Chapter 301

Qiao Yueqing sent Liang Ruoqing to work, and got off the car at the old place. Liang Ruoqing looked at him hesitantly while holding the car door, and said, "Brother Yueqing, if someone objects to us being together, what will you do?"

Qiao Yueqing didn't expect her to ask such a question suddenly.Seeing her serious expression, he didn't shy away from what Liang Shengrong said to him, and asked her instead: "What will you do?"

Liang Ruoqing glared at him: "Didn't I express my opinion with actions last night?"

She chose the police academy for him back then, and even nearly had a fight with her parents, how could she leave him now because of her father's opposition.

"But if you make me sad by doing something sorry to me, then I will definitely leave you. At that time, I will not forgive you."

Her tone was rarely serious, but Qiao Yueqing just smiled and leaned over half of his body to pinch her face pamperingly.

"Silly girl, for your performance last night, I promise you that I will never let you down."

Although Liang Ruoqing knew that what she said was unsubstantiated, she still believed him.

"Then you go to work. If you are busy, don't pick me up. I can go back by myself." She opened the door and got out of the car.

"and many more."

Qiao Yueqing called to her, then took out a key from his pocket and handed it over: "This is the key to my house. If you miss me tonight, you can directly open the door and give me a surprise."

Liang Ruoqing's face turned red instantly, but a certain man laughed vigorously.

She took it quickly and left with Qiao Yueqing's hearty laughter.

Qiao Yueqing didn't look away until she was no longer in sight, but he didn't leave. Instead, he took his mobile phone and called Gu Junyao.

The phone was connected, and a deep male voice came from the other end: "What's the matter, Yueqing?"

"I have a female friend who has leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant, and her blood type is a rare RH negative. I want you to do me a favor and find a matching bone marrow donor across the country."

"Female friends?" Gu Junyao on the other end of the phone raised his eyebrows, and said in a playful tone: "Yueqing, you have countless female friends, but I have never seen you care about any of them in these years, why this time? Are you so nervous?"

As soon as Qiao Yueqing heard it, he knew that he was thinking wrong, and quickly explained: "She is really just a friend, not what you think."

"Oh, isn't there a saying that explaining is covering up? You are trying to cover up."

"I didn't hide it, my girlfriend is really not her."

"Does that mean you really have a girlfriend?"


"That's right. I've decided on my life's major events just after I went to City C. It seems that it's a wise choice to transfer you to City C." Gu Junyao teased him.

The corner of Qiao Yueqing's mouth twitched, he rolled his eyes looking at the opposite street, chatted for a few more words and hung up the phone.

Unexpectedly, he and Liang Ruoqing would be caught out in a few sentences, and he was really depressed.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, sooner or later he will take her to meet those little boys, it doesn't matter if he knows it sooner or later.

He breathed a sigh of relief, started the engine and left.

*******************************************split line***** *******************************
In the blink of an eye, more than half a month later, the burn on Qin Youxuan's leg was almost healed, and she was basically able to take care of herself.Just looking for a matching bone marrow donor has been unsuccessful.

She couldn't help feeling a little disheartened.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, she said to Qiao Yueqing who came to pick her up: "Brother Qiao, don't bother looking for it, that's it, anyway, the doctor said I can live for a few years, and with my current state, a few years is already pretty good." , Xiaoyu will also graduate by then, so I have nothing to worry about."

Qiao Yueqing glanced at her and comforted: "Don't worry, you will find it."

He sent Qin Youxuan back to his residence, and he smelled a rancid smell as soon as he entered the house.

That day Qin Youxuan cooked a table of dishes and put them on the table, but the scald didn't come back after that, the dishes were all spoiled and moldy.

Seeing that her legs were not very convenient, he helped to clean them up, and when he saw the soup pot that had fallen on the floor in the kitchen, he couldn't help but think of Liang Ruoqing's analysis of the possibility that Qin Youxuan was scalded on purpose.

He knew that Qin Youxuan had feelings for him, so finding her bone marrow was the last thing he would do for her, and he would break up with her completely in the future.

"Brother Qiao, I'll just clean it up myself, don't get your clothes dirty."

Standing at the door of the kitchen, Qin Youxuan felt a little guilty when he saw him staring blankly at the soup pot on the floor.

Qiao Yue regained his senses and didn't look at her.

"I found a nanny to take care of you. She will be here in a while. You should stay at home and don't look for a job."

"Are you leaving?" Seeing him walking towards the door, Qin Youxuan asked reluctantly.

Qiao Yueqing pretended not to notice her strangeness, and nodded.

"I will contact you as soon as I find the bone marrow."

"Then will you still come to see me?" Qin Youxuan looked at him expectantly, feeling a little uncomfortable because of his sudden indifference.

"Brother Qiao, do you find me annoying?" She asked suddenly when Qiao Yueqing walked to the door.

Qiao Yueqing has heard her ask this question many times, and she can't help but feel really annoyed.

"I don't find you annoying," he finally looked back at her, "but I'm a little disappointed in you."

Disappointed that she turned out to be such a cruel woman, she could even kill herself.

No matter why she did this, he always kept a respectful distance from such a scheming woman.

Thinking of Liang Ruoqing's outspokenness, he couldn't help but sigh, but there was a faint smile on his lips.

And Qin Youxuan's complexion changed instantly: "Brother Qiao, you... What do you mean?"

Qiao Yueqing took a deep look at her and turned back.

"The body is your own. If you don't cherish yourself, others have no reason to feel sorry for you, and no one will hurt with you."

Without looking at Qin Youxuan's expression, he opened the door and walked out.

Behind him, Qin Youxuan's face was as pale as paper.

She thought she could hide it, but it turned out that paper couldn't cover fire, and he finally found out about her little trick.

No wonder he suddenly became indifferent.

She leaned against the door and smiled wryly, the overflowing tears slipping down quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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