Chapter 295

In the past, Qiao Yueqing couldn't tolerate women asking him for this and that, but for some reason, he couldn't refuse this girl's request.

However, there was one thing he had to clarify.

"I admit that I have been a lot of women in the past, but I never said anything nonsense. The reports on those TV magazines are just embellishments. I am actually not as bad as you think."

Liang Ruoqing looked at him suspiciously, and when the elevator door opened, the two walked out together.

"You don't believe me?" Her expression made Qiao Yue raise her eyebrows - it's rare for the first time to clarify those exaggerated scandals for herself in such a serious manner. I didn't expect this girl to be so shameless.

"There is no evidence for what you say, I want to see your performance in the future."

Qiao Yue shrugged, "OK, then, do you have the honor to send Ms. Liang to work?"

"Are you taking me to work?" Liang Ruoqing raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Use your car or mine?"

"What do you think?" Qiao Yue held a negotiable and nice tone, which made Liang Ruoqing a little unaccustomed to it, but she felt very comforted, her pink cheeks couldn't help burning hot, she quickly turned her face away from him, and the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed. Bending unconsciously.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Qiao Yueqing thought she was hesitating, so he said, "Let me do it."

As he spoke, he walked to his car and opened the door of the passenger seat to motion for her to sit in.

"Then what should I do when I get off work?"

"Call me when you get off work, and I'll pick you up."

Liang Ruoqing narrowed her eyes at him, and suddenly chuckled: "Why, you feel guilty about me because of the elevator incident, so now you take me to and from get off work as compensation?" But she does not deny that this kind of compensation is very useful to her.

Qiao Yueqing turned his head to look at her. Just as he was about to say something, the phone rang. He took it out and looked at it. The number on it looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.Just about to connect, the other party hung up.Without thinking too much, he started the car and left.

In order to prevent Huang Yuxia and other colleagues from interrogating her after seeing Qiao Yueqing driving her off, Liang Ruoqing got off at an intersection near the office building.

"Call me when you get off work." Qiao Yueqing said in his ear when he unbuttoned his seat belt.

She nodded, opened the car door, and turned around suddenly.

"what happened?"

Liang Ruoqing smiled slyly, leaned over and kissed him on the lips when he was stunned, and then quickly got out of the car to get out of the way.

Qiao Yueqing was stunned, watching the slender figure going away, and smiled unconsciously.

In fact, it's really nice to have a woman who loves you.

***************************************split line********* *****************************
Just after entering the office and sitting down, Li Shaokun came in afterward.

"Ju Qiao, a murder case happened in Ancheng District an hour ago. The head of the household was two women who were single and rented together. They were raped and then killed. The body was cut into several pieces, but the murderer was not caught. Because of the seriousness of the situation, Director Liang asked you to go to his office."

Ancheng District?Isn't that the territory under Qiao Xun's jurisdiction?

"I'll pass later."

As soon as Li Shaokun left, Qiao Yueqing took out the phone from his pocket and called Qiao Xun. As soon as the phone connected, Qiao Xun said without waiting for him to speak: "Brother Yueqing, why didn't you answer the phone I called you just now?"

"You made that call?" No wonder the number looks familiar.

"You are in the bureau now? You should know that a murder case happened in my area, right? I was at the scene at the time, and it was horrific! Offended someone."

"Then why don't you go catch the murderer and call me?"

"Didn't I know that you have rich experience in this field? So I want to ask you a few things."

"Then I'll call you later."

After hanging up the phone, he got up and walked to Liang Shengrong's office.

In the past few days, he and Liang Shengrong have met quite a lot, but they rarely communicate with each other, and they just nod and greet each other.

Walking into his office, unexpectedly only Liang Shengrong was there, which surprised Qiao Yueqing.

He thought that Liang Shengrong had summoned several other deputy bureaus in the bureau to discuss the murder case, but obviously not.

"Director Liang, are you looking for me?"

Liang Shengrong put down the pen in hand, pushed the frame of the mirror, got up and said with a smile, "Actually, I'm fine, come and sit here."

He pointed to the sofa by the window, and then dialed the internal number to ask the secretary to bring in two cups of tea.

Qiao Yueqing walked over and sat down, thinking about Liang Shengrong's purpose for calling him here, but said calmly: "I just heard from Assistant Li that a brutal murder occurred in Ancheng District."

Liang Shengrong walked across to him and sat down, when there was a knock on the door, and then the secretary came in with two cups of tea.

After the secretary left, he said: "That case is a serial murder case. There have been three similar cases a few months ago. The murderer was very cunning and did not leave any flaws in the crime. That's why the police have been unable to solve the case."

"Serial murder?" Qiao Yue raised his eyebrows, "Is that the 326 murder that caused a sensation all over the country?"

As early as in City A, Qiao Yueqing had heard of the sensational case in City C.Because the murderer was extremely cruel and perverted, the citizens of City C were panicked, so the police in City C stepped up patrols in various districts.

Unexpectedly, after a few months of calm, the murderer reappeared.

"Someone is already investigating the case." Liang Shengrong lifted the lid of the purple cup and blew lightly. After taking a sip, he suddenly changed the subject: "I heard from your aunt that you and Qingqing knew each other more than ten years ago. ?”

The topic changed suddenly, Qiao Yueqing froze for a moment, and then he somewhat understood Liang Shengrong's intention of looking for him alone - not for the murder case, but for his precious daughter.

"Actually, I just remembered that we knew each other before."

"More than ten years ago, Qingqing was still a little girl, but in the blink of an eye, she has become a big girl." Liang Shengrong sighed softly, leaning her head back on the sofa.

"The female college is not accepted. I have been looking for a suitable future husband-in-law for her all this time, but I have never liked the candidate. Since you and Qingqing are old acquaintances, and you know a lot of young talents, why don't you introduce someone to Qingqing?" suitable?"

Qiao Yue looked at him, his inner thoughts tumbling.

Cheng Jingzhen's love for him can be seen by anyone with eyes, and he doesn't believe that she didn't disclose this information when she mentioned him to her husband.

Especially since he stayed in that girl's room for such a long time last night, Cheng Jingzhen naturally regarded him as her son-in-law so she didn't care about it.

And from Liang Hanwen's words and deeds, it is not difficult to see that he absolutely supports his sister to be with him. Why is it that Liang Shengrong is dissatisfied with him alone, but still asks the question knowingly, even asking him to introduce her boyfriend to that girl?
Originally, he just wanted to try to date that girl, but he didn't think about the fact that the two would get married and be together for the rest of their lives. Now Liang Shengrong's objection made him want to be with that girl.

He didn't understand what was wrong with him, Liang Shengrong actually wanted to take the risk of offending him and change his ways to prevent him from being with his daughter.

His mind was spinning quickly, and there was a hint of displeasure on his face.

Liang Shengrong drank his tea, seemingly not paying attention to his expression, but his eyes behind the glasses were thoughtful.

"Director Liang, the relationship between children and children has long been beyond the control of parents. Especially a girl with a unique personality like Qingqing, she is not willing to be manipulated and liked by others. So this busy I shouldn't be able to help."

Liang Shengrong was slightly taken aback, raised his eyes with a disapproving expression, and smiled lightly: "Qingqing has always listened to me, because she knows that I am doing it for her own good, so I believe she will not object to my doing so."

"If Qingqing doesn't have someone she likes in her heart, she might listen to you, but if she has someone she likes, that's another matter. Of course, if she has someone she likes, Director Liang will have to go home and ask herself."

In a few words, Qiao Yueqing threw back the hot potato that Liang Shengrong had thrown to him.

Liang Shengrong's face darkened, and it took a while for him to return to normal.

Qiao Yueqing sneered secretly, looked at the time and got up and said, "Since Mr. Liang has nothing else to do, I'll leave first. I have some urgent things to do later."

Liang Shengrong nodded, watched him walk to the door, and suddenly added: "Qingqing is a good girl, I don't ask her future partner to be rich or powerful, I just ask him to treat my daughter well, so that she can be safe and sound." live."

Qiao Yue paused, but without looking back or saying anything, he opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the empty doorway, Liang Shengrong sighed helplessly.

When he got home last night, his wife told him that Qiao Yueqing and his daughter seemed to be dating, and the more he listened, the more worried he became.

He knows what kind of man Qiao Yueqing is.

Let's not talk about how he is bothered, just because he works for Gu Junyao, he can't allow his daughter to be with him!
(End of this chapter)

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