Chapter 292

The phone rang for a long time before Liang Ruoqing reached out to take it.

I thought it was Qiao Yueqing calling again, but when I saw the screen showed that it was the home battery, I suddenly felt a little disappointed.

She sighed and picked up the phone.

"Mom, what's the matter?" She asked while holding the steering wheel and driving the car out.

"It's me." A male voice came from the other end of the phone.

She was taken aback, and said in surprise, "Brother? You came back from France?"

"That's why I called you to ask when you leave work and come back early. I brought you a gift."

"I just left the office and I'll be home right away."

"Okay, let's talk about it when we go home."

After hanging up the phone, Liang Ruoqing didn't rush home immediately.

When Qiao Yueqing came to look for her at noon, she asked Xiao Wang to lie to him that he was not there. Later, she asked Xiao Wang to follow Qiao Yueqing, saying that he had almost wandered the streets of Shuncheng District, obviously looking for her.

She looked at the streets on both sides through the car window, and the scene of Qiao Yueqing driving around looking for her came to mind, and she curled her lips unconsciously.

"Mom, I'm back."

Cheng Jingzhen, who was busy in the kitchen, heard her daughter's voice from the door, and hurried out with a happy smile on her face.

"Mom, are you so happy that brother is back?" Liang Ruoqing teased her mother, but her mother laughed, "I'm not happy because your brother is back, but because the person who came to look for you is happy."

find her?

Liang Ruoqing was stunned for a moment, and then her expression changed—could it be that Qiao Yueqing couldn't find her everywhere, so she came to her home?

She frowned, lowered her voice and asked her mother, "Mom, who is looking for me?"

Cheng Jingzhen pointed to the living room with a mysterious expression on her face, "Don't you know if you go and have a look?"

Hua Luo grabbed her daughter's hand and walked towards the living room.

The two people who were chatting and laughing in the living room heard footsteps, Liang Hanwen turned his head, but the other person paused for a moment and then stopped moving.

"Hanwen, didn't you say you brought a gift for Qingqing? Qingqing is back, you go back to your room to get the gift."

Liang Hanwen glanced at his younger sister with a strange expression, understood his mother's intentions, showed an inscrutable smile, got up and left.

Cheng Jingzhen looked at the dazed girl, pushed her to the other side of the sofa, then walked back to the kitchen with a smile.

The air seemed to freeze.

Liang Ruoqing stared at the figure on the sofa with her back facing her. Although she couldn't see the person's face clearly, she knew who it was.

I didn't expect to find a home.

"Why, you still want to hide from me?" Qiao Yueqing turned his head, his handsome face was gloomy.

He almost turned Shuncheng District upside down, but he still couldn't find her, so he had to find her home.But when chatting with Liang Hanwen, he learned that she had just left the office, which meant that she had been in the office all along, but deliberately avoided him!

Liang Ruoqing curled her lips, walked around the sofa and sat down generously beside him, picked up an orange from the fruit basket on the coffee table, peeled it and said, "I didn't hide from you."

"Didn't hide from me?" Qiao Yueqing sneered, "Then why did you let your colleague lie to me that you're not here?"

"It's very simple." Liang Ruoqing looked back at him, and suddenly smiled sweetly: "Because I don't want to see you."

Qiao Yueqing has lived for 29 years and has always been in the crowd of women.There are countless women who have thrown themselves into his arms over the years, who is not stalking him, obedient to everything, when has he ever been rejected by a woman like now?

He frowned and looked at Liang Ruoqing, seeing her sticking out the tip of her pink tongue from time to time to lick dry the orange juice that accidentally spilled from her lips, her mouth was inexplicably dry, as if a fire had suddenly ignited in her body, and all of them poured into her lower abdomen go.

Aware of the changes in his body, he turned his eyes a little depressed, paused, got up and said: "Some things are inconvenient to say at your house, so I will delay you for a few minutes to come over and have a talk with me."

After saying that, she walked towards the entrance regardless of whether Liang Ruoqing agreed or not.

Liang Ruoqing thoughtfully threw the last piece of orange petal into her mouth, and only got up to follow when she heard the door open.

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Because no one has been hired to clean the room, Qiao Yueqing's room is really messy. Dirty socks, dirty shirts and trousers are thrown everywhere in the entrance and living room.

And Qiao Yueqing himself didn't seem to be conscious at all, he casually threw the dirty shirt and trousers on the sofa to the floor to make a space and sat down, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one.

Liang Ruoqing knew that his clothes were extremely expensive, so she hurried over to pick them up one by one from the ground, and stacked them together.

"There is a large dry cleaner in the community. If you really don't want to do it yourself, you can take it out and dry clean it every day after you change your clothes." How could he not want such expensive clothes if they were dirty?
What corruption!

Qiao Yue glanced at her, took a few puffs of cigarettes and put out the remaining half of the cigarette, then waved to Liang Ruoqing, signaling her to go over.

Liang Ruoqing hesitated for a few seconds, then walked over.

Qiao Yueqing frowned: "How can I talk to you while you are standing?"

After thinking about it, Liang Ruoqing sat down next to him, but she still couldn't sit still, a black shadow pressed down on her head, and then her arms tightened, and she was pinched by a pair of powerful hands and pressed to the other end of the sofa.

The body was suppressed without any desire to be alert, Liang Ruoqing was absent-minded for a moment, staring blankly at the handsome face above her head with half-closed eyes and a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth, her chest was beating violently.

"You said, we did it that night?" Qiao Yueqing pulled the distance between the two faces and asked her casually.

Liang Ruoqing felt a hot breath tainted with the smell of tobacco blowing over her face, her body tensed up, and she was too nervous to speak.

"Why don't you talk? Have we ever done it?" He continued to ask.

Liang Ruoqing closed her eyes and nodded vigorously.

Qiao Yueqing's eyes darkened, and her eyes fell on her pink lips. The image of her licking orange juice just now appeared in her mind, and her lower abdomen tightened suddenly.

"You said we did it, why don't I have the slightest impression?" His lips brushed hers, and he raised his eyes suddenly, "Why don't we relive the memory of that night?"


(End of this chapter)

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