Chapter 296

Coming out of Liang Shengrong's office, Qiao Yueqing was a little depressed.

He didn't expect Liang Shengrong to beat around the bush to prevent him from being with that girl.Anyway, he, Young Master Qiao, is also a heartthrob. Over the years, there have been many people who intend to marry the Qiao family. So high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen want to marry their precious daughters to him, but Liang Shengrong is an exception.

——Qingqing is a good girl, I don't ask her future spouse to be rich or powerful, I just ask him to treat my daughter well so that she can live a peaceful life.

Look at what he said, could it be that the girl can't live a stable life if she marries him?

Back in the office, he redialed the phone to Qiao Xun, hung up after a while, said a few words to Li Shaokun, and left.

At noon, Qiao Yueqing and Qiao Xun's gang came out of a Chinese restaurant. With his handsome features and tall figure, he was particularly eye-catching among a group of colleagues in police uniforms.

"Brother Yueqing, do you know now? It's not that we are useless, it's that the murderer is too cunning. He seems to know the actions of our police well, but he chose the time when our patrol is the weakest."

Qiao Xun, who was walking beside Qiao Yueqing, took off his police cap and said.

"Qiao Ju, do you think the murderer has an internal response from our police, or is it simply one of our colleagues?" Li Dong took up the topic analysis.

As soon as he finished speaking, several eyes immediately looked at him.

Qiao Xun sneered: "Don't tell us that you are actually that vicious murderer."

The corner of Li Dong's mouth twitched, and he laughed horribly: "How could I break the law knowingly? Besides, I'm not so bold, rape first, then kill and then disassemble the corpse, tsk, just thinking about it makes me want to vomit."

"But I see you have a very good appetite. I didn't know who ate the most just now. It's like a starving ghost reincarnated." Another colleague embarrassed him, and the others laughed when they heard this.

"Okay, you guys go do your thing, I'll go back to the game to see what's going on."

Qiao Yueqing waved to everyone and walked towards his car.

Li Dong watched his back, and suddenly said: "Brother Xun, the murderer committed the crime just after Bureau Qiao transferred to our city. Do you think the murderer committed the crime deliberately against him?"

Qiao Xun was taken aback, "How to say?"

"Aren't there many rumors about how powerful Qiao Ju is? Maybe the other party is deliberately targeting him to commit crimes, trying to test whether he is really as powerful as the rumors, and can find out who he is."

"Li Dong, after hearing what you said, I also think it is possible." Colleagues around Li Dong echoed.

"Could it be that the two of you did the case together?" Qiao Xun teased the two of them.

Li Dong immediately said: "Yes, I didn't say those words. I'd better go to the scene and go around honestly, maybe I can see something."

**************************************split line********** *******************************
It was nearly six o'clock in the afternoon when Qiao Yueqing received a call from Liang Ruoqing. At this time, he happened to be driving to Shuncheng District.

"I'll wait for you at the intersection where I got off in the morning, do you have time?"

A few days ago, I didn't think there was anything special about this voice. After last night, Qiao Yueqing suddenly had a special feeling for this girl's voice. It seemed that the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously when she heard it, and she was in a good mood.

"I'm almost there, you come out right away."

Ten minutes after hanging up the phone, he arrived at the intersection she designated, and waited another two minutes before seeing her trotting towards her in a hurry, looking back from time to time, as if she was afraid of being seen by her colleagues.

"Why are you so afraid that your colleagues know about us? Am I so shameless?"

Liang Ruoqing heard him ask this question as soon as she got in the car, she couldn't help but hesitate, and then said: "My colleague and I met you in that situation that night, do you think they would have nothing to say if they knew that I was with you now?"

It would be strange if they didn't break the casserole and ask the end.

That's why she decided to wait for a while.

Qiao Yueqing looked at her sideways, remembering Liang Shengrong's visit to him in the morning, after much thought, he still didn't speak.

"I'll take you to dinner tonight." He said while starting the car.


"You'll know when it arrives."

Seeing his mysterious appearance, Liang Ruoqing didn't ask any more questions.

Not long after, seeing him driving the car towards Ancheng District, she suddenly remembered something.

"What do you think of the murder case in Ancheng District this morning?"

Qiao Yueqing took time to look at her, and said with a smile: "It's off-duty time now, we don't talk about work matters."

"I only remembered when you brought me to Ancheng District." She knew that he had a cousin who was the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade in Ancheng District, so she guessed that he brought her to his cousin's house for dinner.

After more than 20 minutes, the car entered an ordinary residential area.

After getting out of the car and looking around, she couldn't help but ask, "Your cousin lives here?"

Qiao Yue raised his eyebrows, "I didn't say he lives here."

"Then we didn't have dinner with him?"

Qiao Yue shook her head, walked over and hugged her affectionately towards the entrance of a unit.

Liang Ruoqing endured the curiosity in her heart and followed him into the elevator, stopped on the 7th floor, then went to a door and rang the doorbell.

The doorbell rang several times before the door opened.

When the door opened, the women inside and outside the door were all stunned when they saw each other.

"I said bring a friend over, and it's her. You've met before, so you don't need me to introduce you?" Qiao Yueqing broke the silence between the two.

Qin Youxuan couldn't see the expression on his face with the light behind his back, his gaze passed over Qiao Yue's hands that were wrapped around Liang Ruoqing's shoulders, and the corners of his mouth slowly lifted into a smile: "Come in and sit down."

Liang Ruoqing really didn't expect that the place Qiao Yueqing brought her to eat was Qin Youxuan's house.

Then he remembered that he had answered Qin Youxuan's call in front of him last night. It turned out that Qin Youxuan had invited him to her house for dinner.

Seeing Qin Youxuan's froze expression, she knew that she was surprised to see her and Qiao Yueqing together, and she must have never thought about it.

Qiao Yue held her half-hugged and entered the door, and the smell of food immediately filled his breath.

"Wait a few more minutes and I'll make the soup, then we can start the meal. Brother Qiao, please sit in the living room with Ms. Liang."

Qin Youxuan smiled softly.

Qiao Yue nodded and watched her walk into the kitchen, but when she turned around, she saw Liang Ruoqing staring at her.

"what happened?"

He also asked her what happened?
Liang Ruoqing secretly rolled her eyes, pulled him aside, and said in a low voice, "Are you not understanding or are you pretending? Do you know what she means by asking you out for dinner? Not only did you not refuse to come with me, what on earth are you doing?" want?"

"Don't you think it's good? She knows I'm with you now, and I'm the one who has a girlfriend."

It was because he knew what kind of feelings Qin Youxuan had for him that he agreed to her invitation, and even brought this girl here with him, just to make Qin Youxuan give up on her.

Liang Ruoqing blinked, then smiled suddenly: "So it's because you have such a calculation, not because you are unwilling to refuse?"

"Now you know that you are thinking wildly, right?" Qiao Yue raised his hand to poke her forehead, but unexpectedly his lips became hot.

"Is Director Qiao satisfied with this way of apologizing?" Liang Ruoqing looked at him with a sweet smile on her face.

Qiao Yue raised his eyebrows slightly: "How can you be satisfied with just a superficial kiss?"

"Then what do you want?" The greedy guy.

Qiao Yueqing suddenly clasped her waist, leaned down and whispered in her ear: "Stay at my house tonight?"

Liang Ruoqing's cheeks were flushed instantly, her forehead was pressed against his chest, she was too ashamed to raise her head.

Qiao Yue hugged her and smiled lightly, a scene of beautiful scenes appeared in his mind.

In the kitchen, Qin Youxuan, who was standing by the counter and staring at the boiling hot pot in a daze, turned pale.

She called Qiao Yueqing in the afternoon to confirm that he would come over for dinner tonight, she was so happy.Although he said to bring a friend over at the time, it didn't affect her good mood at all.

It wasn't until she opened the door and saw Liang Ruoqing who was half-embraced in his arms that she fell into an ice cellar.

It turned out that her thoughts were completely seen through by him. He knew that she liked him, so he brought another woman to cut off her thoughts.

She closed her eyes, but she couldn't ignore the two embracing figures that she glimpsed from the corner of her eye just now.

Feeling as uncomfortable as a needle prick in her heart, she opened her eyes and looked at the tumbling soup pot with a flash of light in her eyes. After taking a deep breath, she reached out to hold the handle of the pot, and then let go——


The sharp screams from the kitchen startled the two people in the living room back to their senses.

"what happened?"

Qiao Yue got up and strode forward, but saw a soup pot fell on the ground, and the soup was dripping all over the floor.On the other hand, Qin Youxuan, who was wearing a floral dress, had red and swollen legs.

His expression changed, he came over and slightly bent over Qin Youxuan, picked her up and walked out of the kitchen. When he saw Liang Ruoqing standing at the door, he hurriedly said, "Quickly open the door, she's seriously burned, I'll take her to the hospital."

Liang Ruoqing glanced at Qin Youxuan's scalded feet, paused for a moment on the painful face, and then went to open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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