Chapter 290

The early morning sun seeps in through the undrawn curtains, and the room gradually heats up, making the air even more dull.

Qiao Yueqing turned over uncomfortably, and before he opened his eyes, the beep of the phone vibrating was already ringing in his ears.

Habitually, he stretched out his hand towards the low cabinet beside the bed, but he didn't know what he touched, and was thrown out by his hand, and then there was a crisp sound.

He suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed, staring at the broken glass water glasses on the floor, a little dazed.

He has never had the habit of drinking water before going to bed at night, and naturally there will be no water glass next to the bed, so who put this water glass here?

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone was still going on, he leaned over to take it, rubbed his forehead to look at it and connected it without seeing the caller ID.

"Brother Joe..."

Qiao Yue was taken aback by the crying female voice from the other end of the phone, and then remembered who the voice belonged to.However, why did he suddenly change his name to Brother Qiao?

With a severe headache, he frowned and lay back on the bed.

"Miss Qin, what's the matter with you?"

"Brother Qiao, my mother... is gone..."

Qiao Yue froze, listening to the helpless crying that was gradually out of control, he lost all sleepiness in an instant.

"You wait for me in the hospital, I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, he quickly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

"Qingqing, don't go to work if you don't feel well, let your father take a leave of absence for you?" Cheng Jingzhen said worriedly, looking at her daughter who was not in a good mood.

Liang Ruoqing shook her head, "No, I just didn't sleep well."

"Is it because of Yue Qing?"

What her mother said made Liang Ruoqing's movement of changing shoes stiff, and she continued to change shoes without saying a word.

Cheng Jingzhen looked at her daughter's sad expression and sighed.

"Qingqing, mom doesn't know why your dad stopped you from dating Yueqing, but mom is very accurate, Qingyue is not wrong, if you really like it, you don't have to worry about what your dad said."

"Mom, the problem between me and him right now is not because of what Dad said, but because he doesn't remember me and doesn't like me at all." Now that her mother already knew about her crush on Qiao Yueqing, she no longer concealed her love for Qiao Yueqing. Feelings.

Seeing what her mother wanted to say, Liang Ruoqing quickly opened the door and walked out.

Standing at the elevator entrance for a while, staring at the shiny metal door in a daze, but the slightly sinister handsome face automatically appeared in his mind.

Thinking of his silence last night, he suddenly felt extremely irritable. He couldn't help but put his foot on the staircase door, and a voice immediately rang in his ears: "Miss Liang, as a people's policeman, you who destroy public property are not allowed to do so. The behavior is knowing the law and breaking the law."

Ridiculous tone, familiar voice.

Liang Ruoqing knew who it was without turning her head.

She retracted her feet and stood still, her eyes still staring at the metal door, without any intention of responding at all.

Qiao Yue raised his brows, a little surprised - he remembered that she was very considerate when she was eating at her house last night, and she was so considerate, why would she treat him coldly again, and her attitude completely returned to when she first met him?
"Miss Liang, you don't look very well, are you feeling unwell?" His tone was concerned.

When Liang Ruoqing heard him calling herself Miss Liang again, she couldn't help raising her eyes and giving him a blank look.

"Director Qiao, whether I look good or not is none of your business, right?"

Qiao Yueqing was stunned, not understanding how he had offended Miss Liang.

The elevator door opened with a 'ding' sound, Liang Ruoqing walked in first, and pressed the door close button before Qiao Yue swung it in.

Qiao Yueqing was dumbfounded, and quickly squeezed in sideways when the staircase door was halfway closed.

"Hey, did you make a mistake, didn't you see that I was also waiting for the elevator?" Qiao Yueqing was almost caught by the elevator door, and his face was a little gloomy.

Liang Ruoqing stood with her back to him, with an expression of being too lazy to pay attention to him.

Seeing the elevator descend rapidly, Qiao Yueqing pressed the stop button.

Sensing the elevator stopped, Liang Ruoqing froze for a moment, and then realized that it was Qiao Yue who moved her hands and feet, and couldn't help but stare at him, "I'm in a hurry to go to work, why are you so nervous?"

"Finally willing to see that I am willing to talk to me?" Qiao Yueqing snorted coldly, "I just wanted to ask you why you were so nervous. It was fine to eat at your house last night. Why did you have such an attitude after only one night? I What offended you and made you unhappy? Can you explain it clearly? "

"What do you want me to say?" Liang Ruoqing asked him back, "Qiao Yueqing, please don't provoke me again, okay?"

She thought about it all night last night and finally made a cruel decision to treat him as a stranger from now on. Why did he come to provoke her?
"I provoke you?" Qiao Yueqing sneered, and there was a hint of teasing in her beautiful eyes, "Liang Ruoqing, although you are good-looking, I have seen many women who are more beautiful than you. I'm not so hungry that I want to provoke you, so stop being sentimental!"

With such vicious words, Liang Ruoqing clenched her hands into fists angrily, but held back and did nothing.

She is self-loved, thinking that with a heart that loves him and her own efforts, she can catch up with him and make him love her too.

But it turns out she was very wrong.

This man, he is no longer the him in her memory.

Silence struck the two of them suddenly. Liang Ruoqing went to the elevator and pressed the keypad. The elevator descended again. When it stopped on the first floor, the door opened and she walked out immediately.

Qiao Yueqing followed behind with a gloomy face, his eyes fixed on the slender figure in front of him, feeling inexplicably disturbed.

What the hell!This girl is moody, indifferent for a while, enthusiastic for a while, and shy and feminine for a while, which made him almost uncontrollable to kiss several times last night... Huh?last night?
He paused for a moment, and a series of familiar images flashed in his mind.

He closed his eyes and stroked his forehead with a headache, annoyed that he was so drunk last night, that when he woke up early in the morning, he forgot that it was this girl who helped him back to the room last night, and then took care of him who was drunk.

But he really didn't remember what the two of them said last night.

Seeing her so angry, could it be that he did something to her?

(End of this chapter)

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