Chapter 300

"Why didn't you wait for me to come back last night?"

In the dining room, Qiao Yueqing asked the little woman beside her who was eating breakfast quietly.

Liang Ruoqing didn't look up, but asked instead, "Is Miss Qin stable?"

"It's fairly stable."

"She seems to like you very much."

Qiao Yue stared blankly, fixed her eyes on her, and suddenly grinned, her beautiful eyes burst into playfulness.

"Why do I feel that your tone of voice is sour?"

Liang Ruoqing paused, then wiped the corner of her mouth with a tissue, and then looked over, her pretty face was serious.

"Brother Yueqing, let me tell you very carefully - I'm jealous!"

Qiao Yueqing was stunned, she really didn't expect her to admit it so generously, it was so straightforward and cute.

"Brother Yueqing, I can't play those little intrigue tricks, and I won't be bored enough to do those things. I sympathize with Miss Qin's experience, but sympathy belongs to sympathy. I won't be so stupid as to watch her occupy my man Still blind with eyes open."

"What kind of intrigue?" Qiao Yueqing was dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on.

"You really don't know?"

Qiao Yue shook Wan Er, stretched her arms over, hugged her shoulder affectionately and said with a low smile: "Little girl, if you have something to say, I really don't know what you are referring to."

Liang Ruoqing pursed her lips and snorted, and cast a displeased look at him before she said, "Didn't Miss Qin's burn last night feel strange?"

"What do you mean?"

"If she accidentally caused the burn by not holding the soup pot steady, the area of ​​the burn would not be so wide, and the area of ​​the two legs is very well-proportioned. Because people have an instinctive reaction when facing danger, she was aware of it. When the soup pot slipped down, she should have let go of her hands impatiently, and then stepped back. This way, the area of ​​the burn will definitely be reduced a lot. And there is only one possibility for her to get burnt like this now."

She stared at Qiao Yueqing. Although she didn't say the answer, it was self-evident.

Qiao Yueqing's face was slightly surprised, but he was not surprised that what Qin Youxuan did was unintentional, but surprised that this girl's observation and analysis skills are so strong.

"You don't believe me, you think I'm making trouble for no reason?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Liang Ruoqing raised her eyebrows and asked.

Qiao Yueqing laughed out loud, then leaned over and quickly kissed her moist diamond lips.

"Of course I believe you." He looked at her with a smile and said lazily.

Liang Ruoqing didn't expect that he would kiss her in public, her pink face burned instantly, she hurriedly lowered her head, but there was a hint of sweetness in her heart, and warmth welled up in her heart.

"But she is quite pitiful. I am somewhat responsible for her mother's death, so I will try to help if I can. There is no other meaning." He expressed his attitude towards Qin Youxuan, and he did not want her to misunderstand him.

"poor person must have something mean."

"A girl, no matter how hateful she is, that's all. I just help her, and I won't get close to her."

"Are you really not interested in her?" Liang Ruoqing looked up at him with clear eyes.

Qiao Yue shook his head.

"But didn't you just like her type of woman before?" According to the various lace news she collected about him over the years, Young Master Qiao prefers women with big breasts and wide buttocks like Qin Youxuan, and although she It's not dried lentil sprouts, but in terms of the perfection of the measurements, it must be inferior.

After being dug out by her, Qiao Yueqing coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, and quickly changed the subject: "Are you full? Do you want to pack some for your colleagues?"

"Just pack these up, they may have already had breakfast." She pointed to the many morning refreshments left on the table.

Qiao Yue nodded and called the waiter in the restaurant.

"Brother Yueqing?"

The two had just walked to the door when a familiar male voice suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, Qiao Xun and Li Dong came over with a smile on their face. When their eyes shifted from him to Liang Ruoqing beside him, they were both stunned.

"Huh? Isn't this the little junior sister who called men left and women right that night?" Li Dong scratched his head and said suddenly.

Qiao Xun rolled his eyes at him, glanced at Liang Ruoqing's hand held in Qiao Yue's palm, hehe smiled, rubbed his nose and said, "Shouldn't it be developed into a man and a woman now?"

The corner of Qiao Yue's mouth trembled, and he glanced at the little woman who was so annoyed and embarrassed that she was sneaking behind him, and looked lazily at his cousin: "What nonsense? A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory."

"Hehe, what Brother Yueqing said is true." Qiao Xun nodded repeatedly, then looked at Liang Ruoqing, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, little sister-in-law, it's because I was stupid and outspoken."

Liang Ruoqing's ears turned red hot when she shouted "little sister-in-law", but muffled laughter came from above her head.

"I'll take her to work first, and call me later if you have anything to do."

"No, it's okay. It's just that your back looks familiar just now, but I didn't expect it was really you."

Qiao Yueqing nodded, and suddenly remembered something: "Is there any progress in the murder case?"

"not yet."

"Then I'll go first."

Qiao Xun and Li Dong watched the two of them leave until they were no longer in sight, then Li Dong wondered, "It's only been so long, why did that little junior sister surnamed Liang hook up with our Qiao Ju?"

Qiao Xun remembered that his cousin wanted to get Liang Ruoqing's information for him, so he couldn't help but reply, "It's not certain who hooked up with him."

Li Dong was taken aback, "Is there even a question? With Qiao Ju's talent, he must have been hooked up by that junior sister, who wanted to take the opportunity to take the position."

"You watch too many TV shows."

"Then you think it's possible that Qiao Ju hooked up with her? But why? In terms of appearance, although the junior sister is good, she is still inferior to the young lady sitting next to Qiao Ju that night."

"You know what a fart, how can that woman compare with her? Do you know who her father is?"

Li Dong shook his head blankly.

"Liang Shengrong."

Li Dong's eyes widened with disbelief.

Qiao Xun touched his chin and said to himself: "What the hell is Brother Yueqing doing? It seems that he is playing for real this time."

And should he report this to his uncle?

(End of this chapter)

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