Chapter 282

Sit in the car, open the glove box and take out a pack of cigarettes.

"Do you mind?"

Qin Youxuan shook her head, watching him half-lower the car window before lighting the cigarette in hand, the flickering sparks between his fingers reflected his profile, rendering a mysterious and charming color.

She was suffocating for breath, looked back and lowered her head to fiddle with the small bag in her hand, before she said after a long time: "My boyfriend should have called the report call."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Qiao Yueqing stretched out the hand holding the cigarette and dusted it out of the window before turning back to look at her, with a surprised tone, as if wondering why she came out to do such a thing since she had a boyfriend.

Qin Youxuan heard the meaning of his words, and her face turned red and pale.

"It should be my ex-boyfriend." She took a deep breath and began to talk: "My boyfriend is the financial manager of an advertising company. When I met him, he was self-motivated and kind to me, and he took good care of me. My family. But then he somehow got sick of gambling, and he gambled bigger and bigger, and even lost a lot of company funds."

Speaking of this, she seemed to sigh, and then said: "He was desperate, and asked me to help him raise money to pay back the public funds, but he was short of millions, not thousands of dollars, and my monthly salary was only More than 2000, and there are no rich relatives in the family, where can I raise so much money for him?"

"So you came out to do this business?"

Qiao Yueqing asked quietly.

Qin Youxuan shook his head: "Even if I died, I would never think of selling my body to raise money for him. He was the one who lied to the owner of the store that I was voluntary, and then arranged for me to sign a five-year contract to sell my body." The contract took a lot of money...if I didn't have a paralyzed mother and a younger brother to take care of, I don't think I would be alive today."

Qiao Yueqing glanced at her, threw the cigarette butt to the open space outside the car window, turned on the air conditioner and closed the car window.

"Since he designed you to sign the prostitution contract and get the money, why did he call the police to report you?"

Qin Youxuan shook his head, "I don't know what he's are my first guest, he might..."

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid you will be ruined by me, so I would rather report you and arrest you at the police station?" Qiao Qingyue couldn't laugh or cry.

"Miss Qin, your ex-boyfriend is such a scumbag, it's a good thing for you to see his true colors early on. Looking for a man in the future, keep your eyes open and don't choose the wrong one again."

"In the future?" Qin Youxuan smiled wryly, "What is the future for a person like me?" She couldn't even pass her own test, and couldn't accept the touch of a strange man at all. If she wasn't thinking about her mother and brother, she would really The early end of their own.

Thinking about those five long years, she felt that she would rather die than live, and wondered if she could survive these five years.

Since Qiao Yueqing left school, he has fully integrated into the big dye vat of society.He has been wandering in the darkest part of society all these years, what has he not seen?
Every industry has its own rules, and although it is stipulated that the sale of `*** is not allowed, it is not completely prohibited, otherwise there would not be so many sensual places.So Qiao Xun's friend's shop defaulted to its existence in a certain way, so Qin Youxuan's contract to sell himself was also valid.

And since she signed the contract and took the money, she must abide by the contract and survive the five years, otherwise she would have to break the contract and lose money.

"Just now I was really afraid of being caught in the police station. If that's the case, my mother and brother will know what I'm doing, and even if I die, I won't be able to get rid of the embarrassment I bring to them."

Qiao Yue stroked his forehead, a little irritable.

He is not the kind of person who is easy to soften his heart. On the contrary, countless people have died in his hands over the years.So he should just listen to a story, go home and sleep after listening, and don't think about anything.

But by nature, he hates men who bully women, and men who force their women to sell themselves are simply inferior to pigs and dogs.

Between helping or not helping, he struggled and hesitated for a while, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Give me that scumbag's number."

Qin Youxuan was slightly taken aback, and said in astonishment: "You, what do you want his phone for?"

"Let me ask you, do you want to continue doing what you did tonight tomorrow, or do you want to get rid of the relationship with that store? Next time you won't meet someone like me, maybe you will be thrown down by the other party when you first meet clean."

And if it hadn't happened to him tonight, he wouldn't even look at her.

"You want to help me?" Qin Youxuan's eyes sparkled, and she couldn't help but turned sideways to grab his hand with excitement.

Qiao Yueqing's eyes fell on the hand that was holding her arm, and she frowned with thick eyebrows. Qin Youxuan immediately let go, blushing and red-eared: "I'm sorry, I, I was too excited."

"But, are you really willing to help me?"

"Give me his phone number first."

Qin Youxuan nodded, took out a small notebook and a pen from her bag, wrote down a number, and handed it over.

"I will say hello to the owner of that store, you don't have to go there tomorrow. As for your ex-boyfriend, I will get the money back for you and return it to the store owner, but I don't guarantee whether your ex-boyfriend will go You and your family are in trouble, so you'd better relocate temporarily."

"Oh, okay, I'll move tomorrow." Qin Youxuan didn't expect such a good thing to happen to him, and he was so grateful to Qiao Yueqing for a moment.

Qiao Yueqing sighed, thinking that he might as well send the Buddha to the west, "Where do you live, I will take you back."

Qin Youxuan was taken aback again, stupidly looking at Qiao Yueqing who had already started the engine, the car drove a certain distance before she spoke out her home address.

After more than 20 minutes, the car stopped.

Qin Youxuan thanked her and got out of the car, but she didn't let go of her hand that was still holding the car door.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Qiao Yueqing asked.

"Well, can I ask you for your phone number?"

Qiao Yueqing originally wanted to refuse, but then thought that maybe she wanted his phone number to confirm whether he would help her, so he gave her a phone number he didn't use frequently.

"Thank you, Director Qiao." Qin Youxuan bowed slightly and smiled to thank the man in the car, then closed the car door, turned around and walked towards home.

(End of this chapter)

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