Chapter 304

Qiao Yueqing rushed to the bar that Qiao Xun often went to. The rock music was so loud that it made his ears ache. Before entering the box, the man backed out again, called Qiao Xun's phone and called him to the bar.

"Brother Yueqing, they are all drinking inside, why don't you go in?" Qiao Xun asked as soon as he came out.

Qiao Yueqing glanced contemptuously at the signboard lights of the bar, waved his hand and said, "Why do you always like to come to this kind of place to discuss things? No wonder it took so long to solve the case."

Qiao Xun's mouth trembled, and he sneered and said, "Brother Yueqing, you don't seem to be in a good mood? Didn't I find some clues? This kind of place looks chaotic, but the more chaotic the place, the safer it is, and there will be no people at all. Pay attention to our conversation."

Qiao Yueqing was too lazy to argue with him, so he got into the car and waved to him: "Let's hear what clues you have."

"All the materials are in Li Dong's hands. Wait a minute, and I'll go in and get them for you." After saying that, Qiao Xun turned around and trotted into the bar.

Qiao Yueqing took out a pack of cigarettes from the storage compartment and lit one. After taking two puffs, the phone rang.

He lowered the car window and stretched out the cigarette, took out the mobile phone from his pocket and glanced at the screen, then threw the mobile phone into the storage compartment, showing no intention of answering it.

The call was from Qin Youxuan. He was afraid that she would say something on the phone, so he didn't answer it.

Qiao Xun ran out after a while, but his expression was a little flustered, and Li Dong and other colleagues followed closely behind him.

"Brother Yueqing, I just received a call. The murderer has committed another crime in Ancheng District. I'm going to rush there right away. Are you going?"


Several people got into the car, and the car drove rapidly on the spacious road.

"Where is the location of Ancheng District?"

Li Dong mentioned the specific location, Qiao Yue was taken aback, and then remembered that Qin Youxuan happened to live in the area where the crime was committed.

He remembered that Qin Youxuan kept calling just now, could it be...

His expression changed suddenly, he took the mobile phone and called Qin Youxuan back, but no one answered for a long time.

"Brother Yueqing, who are you calling so urgently?"

Seeing this, Qiao Xun asked.

Qiao Yueqing didn't answer him, and continued to make calls, but the speed of the car didn't slow down at all.

Soon the group arrived at the place where the vicious crime was committed, and Qiao Yueqing's heart skipped a beat after getting out of the car—his premonition was correct, the place where the crime was committed was indeed the apartment building that Qin Youxuan rented.

The group of them arrived the fastest after receiving the call to the police, and the exit near the apartment had already allowed Qiao Xun to ask the nearby patrol police to come and seal it up immediately after receiving the call, preventing the murderer from escaping.

In the deep night, the sound of sirens hovering in the silent night sky came from far to near.

After discussing with other colleagues, Qiao Xun shook hands together: "Just act separately as I said just now, everyone be careful, the murderer is vicious and vicious, and he must be carrying a dangerous weapon."

Qiao Yueqing couldn't get through to Qin Youxuan's phone, so he went back to the car to open a safe, and took out a new-style pistol from it.

"Brother Yueqing, the murderer is still hiding in the apartment building, don't go up, it's too dangerous." Seeing him walking towards the apartment, Qiao Xun hurriedly stopped him to persuade him.

"Qin Youxuan lives in this apartment, I can't let her have trouble."

Qiao Yueqing walked towards the apartment, Qiao Xun saw this and had to follow him vigilantly.

"Is the caller a resident of this apartment?"

"It was a woman calling with a mobile phone. I asked someone to check the number immediately. The number did not have a real name, and she didn't say whether she was a resident of the apartment. She only said that she was dead, and her voice was panicked. When I asked again, the line was disconnected. , and then I can’t get through.”

"Give me the phone number, and ask the administrator of the apartment to call in the surveillance video. I'll see if there are any clues."


Soon Qiao Xun fetched the surveillance video of the apartment. To Qiao Yueqing's surprise, the video was not damaged in any way. Except that the picture was not very clear, there was no broken lens.

This means that the murderer is not afraid that the surveillance video will record him entering and leaving the apartment.

This made Qiao Yueqing wonder, how could there be such a bold murderer?
He stared at the video and replayed it repeatedly, especially when he entered and exited the elevator on Qin Youxuan's floor. He watched it back and forth no less than ten times, but the only people entering and exiting the elevator were a few women and an old man in a wheelchair. , and no young males.

According to the murderer's previous crime records, the forensic doctor fixed the age of the murderer as a male between 27 and [-].

"Brother Yueqing, the apartment manager said that this scantily clad woman is not a resident of the apartment, but she has often been in and out of the apartment during this time." Qiao Xun pointed to a woman who had just come out of the elevator in the video.

Qiao Yueqing's eyes fell on the woman, only to see that the upper body was only wearing a black tube top, and the two lumps of flesh on the chest were ready to be exposed.The lower body is a pair of red hot pants paired with a pair of black mesh stockings, and a pair of high-heeled shoes that are at least ten centimeters high. Her hair is dark yellow and curly, with a pair of big black pants, and her lips are scarlet.

"This woman's whole body is like a palette, and I'm dazzled." Qiao Xun moved his eyes away from the woman's chest, rubbed his eyes and complained.

"What is the situation of all the apartment residents now? And which resident does this woman go in and out of? You can ask the administrator."

"Brother Yueqing, do you suspect that this woman is related to the murderer?" Qiao Xunhu asked.

"It's not pleasing to her eyes."


After more than ten minutes, Qiao Yueqing found all the information he wanted, and the police also sent many people to surround the apartment.

According to Qiao Yueqing's instructions, the administrator called each household, but several households did not answer, and Qin Youxuan was one of them.

Qiao Yueqing asked Qiao Xun to bring people into those households in batches, while he went to Qin Youxuan's house by himself.

Qiao Xun knew that it would be useless to talk too much, and wanted to let a few more colleagues follow him to protect him, but Qiao Yueqing refused because he felt that there were too many people in the way.

Walk into the elevator and press the floor where Qin Youxuan lives.

While waiting for the elevator door to open, the same thought flashed through his mind repeatedly, and he always felt that the woman with the same palette was a bit weird.

The elevator door opened with a 'ding' sound, and he focused his attention on what was going on around him.


(End of this chapter)

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