Chapter 303

"Let's go to the study and talk."

As soon as Liang Shengrong finished speaking, Cheng Jingzhen immediately objected, "Shengrong, why don't you just say what you want to say in front of Qingqing and Yueqing, anyway, I agree with them being together, if you insist on objecting, then I will divorce you."

Liang Shengrong was startled, and stared at his wife through the sharp glasses with an ugly expression, almost gnashing his teeth and said, "Cheng Jingzhen, don't rely on me to let you be lawless, can you talk about divorce casually?"

"Dad, Mom, can you stop doing this?" Liang Ruoqing looked at her parents with a headache.

"We know what happened with Brother Yueqing."

"Auntie, I also have something to say to my uncle. I'll chat with you later." Qiao Qing broke the deadlock.

Liang Shengrong snorted, and walked to the study first.

Qiao Yueqing gave Liang Ruoqing a comforting smile, and got up to follow.

"Since you already know that I object to you being with Qingqing, then I don't bother to beat around the bush." ​​As soon as Qiao Qingyue entered the study, Liang Shengrong said in a blunt tone.

Qiao Yue nodded, walked to the sofa by the window and sat down.

"Uncle, I want to know why you object to me being with Qingqing?" He, Qiao Yueqing, is not so bad that he can't catch his eyes, right?
"Yue Qing, I know that you are a very good and outstanding young man. I will never deny your goodness in this regard. So it is not easy for you to find a woman? Why can't you let go of Qingqing and find what you like again woman?"

Qiao Yue chuckled: "Uncle, you seem to be a little ignorant of the situation. Don't you know that Qingqing has been secretly in love with me for more than ten years?"

"It's because she is still young, and she doesn't know the truth of feelings. She doesn't know what love is. You can't take it seriously."

"Since you think she is still young, why are you in such a hurry to find someone for her?"

Liang Shengrong was suffocated by his question, and after a pause, he said in a deep voice: "Yueqing, you are a smart person, don't force me to speak too much."

Qiao Yueqing smiled nonchalantly, looked at Liang Shengrong with a gloomy face, and admired him for daring to take the risk of offending him to prevent him from being with that girl.

"Uncle, are some of my actions not acceptable to you?"

Liang Shengrong didn't expect him to guess so accurately, he was a little stunned for a while, but he was thinking about what he should say so that Qiao Yueqing would not turn his face and deny anyone.

After a long silence, he said: "You are excellent in all aspects and are impeccable, but you really shouldn't have anything to do with Gu Junyao."

His regretful tone made Qiao Yueqing raise his eyebrows, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with me getting involved with him?"

"Don't say you don't know who he is. He is a legitimate businessman in the world, but anyone who knows him doesn't know that he is a black and white devil? And you followed him to sell drugs and lost arms. How can you let Qingqing live a stable life after being a policeman and falling with him? How can I trust her to you?"

Liang Shengrong scolded harshly, but Qiao Yueqing just frowned.

"Uncle, others can slander Yun Yao, because they don't understand the truth of the matter. But you are wrong to say that. You said that I forgot that I am a policeman, isn't that talking about yourself?"

"I have never done anything that violated the law!" Liang Shengrong said seriously.

Qiao Yueqing nodded, rubbed his forehead and said unhurriedly: "As far as I know, a huge amount of money is remitted to your account every year, why doesn't uncle know?"

Liang Shengrong's expression changed, and the emotions in his eyes turned.

He was indeed so angry about his daughter that he forgot about it.

"Uncle, to tell you the truth, it's useless even if you object now." He looked at the confused Liang Shengrong, and said slowly, "She and I are already husband and wife."

Hearing this, Liang Shengrong's face instantly turned green and pale.

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Qiao Yueqing came out of the study, and saw Liang Ruoqing, who was frowning in the living room, who immediately came up to meet him.

"How is it? My dad didn't make things difficult for you, did he? What did you say?"

Qiao Yueqing was dizzy from her repeated questions, he pressed her shoulder and smiled, "Actually, we didn't talk about anything, just some work matters."

Of course Liang Ruoqing didn't believe it, and wanted to ask again, so she heard her mother say, "Yueqing, come and eat some fruit."

"No, Auntie, I still have something to do, so I'll come back tomorrow."

"It's so late, what else do you need?" Liang Ruoqing was suspicious.

"I just received a call from Qiao Xun, saying that the murder case has some clues, I'll go over and have a look."

"I'll go with you."

"No!" The one who answered her was Liang Shengrong who had just come out of the study.

"You are a girl, I let you go to the police academy and indulge you to go to work, but I want you to be too hidden, and you will have to change to a safer job in the future. Young women, you are not allowed to interfere!"

"Uncle is right, you stay at home with uncle and aunt."

Liang Ruoqing clasped his fingers reluctantly, protesting silently with her mouth flattened.

Qiao Yueqing's heart softened, and he wanted to let go and take her there, but Liang Shengrong snorted, "No matter how close the relationship is, it's not too late. You haven't even gotten through the door yet, so you can't be more reserved. Don't be entangled in it all day long." Together?"

Liang Ruoqing was both surprised and delighted when she heard what her father said meant that she agreed to associate with Qiao Yueqing.

Qiao Yueqing pinched her face, smiled, said hello to Cheng Jingzhen and Liang Shengrong, and walked to the door.

Liang Ruoqing followed him out to see him off. Liang Shengrong looked at the two's fingers that were quickly entwined, and sighed quietly——At first, he tried every means to separate the two, but he didn't expect that his daughter was already Qiao Yueqing's person. Now he is There is no choice at all, but to agree to let the two date.

I hope that his worries and worries are too much, he looked at the empty doorway, thinking helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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