Chapter 293

Hearing the doorbell, the two people who had rolled to the ground were stunned at the same time, and they looked at each other with the same message flashing in their eyes - they must be here to ask them to eat.

"Do you think it's your mother or your brother?" Qiao Yueqing asked her with a nonchalant expression, as if she wasn't nervous at all.

Liang Ruoqing was half pressed by his body. Hearing his question, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she covered his eyes with a red face.

"Turn around, or take your clothes and go back to the room. I want to get dressed."

Qiao Yueqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he pushed her hand away, hooked his lips, squinted his eyes and swept up and down her enchanting body curve, and made a whistling motion, looking like a rascal full of evil spirits.

"Liang Ruoqing, you've done everything and you're still afraid of me watching?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was punched in the chest.

Knowing how to persuade him not to move, Liang Ruoqing turned around and picked up her own clothes, enduring the two scorching gazes behind her and put them back on her body one by one.

Finally dressed neatly, looking back she saw Qiao Yue lying on the ground looking at her with his big thorns in his arms, the fireworks in his eyes were burning wildly, and her eyes were so hot that she couldn't help trembling.

"Why aren't you wearing any clothes yet?" She picked up his clothes and threw them on him, her tone a little anxious.

"I worked too hard just now, I'm so tired, I can't lift my hands up, how about you help me put it on?" Qiao Yueqing kept the original posture, with a ruffian expression on his handsome face, looking like a rascal.

Liang Ruoqing was dumbfounded, and for a moment she couldn't believe that the rascal in front of her was the man of her dreams that she had liked for more than ten years.

However, why does she feel a little sweet?

"Knock, knock, knock!" Probably because the doorbell had been rang for a long time but there was no response, and the person outside knocked instead.

Liang Ruoqing came back to her senses, took a deep breath and squatted down, stuffed Qiao Yueqing's clothes into his arms indiscriminately, and pulled him up again, "It's too late, you go back to your room and don't come out, I'll see who it is."

Qiao Yueqing was forcibly pulled up by her and pushed back to the bedroom, and then the door was slammed shut.

Liang Ruoqing tidied up her clothes and walked towards the entrance, when she suddenly thought of something, she exclaimed and returned to the sofa in the living room. When her eyes touched the dark red on the beige sofa cushion, her whole body couldn't stop burning red, and she quickly took one from Qiao Yueqing. The dirty shirt was spread out on top, and then he went to open the door.

Outside the door, seeing no one opened the door for a long time, Liang Hanwen almost thought that the two of them were not inside, and was about to give up and call to find someone when the door opened.

"Ruoqing, you are indeed at Yueqing's house."

Seeing the younger sister who came to open the door, Liang Hanwen raised his eyebrows.

"Where's Yueqing? Mom has already cooked the meal, let me ask you to eat."

"Oh, he...he's a little uncomfortable, and fell asleep." Liang Ruoqing lowered her head, her ears turned red quickly because of lying.

"Uncomfortable?" Liang Hanwen looked in confused. Liang Ruoqing thought he was going in, so she quickly stopped her, "Brother, he fell asleep after a lot of trouble. Let's not disturb him, let's go."

Her expression and tone were so weird that Liang Hanwen had to suspect that something was wrong.

Just about to go in and have a look, I saw Qiao Yueqing walking towards the door with a smile.

"Eh? Didn't Ruoqing say you're not feeling well? Why do I feel like you're in high spirits now?" He looked at Qiao Yueqing's smiling face and joked.

Liang Ruoqing turned around in a strange way, and saw Qiao Yueqing standing behind him, the two people's eyes met, Liang Ruoqing immediately looked away as if she had been electrocuted.

"I was really uncomfortable just now, but I feel much better after exercising and sweating."


Liang Ruoqing understood what sports he was referring to, and couldn't help but raise her eyes and stare at him, Qiao Yueqing smiled at her with ulterior motives.

Liang Hanwen didn't miss the interaction between the two, guessing that something happened between them just now.

"Since it's all right, let's have dinner together."

**************************************split line********** *******************************
Liang Shengrong didn't go home for dinner at night, Qiao Yueqing had the experience of being drunk by Liang Hanwen last time, this time he only drank a few drinks at random and excused himself from feeling uncomfortable.

Cheng Jingzhen saw that her daughter and Qiao Yueqing had no relationship two days ago, and she felt sorry that the son-in-law who had finally taken a fancy to might be ruined. I didn't expect that the future son-in-law would come to find his daughter on his own initiative today, which is really happy.

"Yueqing, it is said that older men will love their wives, and I don't know which girl is so lucky to marry you in the future."

As soon as Cheng Jingzhen finished talking, both Qiao Yueqing and Liang Ruoqing were almost choked.

The two looked at each other and changed the subject in a tacit understanding.

"Mom, the dishes you cooked today are very delicious."

Cheng Jingzhen smiled: "It's not that the dishes Mom made are particularly delicious today, it's that Yue Qing came to eat today and you are in a particularly good mood, so that's why you think the dishes are particularly delicious."


"Isn't it? Two days ago, you were still dark-faced every day, and Yue Qing didn't come to our house. I guess it has something to do with this." Cheng Jingzhen didn't seem to see her daughter's embarrassment, and said to herself, until she saw The daughter's head was almost buried under the table, so she stopped talking.

Liang Ruoqing was extremely depressed after eating the meal, and went back to her room after the meal.

Qiao Yueqing sat with Liang Hanwen in the living room for a while, and Liang Hanwen went to the balcony to answer the phone. He sat bored, and suddenly remembered the photo of himself seen in Liang Ruoqing's room last time, and his curiosity was aroused again.

He got up and walked to Liang Ruoqing's room.

After knocking on the door four or five times, Liang Ruoqing came to open the door. Seeing him was the person outside the door, she was taken aback, but Qiao Yueqing didn't wait for her to say anything, and entered her room generously, and sat down on her bed .

Liang Ruoqing closed the door, her heart pounding like a deer.

Qiao Yue glanced at her, raised his hand to check her when she saw it, and then reached out to her low bedside cabinet.

Liang Ruoqing realized that he was going to get the photo frame, so she ran over to grab it in shame, but not only did she miss the photo frame, but she was also caught by a strong arm, and then she spun around, and her body was instantly pressed into the quilt behind her.


(End of this chapter)

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