Chapter 288

Qiao Yueqing didn't expect Liang Ruoqing to ask such a question, he just wanted to say that even if she didn't shoot, he wouldn't be hurt by Liu Tao, and she didn't have to scare herself to the hospital because of that shot.

Seeing his silence, Liang Ruoqing's heart turned cold: "I thought you came to thank me for saving your life, but it turned out that I was being sentimental, and you came to blame me, right?"

Qiao Yueqing frowned, "I didn't say that, don't wrong me."

Seeing that she was so wronged that she was about to cry, as if she was being bullied miserably by him, Qiao Yueqing was extremely depressed.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong just now, but I'm actually here to thank you for saving me." A good man doesn't fight with women, God knows he hates coaxing women, especially women who lose their temper with him for no reason.

Liang Ruoqing looked at him, her eyes flushed.

Sure enough, he had completely forgotten about her, and the two of them had met so many times without recognizing who she was.

But this can not blame him.After all, she was only ten years old at that time, and the girl had turned eighteen, and now it is almost difficult to find the shadow of the past in her, and he has only been in contact with her for a month, so it is normal whether he will remember her or not.

What's more, even she herself failed to recognize him as the man she had been thinking about for 12 years in the first place.

Compared with the handsome and unruly face 12 years ago, the handsome yet masculine face in front of him clearly has the charm of a mature man and is more attractive to the opposite sex.

If Qiao Xun hadn't revealed his identity that night, she would not have recognized that the man who haunted her in her dreams was right in front of her eyes, and the two of them would sew again under such circumstances.

At that time, she was teased and teased by him in front of so many people, she was so angry that she wanted to cry, she scolded him a thousand times in her heart, vowed not to talk to him again, and treated him as a stranger.

But after all, having loved him for so many years, she would miss him day and night when she didn't see him in the past, but now that he is finally close at hand, how could she treat him as a stranger?
It's just that now that he has that gentle Qin Youxuan by his side, probably, he won't be tempted by a bad-tempered woman like her at all, right?

The more she thought about it, the more disheartened she became.He stood up and walked out without saying a word.

Qiao Yue was stunned for a moment, and then strode out.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Why did he feel that she was angry with him, and very angry?
But why is she mad at him?Just because he said she didn't actually have to shoot?
Not so much.

Liang Ruoqing ignored him and just walked forward with her head buried.

A nurse was pushing a treatment trolley towards her. Seeing that she didn't hide, she ran straight into her, and hurriedly shouted: "Miss, let me out!"

Liang Ruoqing raised her head when she heard the voice, but couldn't react for a moment.

Qiao Yueqing, who was behind him, patted his forehead with a headache, and pulled her aside.

"Miss Liang, what on earth do you—"

"You're the young lady!" Liang Ruoqing interrupted him abruptly.

Qiao Yueqing was dumbfounded—what's the situation?He called her Miss Liang, right?
"Director Qiao, there are so many things happening at your girlfriend's house, I think you should be very busy. Then I won't bother you, goodbye!" Liang Ruoqing pushed him away with a polite and distant tone.

Qiao Yueqing's brows were almost knotted, but he still couldn't figure out how he had offended the young lady.

Seeing Liang Ruoqing walking towards the elevator, he also followed.

"Miss Qin is not my girlfriend." He said suddenly.

Liang Ruoqing was stunned, she turned her head to look at the handsome man, and asked suspiciously, "No? Then what's your relationship?"

"I have nothing to do with her." Qiao Yueqing received her suspicious gaze, sighed and told her the ins and outs of the matter, and finally added: "She is really not my girlfriend."

Liang Ruoqing's heart jumped for joy, but she curled her lips and said, "What does it matter to me if she is your girlfriend? Why do you have to explain it to me?"


The elevator door opened, Liang Ruoqing walked in, saw that Qiao Yueqing was still in a daze, coughed and said: "I want to go home."

Qiao Yueqing took a deep breath, nodded, and waved to her, "Then goodbye."

"See you again? Didn't you promise my brother to take me home?" Liang Ruoqing said as she leaned out and pulled him in, and the elevator door gradually closed.

Qiao Yueqing couldn't laugh or cry.

When did he promise to take her home?
However, since she sacrificed her life to save him so much, it doesn't hurt to give it away.

***********************************split line************* *******************************
The two returned to the apartment, Qiao Yueqing stopped the car at the entrance of the community, and wanted Liang Ruoqing to get out of the car before returning to the police station. He still had a lot to do.

I didn't expect the other party to move.


He called softly, seeing her head leaning against the car window and not responding, he hesitated for a moment, leaned over and found that she was actually asleep.

After thinking about it, he drove the car into the garage and parked it.

After getting out of the car and going around to the passenger seat, and opening the door, Liang Ruoqing's sleeping face clearly fell into his eyes, which made him reluctant to wake her up.

It's just that he doesn't know her well, so why don't you want him to hug her up without waking her up?
"Miss Liang?" He leaned over and called her.She didn't even respond after shouting a few times, and there was nothing she could do, so she bent over and picked her up resignedly, closed the car door and locked it, and walked towards the elevator.

And Liang Ruoqing, who buried her face in his arms and closed her eyes, secretly raised the corners of her mouth.

Hearing the knock on the door, Cheng Jingzhen came out from the kitchen, but someone walked to the door faster.

Outside the door, Qiao Yueqing was holding Liang Ruoqing in his arms. Seeing Liang Hanwen and Cheng Jingzhen appearing at the door, he explained a little awkwardly: "She... fell asleep, and I couldn't wake her up, so..."

"Oh, Ruoqing has this habit. Either she doesn't sleep or wakes up when she falls asleep." Liang Hanwen's explanation eased his embarrassment.

"Her room is over there, let me open the door."

Cheng Jingzhen was forcibly taken away by her son in the hospital before, and when she went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, she heard from her son that the young man in front of her was the object of her daughter's crush on him for more than ten years. She couldn't help but carefully looked at Qiao Yueqing with her eyes. The look in his eyes made Qiao Yueqing's scalp tingle, and he hurriedly hugged Liang Ruoqing and followed Liang Hanwen.

Liang Hanwen went into his sister's room and turned on the light, and then walked out again without waiting for Qiao Yueqing to say anything, and closed the door behind him.

Qiao Yueqing thought to himself that this person is really weird, isn't he afraid that he will take advantage of his sister?
He put Liang Ruoqing on the bed, took off her shoes, and pulled the quilt to cover her. When he straightened up and was about to leave the room, his eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on a photo frame on the low cabinet beside Liang Ruoqing's bed.

And the man in the photo in the photo frame is actually him? !

Seriously suspecting that his eyes were dazzled, he turned his back and closed his eyes, and looked over again, the person in the photo was still him!
Strange!Why does this girl put his picture in her room?
Suspiciously, he sat down beside her bed and reached for the photo frame.

In the photo, he was wearing a police uniform, with a smile on his face.He remembered that this was his first meritorious service in the police station. The photos taken by the media when he was interviewed were several years ago, but he did not expect this girl to keep them all the time.

Just why did she save his picture?
Is it...

He turned his head to look at the sweet sleeping face on the side of the bed, with fair and smooth skin, delicate facial features, and slightly parted pink lips in the shape of a flower, which made people feel a little itchy and wanted to pounce on it and take a bite.

He sighed, and slowly looked back.

No wonder she had such a bad attitude towards him, she said she was an asshole, and she was inexplicably angry at him. It turned out that this girl had been secretly in love with him for so many years.

It's just that he doesn't know her at all, does he?

How did she have that kind of love for a man who was a total stranger?
He looked at himself in the photo with mixed feelings in his heart.

After sitting for a while, I thought of the mother and son outside the door, afraid that they might misunderstand, so I immediately got up and walked outside.

The sound of the door closing came, Liang Ruoqing sighed and turned over, but her eyes were still closed.

She knew that Qiao Yueqing must have seen the photo on the low cabinet.

Then he must know what he was thinking.

It's really human beings who count as gods.

Originally, she just wanted to pretend to be asleep and let him hug her, but she didn't expect to forget that there was a photo of him in her room.

Well now, I don't know what he will think of her.

She buried her face in the quilt regretfully, wishing she could turn back time.

In the living room, Liang Hanwen saw Qiao Yueqing coming out of his younger sister's room with a complicated expression on his face, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and greeted, "Director Qiao, if you're not in a hurry, come and have a meeting."

Hearing this, Qiao Yueqing didn't feel well and left immediately, so he walked over.

"Mr. Liang, since we are neighbors, please don't be so polite. You and I are about the same age, just call us by our first names." Director Qiao's three words were really ear-piercing, making him feel as if he had suddenly become a 50-[-]-year-old uncle.

Liang Hanwen smiled slightly, "Alright then, I won't call you Director Qiao, and don't call me Mr. Liang either."


(End of this chapter)

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