Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 41 The Butterfly Effect Kills People

Chapter 41 The Butterfly Effect Kills People

Today, it is raining lightly, which is the most suitable time for outing.

"Yuhao, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow! Don't miss me." Wang Dong brushed his short pink-blue hair, and there seemed to be a strange look in his eyes.

"It's not like we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we'll be back in a month, so you can't bear to part with me?" Huo Yuhao laughed.

As soon as Huo Yuhao thought that he was about to become a great soul master, and under the guidance of brother Tianmeng and his sister, his second martial soul would also be officially awakened, Huo Yuhao's heart warmed up unconsciously.

"Did the Soul Guidance Department agree to help you obtain the soul ring?" Wang Dong asked.

Huo Yuhao nodded, and said, "Of course, I am a core disciple of the Soul Guidance Department." After saying this, he couldn't help but feel apologetic. For the secret of Tianmeng Bingcan and Snow Emperor, he had to both sides They all told white lies.That's right, what Huo Yuhao said in the soul guidance department is that the academy will give a soul ring with a limited number of years, so don't worry.

At this moment, Wang Dong seemed to suddenly think of something, and said, "Then Yuhao, why don't I go hunting soul beasts with you! I remember that Sister Xue also wants to get a soul ring!"

"Does my sister need a soul ring? She doesn't need any, but she needs some soul beast from the North Pole to sacrifice to my sister. It's just that if you follow me, Wang Dong, it will be very difficult for me~" Of course , this is the truth.

"Wang Dong, isn't your family worried about you?" Huo Yuhao hurriedly asked.

"It's okay, they won't talk about me!" Wang Dong straightened his neck.

"But, you haven't been back for so long. Does your family miss you?" Huo Yuhao was really scared. If Wang Dong followed him, Huo Yuhao's primary task this time would be ruined.

"Hey~ It's okay, they don't miss me, why should I miss them! Let's go!" Wang Dong directly pulled Huo Yuhao and ran to Dixue's dormitory.

"Hey, don't be like this, you haven't been home for half a year, go back quickly!" Huo Yuhao shouted.

"I'm not worried about what you're worried about. It's not a big deal. Even if I don't go home for three years, they won't say anything about me." Wang Dong has already calculated his holiday itinerary, how could he still want go home! (Author: I can only say that she is indeed a witch~
Narrator: It’s not a big deal, but the backstage is really big!

Author: The author should not interject in the narration.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble, and I don't want to, but I'm really... I'm sorry anyway." Huo Yuhao confessed in his heart.

At this time, just as Dixue came out, he saw Wang Dong galloping towards Huo Yuhao from afar. "Huh? What is Wang Donglai doing? Shouldn't it be Yuhao?" Dixue had some doubts. At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in her head, "Could it be possible? No way, no way! Could it be the butterfly effect?" Dixue instantly Feeling uncertain.

After a while, Wang Dong pulled Huo Yuhao to Dixue.

Seeing Huo Yuhao's embarrassed look and Wang Dong's excited expression, Dixue's thoughts deepened.

"Sister Xue, can you take me to hunt soul beasts together!" Wang Dong's tone was not asking at all, it was simply resolute.

"As expected~" Dixue felt tired, knowing that such a way would not allow Wang Dong's soul power to increase so quickly.

"System, is there a way to make him forget that we are going to hunt soul beasts?" Dixue asked in his heart.

"Yes, host!" The system replied.

"Then tell me what to do?" Dixue asked in her heart in surprise.

"Here, host, look, it is this forced amnesia pill, which can be taken home with only 68 juvenile soul bones!" the system said to Dixue.

"Good, good, huh? No, does this elixir have any side effects?" Di Xue asked with some uncertainty.

"Host, what are you thinking? How can this kind of medicine have no side effects? Only the medicine that is completely beneficial to the body can have no side effects. If this kind of medicine has no side effects, then what is the medicine for amnesia? .” The system said angrily.

"Um... That's true, but if there are side effects, don't use it. The big deal is to reveal your identity early!" After thinking about it, Dixue still said.

"Well, let's go host." As soon as he heard that he would not buy it, his attitude immediately changed, very quickly!
"Wang Dong, what we are going to is the North Pole, not the Star Forest. It's very cold there, so don't go there." Dixue said to Wang Dong.

"It's okay! Isn't it just cold! I'm not afraid, and I heard that there is a butterfly soul beast with a trace of dragon god blood that is very suitable for me in the North Pole, called the Northern Light Butterfly. And this time Huo Yuhao got the second soul After the ring, we can try the martial soul fusion skill again!" Wang Dong chirped.

"Uh, I, this..." Dixue felt so embarrassed that I was speechless.Is there such a thing as disgusting?Just block everything that can be said.

"Sister Xue! Stop this and that, let's go!" Wang Dong used the trick of being coquettish and cute to Dixue.

"Hey~ okay, I've convinced you~" Dixue said helplessly.Then he gave Huo Yuhao a hard look, as if to say: When I get back, I'm talking about cleaning you up!

"Hey~ Butterfly effect is harmful!" Dixue said with emotion in her heart.

Huo Yuhao felt a chill down his spine.I had no choice but to smirk and apologize there.

"Then when are you leaving?" Dixue had no choice but to ask helplessly.

"Well, actually, I haven't thought about it yet~" Wang Dong lowered his head and thought carefully, then said embarrassedly.

"Uh... tomorrow morning, I'll give you a day off today." Dixue had no choice but to say.

"Okay!" Wang Dong expressed his inner excitement excitedly, because no one knew how he had passed the past few months, it was really a tear! (Scene gentleman: Yes! I was next to him at the time, it was really...

Author: Don’t be skinny at the author’s coding scene, you are Pipi Shrimp eating crispy skin and rolled into the Piban halberd skin pot-the skin is dead! )

At this moment, Wang Dong suddenly said: "Let's go sit by the Sea God Lake. It's hard to be lazy today. I haven't eaten Yuhao's grilled fish for a long time."

Huo Yuhao said with some embarrassment: "I didn't prepare the ingredients. Otherwise, I will definitely roast it for you."

Wang Dong chuckled, "You wait here." While speaking, he quickly ran back to the dormitory, and came out in a while.He gestured to the bright blue bracelet on his left hand, "Let's go."

Huo Yuhao's eyes widened, "You have planned this!"

Wang Dong didn't deny it either, "I originally wanted to wait for you to come back from studying over there at night to lure you to stay up late for fun. I didn't expect you to come out early today. It's just right. It's going to be a holiday, so it's rare to indulge. Anyway, tonight If you don't let me eat enough, don't even try to sleep."

Huo Yuhao chuckled, and said, "Okay, as long as you bring enough materials, I guarantee that you won't be able to walk."

"Wang Dong, how many fish do you have in this storage soul tool~" Dixue asked a little embarrassedly, feeling a little greedy.

"Don't worry, Sister Xue, I will definitely take care of it!" Wang Dong said.

"Well, what about the seasoning?" Di Xue asked again.

"Um... There is salt, there is perilla, there is, uh, I don't know." Wang Dong said with some embarrassment.He didn't know what to prepare, he just watched Huo Yuhao grilling fish like this, so that's all he prepared.

Dixue helped her forehead, "Okay, I'll go back and get some seasonings." These seasonings were obtained by signing in when God Snow woke up, saying that they could nourish the bones and bones.

Dixue put all the seasonings in the storage ring.Then he walked towards Sea God Lake with Wang Dong and the others.

Under the eaves at the door of the dormitory, the old man (Dragon God Douluo) who dozed off here every day couldn't help but slightly opened his eyes after hearing these words, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, looking at Huo Yuhao and the others who were quickly leaving , he murmured to himself: "I don't know how many women said that to me back then! Every time I feed them. It's really interesting~" (Narrator: Really, I doubt You're driving, and I have pictures and evidence!

Author: If you dare to doubt, I will deduct your wages.

Narrator: Did I say I have evidence?Why don't I know?Oops, I lost my memory!I can't remember anything!

Reporter: Due to the heavy work pressure, our narrator suffers from indirect amnesia!Here to remind the majority of netizens!Be cautious at work, and feel sad when you are sick! )
Excitedly came to Sea God Lake.Wang Dong looked at Huo Yuhao with his big watery eyes.After a while, the charcoal stove was lit.The unique smell of charcoal slowly rises, but it does not dissipate in the rain.

On the Sea God Lake, there was a burst of rain and fog, covering the Sea God Island in the distance.On the lakeside where the mist is filled with coldness and humidity.The burning of the charcoal stove made both Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong feel warm. Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong looked up at each other almost at the same time.Their cheeks were flushed by the charcoal fire.Looking at each other and smiling, the warmth seemed to have penetrated into my heart.

A piece of grilled fish was placed on the charcoal stove, and Huo Yuhao was grilling it with concentration, no less serious than when he was engraving the core magic circle.

Wang Dong was standing next to him holding an umbrella to prevent the raindrops from dripping on the oven, but what he was looking at was not the grilled fish, but Huo Yuhao's serious face.The cool air, the fiery red charcoal stove, and the golden herring that is gradually emitting aroma are outlined a moving picture.Wang Dong knew.I'm afraid I will never forget this scene.He really enjoyed the process of Huo Yuhao grilling fish just for him and Dixue.

"What's wrong, have you taken a fancy to my Yuhao?" At this time, Dixue joked secretly through voice transmission.

"Ahem, sister Xue, don't talk nonsense, how is it possible! I'm still young!" Wang Dong blushed, but it wasn't so obvious because he was next to the stove, but it was true. "Perhaps, yes..." But he thought again in his heart.But after a while, because Huo Yuhao's grilled fish was so delicious, he didn't think about it.

Finally, the first batch of grilled fish was finished, and Huo Yuhao immediately handed it to Wang Dong and Dixue, "Eat it while it's hot." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"Hmm~ It's so delicious, it's a hundred times more delicious than before!" Wang Dong exclaimed.

"Hey, it's mainly because my sister's seasoning is good. If it wasn't for my sister's seasoning, it would be delicious, but it couldn't be like this." Huo Yuhao explained.

"Hey, don't tell me, I don't know if it's an illusion, but I actually felt a slight change in my sea of ​​qi, and I also felt relaxed all over my body!" Wang Dong noticed something was wrong while eating.

"Oh, this is the function of the seasoning. This seasoning can warm and nourish the bones and fill the air." Dixue said lightly.

"What? Really?" Wang Dong expressed disbelief.Words that even children from rich families like him have never heard of are like trash to Dixue.

Huo Yuhao said while grilling: "Speaking of which, I should call Teacher Xiaoya and senior brother to come together. They also like to eat."

"No. Today you belong to me, no, it belongs to me and Sister Xue!" Wang Dong almost blurted out.

Huo Yuhao raised his head in astonishment.Looking at him, what he saw was the stubborn light in Wang Dong's pink-blue eyes.

"I mean, your grilled fish belongs to me." Wang Dong hastily added.It was dark, but the charcoal fire was very prosperous, and his face was still flushed against the background.The face that was molested by Di Xue just now was blushing, and now it is getting more and more red.

This meal of grilled fish has been eaten for a long time, and even they themselves don't know the exact time.Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong returned to the dormitory after they had eaten their fill.Only Dixue managed to restrain her eating of fish, but she ate enough.

As soon as Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong entered the door, Huo Yuhao lay down on his hard bed, "Well..., it feels really comfortable to eat and drink enough. I decided to be completely lazy today and sleep well. You are right , there is always time to relax."

But Wang Dong turned over and sat on Huo Yuhao with a smile, looking at Huo Yuhao.

 Two updates have arrived!Ask for a ticket.

  The author would like to ask the readers for their opinions. Do you think I should let Wang Dong go to the North Pole or not? The readers have the final say. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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