colleague calling him, he came back to his senses, raised his glass, and forgot about Qiao Yueqing.

*************************************split line*********** *******************************
Qiao Yueqing found his car at the door of the store. He looked at the time and saw that it was past ten o'clock. He opened the door and was about to sit in when he heard the crisp sound of high heels.

"Director Joe."

Qin Youxuan was standing at the side of the passenger seat, under the orange street lights, her eyes were so soft that Qiao Yue raised her eyebrows in a beige close-fitting small foreign dress.

"what's up?"

Qin Youxuan bit her lip, and said, "I'm sorry."

Qiao Yue snorted and laughed, "You mean the report call?"

"Although I didn't make the call."

"You didn't hit it?" Qiao Yueqing was slightly surprised. "Then why did you say sorry?"

"Because although I didn't call it, it was caused by me." After a pause, "Can you give me a few minutes to explain?"

Qiao Yueqing thought about it, and pointed to the door of the passenger seat as a gesture of please.

(End of this chapter)

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