Chapter 294

"It's just a title. You can call me whatever you want if you like me." His tone was a little spoiled, and Liang Ruoqing couldn't help but despise her narrow-mindedness.

Indeed, she admitted that she was jealous of Qin Youxuan.

The sound of Brother Qiao was like a thorn in her heart, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

Although he said that he and Qin Youxuan were not boyfriend and girlfriend, she could feel Qin Youxuan's affection for him completely with a woman's intuition.

And Qin Youxuan was beautiful, gentle and feminine, she was worried that he would not be able to restrain Qin Youxuan's intentional or unintentional temptation.

"By the way, you haven't told me yet, when did I see you?" Qiao Yueqing suddenly remembered this matter.

It's fine if he doesn't mention it, but Liang Ruoqing feels wronged when he mentions it.

She pushed his arms around her waist and gave him a hard look, snorted and went into the bathroom, closing the door in Qiao Yueqing's astonishment.

Hearing the sound of running water coming from inside, Qiao Yue raked the short legs standing upright and walked out of her room.

In the living room, Liang Hanwen had already finished answering the phone, and was talking to his mother, frowning from time to time, when he heard footsteps, he looked over, slightly surprised.

"I thought you were gone, so you were in Ruoqing's room?"

Qiao Yueqing hadn't thought about it that much before, and it was a bit embarrassing to hear him say that, after all, they didn't know that his relationship with that girl had reached a very close level.

"Yueqing, come and eat some fruit."

Compared to her son's surprise, Cheng Jingzhen was very happy, as if she was happy to see Qiao Yueqing come out of her daughter's room.

No matter how her husband objected, she liked her future son-in-law very much.

Qiao Yueqing originally planned to go back to his home, but when he heard the bad news, he left immediately, so he had no choice but to walk over.

"Where's Qingqing?" Cheng Jingzhen asked casually while peeling the apple.

"She's taking a bath." As soon as the words fell, she felt two ambiguous eyes looking over her.

He raised his eyebrows and looked over, Liang Hanwen had a playful smile in his eyes.

"I'm not in China for a few days, it seems that your relationship with my sister is developing rapidly."

Without waiting for Qiao Yueqing to answer, Cheng Jingzhen had already answered, "You still say that it's too fast, I think it's too slow, I wish they could hold a wedding tomorrow."

Qiao Yue was startled, thinking in his heart that after hearing Cheng Jingzhen's tone, if he didn't leave, he might really have a wedding tomorrow.

Although he promised to be with that girl and be responsible to her, it's just that it's not the time yet, and he never thought about getting married at all.

Just as I was thinking, the emergency call came.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but pretended to be apologetic and left Liang's house smoothly under the pretext of having an appointment with a friend.

It was Qiao Xun who called. The two of them haven't met each other these days, but Qiao Yueqing really forgot about this cousin.

"Brother Yueqing, have you finished dealing with the high-level entertainment in the bureau these days? Do you want to come out for a few drinks?" Qiao Xun's loud voice on the other end of the phone was covered by the loud music, and it could be heard intermittently.

Qiao Yueqing rubbed his numb ears and walked to his door.

"Qiao Xun, why do you spend all day in those places? No wonder the second uncle said you look like a gangster instead of a policeman."

"Heh, didn't I learn this from you, brother Yueqing." Obviously after drinking two more glasses, Qiao Xun was a little confused about the situation, and then said: "I'm still relatively good, just for fun, But you are very loyal to my woman, Brother Yueqing, you are different, you change women every three days, when have you ever been serious? So compared to our brothers, you are more rascal, right? "

Qiao Yueqing was stunned.

——what am I angry about?It's not that I don't know what kind of man you are.

He suddenly remembered what Liang Ruoqing said just now.

Dare she have been paying attention to him all the time, that's why she knows him so well?

"Brother Yueqing, are you still listening?"

Without waiting for a response, Qiao Xun called out to him.

Qiao Yueqing frowned and hung up the phone directly.

***************************************split line********* *********************************
Liang Ruoqing was a little disappointed when she came out of the shower and did not see Qiao Yueqing.

Lying on the bed, holding the photo frame with Qiao Yueqing's photo in his arms, thinking of what happened to the two of them these days, it was like a dream, and it felt unreal.

Her body was still a little sore after bathing, if it wasn't for this feeling that reminded her of the crazy love with Qiao Yueqing, she really couldn't believe that she and him were together like this.

It's a pity that he still doesn't remember her.

Youyou sighed, and there was a knock on the door.

She reflexively hid the photo frame under the quilt, and adjusted her pajamas before opening the door.

"Brother?" Looking at her elder brother standing at the door, Liang Ruoqing was a little surprised, "Why don't you have to work tonight?"

"A gift for you." Liang Hanwen handed over a black box.

Liang Ruoqing opened it, and inside were two beautiful pure natural obsidian bracelets.

"I heard that obsidian can ward off evil spirits and keep you safe. It just so happens that the work of the police is very dangerous, so I bought this."

"But why buy two?" Liang Ruoqing was confused.But he saw his elder brother smiled, his eyes narrowed.

"This is a couple bracelet, of course you and Yue Qing each have one, with your names engraved on them."

Liang Ruoqing was happy in her heart, but pretended to be displeased and said: "Who is he with him now? I don't want to send him off, who made him forget me so completely!" She was angry when she said it.

"Ruoqing, it's not that brother is talking about you, since you care so much about whether he remembers you, why don't you just tell him?"

"I do not want it."

Liang Hanwen sighed helplessly.

"The gift is up to you to decide when to give it to him. I also went back to my room to take a shower and rest."

"OK, good night."

Seeing the door close, Liang Hanwen did not leave immediately.

He saw the bright hickey marks on his sister's neck just now, and when he thought of the ambiguous interaction between the two when he went to ask them to eat, he seemed to understand something.

Turning around, he took out his phone from his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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