Chapter 289

As soon as Liang Hanwen finished speaking, he saw his mother walking over with a stack of cut fruits and smiling.

"Director Qiao, thank you for sending my Qingqing home to eat some fruit."

Cheng Jingzhen's smile reminded Qiao Yueqing of the way she looked at her just now, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said with a slight smile, "Auntie, just call me Yueqing."

Cheng Jingzhen looked at him with a smile, the more he watched, the more he liked him.

Good-looking and promising, and very polite.The most important thing is that his daughter has been secretly in love with him for more than ten years. If the two can achieve a positive result, it will be a perfect thing.

It's just that she heard from her son that her daughter hasn't confessed to others, it seems that she, as a mother, also needs to help appropriately, add fuel to the flames, and help her daughter to be happy with her sweetheart as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, she smiled and said, "Yueqing, I heard from Hanwen that you live on the same floor as us? Just live alone?"

Qiao Yueqing didn't know what she was going to say, so he could only nod.

"How can you live alone without anyone to take care of you? It's inconvenient to eat, right? How about this, when you get off work and get hungry, come here to eat directly. Make a list of what you like to eat and give it to your aunt, who will make it for you."

Qiao Yueqing just took a sip of tea, hearing her say that, almost spit out.

"Auntie, you're too polite. I'm used to living alone, and I usually don't eat at home." Just kidding, her husband is Liang Shengrong, can he run here all day long?People who didn't know thought he was flattering Liang Shengrong.

"It's not a long-term thing to eat out all the time, and it's not good for your health." Cheng Jingzhen didn't give him a chance to refute, and before he opened his mouth, he said: "Let's just say that, with the relationship between you and Qingqing, come here It’s normal to eat while you’re at it.”

"..." What's his relationship with that girl?
Qiao Yueqing changed her mind, wondering if she knew about her daughter's crush on him?
Seeing that he was silent, Cheng Jingzhen thought he agreed, winked at her son, and said, "It's almost dinner time, don't leave, stay and have dinner together. Hanwen, sit with Yueqing."

"Hey, Auntie, there are entertainments in the bureau tonight."

"I know, I have already called your uncle. As soon as he heard that you were going to stay for dinner, he immediately canceled tonight's activities and came back to have dinner together."


Qiao Yueqing was seriously speechless.

He has lived for 29 years, and he has never brought any woman home, nor followed any woman to the other's house, so he has never encountered such a situation.I didn't expect that sending that girl back today would encounter such an embarrassing thing, and she would be forced to retreat by her mother, without even a chance to refuse.

Liang Hanwen, who was watching the play, glanced at Qiao Yueqing, who was stunned, and smiled silently, rubbing his forehead.

Mother is looking forward to his marriage until all the flowers are withered. Now that she finally knows that her sister has a crush on someone who is close at hand and is so good, of course she will not miss this opportunity, and will do everything possible to help her sister catch up with her sweetheart. in hand.

And in order to divert his mother's attention, he will spare no effort to cooperate with his mother.

"Yueqing, I heard about your great achievements in City A a long time ago, and I am very interested in some cases, such as..."

Qiao Yueqing listened to Liang Hanwen's voice in his ear, and smiled bitterly in his heart - it seemed that he would not be able to escape this meal tonight.

*************************************split line*********** *******************************
At seven o'clock, Liang Shengrong returned home.

The two who were chatting more and more speculatively in the living room turned their heads when they heard the sound, Qiao Yue raised his head and nodded slightly to say hello: "Ju Liang."

Liang Shengrong put down the briefcase in his hand and walked over with a kind smile all over his face.

"Little Qiao, it's off-duty time, everyone don't use the address you use when you're at work."

He sat down on another single sofa, looked at his son, and asked, "Where is Qingqing?"

"She's sleeping. I'll go see if she's awake. She's ready to eat."

Liang Shengrong pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, and a pair of eyes behind the lens looked towards Qiao Yueqing.

"Mr. Gu seldom contacted me recently, but this time you suddenly transferred to City C, did you make any big moves?"

Qiao Yueqing glanced at him, and smiled politely: "I don't know what he thinks, and I don't know if there is any big move. If there is, he will definitely notify you. After all, he will need it at any time. Your help."

"Even you don't know?" Liang Shengrong seemed a little unconvinced.

"Actually, I'm just as obedient as you are."

"It can be your relationship with him, I thought you knew."

Qiao Yueqing curled his lips lightly, but said nothing.

Liang Shengrong wanted to say something, but Liang Hanwen and Liang Ruoqing had already walked over together.

Qiao Yueqing glanced at Liang Ruoqing lightly, with a nonchalant expression, as if nothing had happened.

But Liang Ruoqing immediately turned her eyes away in embarrassment, her cheeks turned red for no reason.

Cheng Jingzhen cooked a table full of delicacies, and Qiao Yueqing found that seven out of ten dishes were his favorites, and they were all to his liking regardless of the recipe or taste.

"Qingqing, Yue Qing's arms are sore after holding you back, you should give him some more dishes he likes to eat, anyway, you know what he likes to eat." Cheng Jingzhen said suddenly.

Liang Ruoqing, who didn't know that her elder brother had told her mother about her crush on Qiao Yueqing, was startled when she heard this, and turned to look at Qiao Yueqing beside her.

She looked back, and took a pair of chopsticks again to pick up some of Qiao Yueqing's favorite dishes.

These were all things he liked to eat before, but he didn't expect to like them so much now.

"Little Qiao, the police force lacks elites like you. Your arrival has injected new strength and breath into the police station and boosted the morale of the entire police station. I really want to thank you for this. , let's have a good drink."

Liang Shengrong raised his glass.

Qiao Yueqing said modestly: "Uncle has won the award. I was just lucky and made a few achievements, and I have nothing to show off. I am not familiar with City C when I first came. I hope Uncle will forgive me in the future."

Liang Shengrong looked at him, his eyes flickered behind the glasses, and he clinked glasses with him.


(End of this chapter)

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