Mind Control and Distraction: Mind Control Techniques for a Lifetime

Chapter 5 Rationality is the Commander-in-Chief of Psychological Control

Chapter 5 Rationality is the Commander-in-Chief of Psychological Control (2)
So, Jeff began to think about the career and career that really suits him.He listed all the unhappiness that his original occupation brought him, including "taking the bus on time every day", "need to wear a suit and tie every day", etc., and then compared the advantages and disadvantages of various occupations in his mind.After careful consideration, he decided to go into the mail order business.During the work process, he found that his previous work experience can still be used in his current work.He wants to tell everyone this information and experience in the form of a book manual.At this point, it is not difficult to see that his self-image is positive and dynamic, "by focusing his energy, including actively using previous work experience, to successfully complete this business. Although this attempt was not successful early, he Possessing a positive and rational self-image, it is not difficult to guess that in the end he achieved impressive achievements.

This is a typical case of successful use of mind control techniques.Of course we all can.

reset your beliefs
The power of rational thought can do extraordinary things, but we don't see it because we seldom use it.

So now we go back to the source of some of the negative beliefs that lurk deep within us about our current circumstances and about other people.Thinking back, there may be times when success is within reach, but what happens that keeps you from getting it?At this point you should realize that deep inside you are reminding yourself that you will not be successful, or should not be successful.So do you feel awkward and on edge when you're around other people?This may be because you think you are inferior or subconsciously think that the other person is not warm and friendly.And when you return to a relatively safe and calm environment, will I still be inexplicably embarrassed, nervous and panicky?I'm sure many of you would like to live the perfect life career that Jeff has, and perhaps ask others for answers.But even with the positive response from others, people still find plenty of reasons to tell themselves that they can't be as successful as Jeff.In fact, these reasons do not come from your rational thinking, they are just ideas, or beliefs, beliefs that can easily shake rational thinking.As I said earlier, behavior and emotion are governed by beliefs.If you want to form or eradicate a certain emotion or behavior, you need to understand and find the reasons for the formation of beliefs.When you wish to accomplish a certain task, you tell yourself deep down that you can't do it, but you never think about why.Why?We need to establish the fact that this belief is based on actual reality, or is it based on an assumption that is simply false?

So let's consider four questions:

1. What is the reason for this idea, and is it reasonable?
2. If you keep this belief unchanged, will you fail?

3. In such an environment, if it were someone else, would they have the same idea as me?
4. Why do I believe it to be true if there is no tangible reason to believe it to be true?
Consider the above questions carefully, and think about them devoutly and calmly, and you will find that you have been deluding yourself and underestimating yourself.This kind of thinking is not based on facts at all, but an emotional response to a certain time and environment.You may be angry because of this, don't be afraid, man, after the anger is released, calm down, and maybe you will understand yourself deeper and more clearly.

I suddenly remembered an interesting thing. My neighbor told me that the day he quit smoking, it was only because he found that he had left his cigarettes at home, and he had to walk three miles to get home to get the cigarettes he was used to.On his way back to get his cigarettes, he suddenly realized that he was very humiliated, even very angry, because he was in the grip of his bad habit of smoking.So he turned around and left, quitting smoking ever since.Walt Disney said that he once made a very good suggestion, but everyone in the park disagreed very much, and even belittled and laughed at him because of it.He became very angry because of it.It is precisely because of this anger that he actually realized the Disneyland plan.That is, when he was angry, he made up his mind to put his ideas into practice.

hope always in my heart
But in order to effectively change and control beliefs and actions like rational thinking, there must be this strong desire in the heart: I want to change myself.Close your eyes and imagine that you are now the person you always wanted to be, or that you have what you have always enjoyed.Remember your deepest desire for them.And diligently observe and analyze them.You will find that your current negative beliefs are formed through your current emotions.With strong beliefs to counter them, your thoughts and ideas will change.As long as it fits, your negative beliefs will all become positive.

Once your hope is deeply implanted in your brain, then you will find that the process that is running in your brain will often appear.Of course you will have some worries at this time, but this is not negative.Worrying at this time will turn your negativity into a positive ideal.like this.When you're worrying, close your eyes and try to imagine the consequences you fear or don't want, and you can't help but start looking and thinking about it.And as if he was in it, everything seemed real.This repeated imagining and thinking about the possible consequences will make the actual result closer and closer to it.After a period of time, you will have some corresponding emotions, which are consistent with your emotions about this goal.In the same way, we describe the goal more beautifully, constantly play the result you want in your mind, and deepen your desire for it.In this way, you will find that this beautiful possibility becomes more and more real.Then your emotions will still correspond to it and become optimistic, positive and enthusiastic.

Keys to Rational Thinking
We said that thinking can make a failure mechanism as well as a success mechanism.The difficulty of achieving both is comparable.As for which mechanism to form, it depends on your view of it and what goals you set for it.In short, the mind is a mechanism for automatically achieving goals.And the goal is up to you.Most people paint negative goals for themselves, probably without realizing it.

Numerous factual studies have shown that timidity is one of the four most common fear symptoms shared by all adults.Almost everyone suffers from stage fright when speaking in public.At this time, you will probably be dumbfounded, or hesitating, unable to speak.From a rational point of view, no one can stay in public for a long time without speaking.In fact, in most cases, if you are a little nervous on the podium, forget your words, cover up with jokes or self-deprecation, it will not hurt at all, and you may even appear to be very personable.This shows that cowardice is directly related to the fear of being punished for making mistakes.

The information that our thinking receives comes from the real life environment.Conscious rational thinking allows you to understand the facts more fully and clearly, so that you can form correct judgments and opinions.Most people underestimate themselves when you worry about being punished for "making a mistake."There is ample evidence that there is always a certain tendency involved in wondering what prevents the mind from forming positive patterns.In other words, you can't help but magnify the difficulty.

Take it easy, treat it like a game

Dr. Alan Shapiro once counted 6 kinds of harmful thinking when facing challenges, and the first 4 are very representative:
1. Fear of challenge, that is, anxiety about the expected problems in the challenge, which will appear tense and fearful when it is realized.

2. Gaffe, when faced with a mistake, loses the courage to continue.

3. Emotional contrast. After gaining a successful experience in a challenge, if you are a little careless later, even if there is a slight mistake, your emotions will suddenly lose control, and you will be overjoyed and sad.

4. Worried about other people's evaluation after making a mistake, being too sensitive to other people's words and deeds, feeling that they are getting attention, and the pressure suddenly increases.

These 4 kinds of harmful thinking are very scary. They can prevent your positive thinking, but they are not terrible.The third is overreaction to the environment. In fact, when everything is in the past, you will find that these reactions are not worth it at all, and things are not as bad as you thought.However, people who live in this kind of anxiety are likely to suffer from depression without exception.Such people will be in pain for no reason for at least half of their lives. They will gradually find that they have no self-control ability and consciously avoid interacting with others.This kind of harmful thinking covers almost all harmful thinking.Let’s talk about a classic case. After a child played baseball all afternoon, he came home depressed. His mother comforted him, dear, it was just a game.The kid retorted angrily, you have no idea what it is to me!Yes, that was just a game, and today's baseball is just today's baseball.A mistake is just a mistake.Why not try to take a long-term view of it with a rational eye?However, willpower in rational thinking is a failed proposition. Only by consciously forming a new self-image with rational thinking and telling yourself that it is great and no problem can we cultivate proper and good thinking.

things are not what you think
Now let's imagine that your co-worker tells you, "You look sluggish today." Maybe you will subconsciously think that you are sick.If you are snubbed or neglected by others, you will blindly think that you are really inferior.Correctly inspecting and judging information is what must be done to cultivate good rational thinking.Many people receive similar negative hints and information every day. If you can consciously judge these hints and information and tell yourself "things are not what you think", all this will become very simple.The reason why this kind of situation is common is because this kind of information has been lurking in your brain, so once reminded, it will gain the upper hand without hesitation, and your rational thinking will quietly disappear, maybe you are not conscious arrive.The fact that the thinking that makes you succeed and the thinking that makes you fail are two sides of the same coin can sometimes be difficult to tell apart, but that doesn't mean there's no solution.To give an obvious example, a woman was told that she seemed to have wrinkles, and she would be anxious for the next few days, desperately using various skin care products.However, what triggers this anxiety is only the perception of "new wrinkles" in others, not the actual appearance of new wrinkles.If this woman is by my side, I will tell her, or the negative thoughts hidden in her heart, don't be frightened by such cold words, don't panic!You are still beautiful, but please insist on using skin care products, they will make you more beautiful, nothing more.

Therefore, we might as well put down the things in our hands temporarily, give ourselves some time, and learn to practice rational thinking.This can be very effective and lays the groundwork for your thinking to promote success.Helps you resist negative information anytime you receive it.

Don't think about unsolvable problems

Rational thinking will help you build logically correct thoughts.If you doubt yourself just because you failed once, it is obviously neither rational nor logical.It is very naive to think that you can't do it without implementing it and trying it.I remembered a very interesting guy, I asked him, can you drive?He replied I don't know.Very good, I secretly praised him in my heart.He went on to say, I haven't tried it, so I don't know if I will.

Many people may not be as calm and brave as this young man in their lives. They prefer to believe that the environment cannot be changed and problems cannot be solved.They even think that they will never achieve what others can easily achieve.Apparently they can't do anything about the negative thoughts lurking in their minds, and their rational mind is like a balloon that pops when poked.

Recognize your goals, then go ahead
Recognizing one's goals is easy to say, but it is inevitable that in the process, people will focus on what they don't want.We have to admit that this is one of the jobs of the mind, but it doesn't help you much.Knowing what you want and focusing on what you don't want is obviously wrong.If a soldier on the battlefield thinks about being captured every day, what should he do? Will he still fight hard?He may choose to hide behind his comrades, but the result is still defeated and captured.

So let's think carefully about what's in our minds.Most people don't remember things that they glanced at.Television, commercials, newspapers, talk, or even a little criticism can be implanted in them and control them.If you are as patient as your mind, why not take a notepad and write down every thought that comes to mind, after a day you will find how insignificant these contents are.So would you be willing to be a slacker who has nothing to do at home in summer, the air conditioner is broken and you don’t bother to call someone to fix it, and you would rather endure the high temperature?

Consciously observe and think carefully about what you are doing and what is happening around you, so that you can clearly know what causes your thinking to form, and ultimately control your actions.

But your current task or job is not a task given to you by your rational mind.If we forget the conscious thought we must use to carry them out, we'll be in trouble.We cannot use our own rational thinking to control actions that are not controlled by rational thinking.When we try again and again and fail, we can't help worrying, anxious, and frustrated.Thought is used in the subconscious mind, we cannot be sure whether it is working or not, and we cannot know the reason for its formation.But our tasks and jobs are automatic responses to our current circumstances, and we have to trust those responses to get the job done.Only in this way can we convince ourselves, control rational thinking, and create miracles.In other words, as long as we choose our goals consciously, and filter the positive and appropriate information in our brains, and let our actions follow them, things will be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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