Chapter 299

Qiao Yueqing rushed to the hospital, just as the nurse taking care of Qin Youxuan came out of the ward.

"Mr. Qiao, go in and have a look. Miss Qin is too emotional, and she refuses to let Dr. Chen inject her with a tranquilizer."

"She really has leukemia?" Qiao Yueqing was a little suspicious.

The nurse nodded: "Miss Qin suddenly had a high fever, and Dr. Chen asked her about her previous medical history. She said that she used to have high fevers for no reason, and her other symptoms were similar to leukemia, so Dr. Chen arranged for her to do a series of examinations. Now Although the results of some tests are still pending, Dr. Chen has confirmed that Miss Qin has leukemia."

Qiao Yueqing frowned, his expression became serious.

He opened the door of the ward. On the hospital bed, Qin Youxuan's face was completely buried in the quilt, and a suppressed low sobbing sound came from inside. The hand hanging by his side was holding the snow-white quilt, and his knuckles were turning white.

He sighed, walked over and lifted the quilt covering her face, and handed over a handful of tissues: "Don't cry."

Qin Youxuan's eyes were red from crying, and she took the tissue paper, but she still couldn't help the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Things are not as bad as you think. Now that science is so advanced, leukemia is not a terminal disease. As long as you find a suitable bone marrow transplant, you can completely recover." He comforted her with the nurse's words.

Qin Youxuan smiled bitterly: "Brother Qiao, don't comfort me. My blood type is extremely rare and RH negative. It's just a dream to find a bone marrow that matches me."

"Don't you still have a younger brother? You give me his contact information, and I will contact him immediately and ask him to come back." He said as he took out his mobile phone.

Qin Youxuan shook his head, "Even if he comes back, it's useless."

Qiao Yueqing was stunned: "Why is it useless?"

"Xiaoyu is not my real brother. His mother is a sister my mother knew. She had a child out of wedlock. When Xiaoyu was one year old, she had a car accident. My mother thought he was pitiful, so she adopted him as her own son."

Qiao Yueqing was silent.

"Actually, I'm not afraid of death. It's just that there are still many people I miss in this world, and I'm still reluctant to leave."

"Don't think of the worst."

"So what if I don't want to? Isn't it just waiting to die if I have this disease?"

"I immediately asked people to contact bone marrow banks across the country to see if they could find a suitable bone marrow. You adjust your emotions and cooperate with the treatment."

"No, Brother Joe. I've troubled you too much, and I don't want to trouble you any more."

"But who else can you ask for help besides me?" Qiao Yueqing breathed out, glanced at his watch, thinking that the girl was still waiting at home, so he said, "Relax your mind and heal your wounds, and leave the matter of finding the bone marrow to me , I will try my best to find it for you, but you have to cooperate with the treatment."

Qin Youxuan was so excited that it was hard to describe.

She knew that he would not ignore her after knowing her condition.Maybe in his heart, he still has a little weight.

Realizing this, her depressed mood suddenly brightened.

Even if she wanted to rob that policewoman, she still had to ensure her own health, otherwise what would she use to rob her?

She wiped away her tears, held back her tears and tried to smile, "Thank you, Brother Qiao."

Qiao Yueqing pursed his lips lightly, and said, "Then I'll let that nurse in. I'm going to the bureau early tomorrow, so I'll go back first."

Qin Youxuan didn't know that he was anxious to go back because he was worried about Liang Ruoqing, so he nodded reluctantly and said, "Brother Qiao, will you come to see me tomorrow?"

Qiao Yueqing hesitated for a moment, thinking that he would come over when he had time.But when he thought of Qin Youxuan's condition, he swallowed the words again.

He nodded.

********************************************split line**** *********************************
Returning to the residence in a hurry, Liang Ruoqing had already left.

The bed has been made, new sheets and quilts have been put on, the air is also filled with a faint smell of perfume, the whole room is so clean that there is no trace of the two people's love before.

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to call her, but when he saw the time displayed on the screen, he thought that she should be asleep, so he dismissed the idea.

He called her early the next morning and asked her to have breakfast with her.

Liang Ruoqing agreed to him, hung up the phone and took her bag to go out, but when she turned around, she saw her mother standing at the door.

"Mom? What's the matter?" she asked her mother.

Cheng Jingzhen looked at his daughter, hesitant to speak.

After hearing what her husband said last night, she has been in a hurry.

She could see her daughter's love for Qiao Yueqing, and she herself liked him as her son-in-law.

But if he was really involved in selling arms and drugs as her husband said, then she would never agree to her daughter being with him anyway, lest in the future, if something happened to him, her daughter would suffer along with her.

It's just that she promised her to be with Qiao Yueqing in front of her daughter last night, how can she open her mouth to stop her from interacting with him now?

"Mom, brother Yueqing asked me to have breakfast together. I'm afraid he'll be impatient. Tell me what you have, or you can talk about it when I get back from get off work." Liang Ruoqing was a little impatient when she saw her mother looking at her but didn't speak.

When Cheng Jingzhen heard that she and Qiao Yueqing had made an appointment to have breakfast together, she couldn't speak.

Her daughter is her darling, and she is happy when she is happy, but if she and Qiao Yueqing are forced to be separated, it may be uncomfortable, and she feels distressed just thinking about it.

As a mother, I only hope that my daughter will be happy. As for the rest, let nature take its course.

Thinking of this, she smiled slightly: "It's okay, you go, don't make Yue Qing wait for a long time."

Liang Ruoqing also smiled and said, "Then I'm leaving."

Looking at her daughter's happy smiling face, Cheng Jingzhen sighed softly.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

She has never missed anyone in most of her life.Although she heard her husband say that Qiao Yueqing was such a person last night, she still didn't believe it.

I hope my daughter will be happy with him.

(End of this chapter)

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