Chapter 287

"Miss Qin, your mother inhaled too much smoke, hurt her lungs, and induced a heart attack. The situation is very bad. You have to be mentally prepared."

The doctor's words made Qin Youxuan's face turn pale, her legs became weak for a while, and she almost couldn't stand up.

Qiao Yueqing, who accompanied her to the hospital, held her waist comfortingly when she saw this.She glanced at him gratefully, and then asked the doctor, "What about my brother? How is he?"

"He was just frightened, nothing serious."

"Your mother is still in a coma. I'll tell you what's going on."

After the words fell, the doctor turned and left.

Qin Youxuan raised his hand to cover his blackened eyes, a little unbearable that so many things happened at home in one day.

"Miss Qin, what are your plans next?" Qiao Yueqing asked suddenly.

Qin Youxuan let go of her hand and shook her head blankly.

"The house burned down, the job was gone, and I have nothing now. My mother's life and death are uncertain now, and I don't know what I'm going to do next? What can I do?"

"I'm sorry. I should have let Liu Tao go after I'm sure you've moved, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Qiao Yueqing was a little annoyed.

"You don't have to worry about the medical expenses on your mother's side. I can help you with the housing issue temporarily. Let's see how your mother's condition progresses before making other decisions."

Qin Youxuan really didn't expect that he would apologize to him, and was willing to help him with the medical expenses of his mother who lived there, so he felt mixed feelings for a while.

"You helped me so much without expecting anything in return. I am already very grateful to you, and I never thought of blaming you. What's more, I am even more grateful that you are willing to lend me money to pay my mother's medical expenses. As for the housing issue, my brother I was going to study in province Z, and I had to stay in the hospital to take care of my mother, so there was no need to arrange a place for me. And I will find a job again to make money and pay you back."

"I'll talk about this later." Qiao Yueqing glanced at the time and remembered another thing, so he said, "I have something to do, so I'm leaving first, and you can call me if you need any help."

"Are you leaving?" Qin Youxuan looked at him, feeling disappointed.

Qiao Yueqing has been lingering in the flowers for many years, and there are many women who never forget him. Naturally, he can tell something from the words and deeds of the women.

And he caught the reluctance in Qin Youxuan's eyes just now, obviously he had some kind of affection for him, so he frowned unconsciously.He didn't say anything, just nodded, then turned and left.

Qin Youxuan looked at his receding back, bit her lower lip lightly, her pale face was pitiful.

****************************************split line******** *****************************
Cheng Jingzhen returned to the ward from the doctor, with a smile on her face: "The doctor said you are fine, you can go home right away, I will cook you a table of delicious food tonight, and ask your father not to go out tonight, our family People have a good reunion dinner."

"Then I canceled my trip to France today, isn't it a feast?" Liang Hanwen also laughed.

"Brother, when will you find me a sister-in-law and let her learn to cook good dishes from my mother, so that you can have good food every day."

Speaking of this, Cheng Jingzhen immediately changed the subject and looked at her son: "Hanwen, last time your aunt introduced the girl to you, I think it's good, she is beautiful and gentle, and she is also a kindergarten teacher, after you have children, she can help her Education, how good."

The corner of Liang Hanwen's mouth twitched, "Mom, why did you think about the child before you even flipped the horoscope?"

"Then quickly draw the horoscope on it, lest all the good women will be married away by others, and you will be single for the rest of your life."

"If a man like my brother is a bachelor, then all the men in this world will be bachelors." Liang Ruoqing defended her brother's behavior and winked at him, but at this moment, there were several knocks on the door.

"Huh? Could it be that your dad has rushed to the hospital too?"

Cheng Jingzhen went to open the door, and when she saw the strange man standing at the door, she was taken aback. Just about to ask him who he was looking for, she heard her son's voice behind her: "Director Qiao?"

As soon as these three words came out, Liang Ruoqing, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, almost jumped up from the bed in shock.

Liang Hanwen glanced at his sister's surprised and delighted expression, got up and walked to the door, put his mother's shoulders on his shoulders and said, "Mom, don't you want to make delicious food for the table at night? I'll accompany you to the supermarket to buy vegetables."

"But Qingqing—"

"Don't worry, Director Qiao will be responsible for sending Ruoqing home. We just invited him to dinner tonight."

Cheng Jingzhen wanted to say something, but was forcibly dragged out of the ward by her son.

Qiao Yueqing stood at the door for a while before coming in.

Liang Ruoqing lowered her head and stared at her toes, her hands unconsciously clenched into fists on her legs, her heartbeat was so violent that it seemed that she was about to burst out of her chest at any moment, and the sound of her "thumping" heartbeat could be clearly heard in her ears.

"Are you okay?" Seeing her blushing abnormally, like a ripe tomato, Qiao Yueqing wondered if she had a fever.

Liang Ruoqing coughed awkwardly and shook her head.

Qiao Yueqing was very puzzled by her docile appearance - she looked disgusted at him before getting into the elevator in the morning, how could she be as obedient as a kitten?

"Why don't you talk? The cat bit off your tongue?" Qiao Yueqing couldn't help teasing her.

Sure enough, Liang Ruoqing immediately raised her eyes and stared, but her lips moved, but she still didn't speak.

Qiao Yueqing laughed out loud, narrowed his eyes and looked at her playfully, and asked again: "Did you swallow your tongue in fright when you shot?"

"You just swallowed your own tongue!" Liang Ruoqing didn't expect that this mouth was still so hateful, just like how she liked to tease her more than ten years ago, he was only happy when she was angry.

"Well, I can talk, it seems the tongue is still there."

Liang Ruoqing continued to stare at him, staring at him, feeling aggrieved again.

After all, she saved his life, and he came to see why she didn't say some words of thanks, but deliberately wanted to annoy her?

"Actually, you don't have to shoot at all."

Liang Ruoqing's expression froze, and she heard Qiao Yueqing say: "Liu Tao can't hurt me at all, and I want to capture him alive so that he will be punished by the law and put in prison for the rest of his life."

"So, the shot I fired didn't save you, but my meddling ruined your plan?"


(End of this chapter)

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