Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 42 To the North Pole

Chapter 42 To the North Pole
"No. Get up and practice." Wang Dong came to the bed and pulled him up.There was a half-smile look on his face.

"You are not." Huo Yuhao screamed, "I finally wanted to rest for a while."

"Hey, why did you always hold on to me before, this time I will let you experience the feeling of passive cultivation!" Wang Dong said viciously.

"Okay. But let me get up anyway~" Huo Yuhao patted Wang Dong's butt sitting on top of him, and said helplessly.

"Ahem..." Wang Dong coughed twice with a blushing face, and quickly got up.He just muttered in his heart: Huo Yuhao, you big fool!
Huo Yuhao got up helplessly, just as he was about to sit cross-legged on his hard plank bed.But Wang Dong suddenly said: "Come to my side. For the sake of grilling fish, you are allowed to come to my side to practice today."

"Huh?" Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, looked at the fur mattress on Wang Dong's bed, smiled, and jumped over to sit down honestly.

"Who told you to go up now and change into clean clothes." Wang Dong shouted hastily.

Huo Yuhao, however, sat cross-legged, "Stop being so stinky, hurry up. If you don't start, it will be dawn."

Wang Dong sat down opposite Huo Yuhao with some reluctance, "Am I shooting myself in the foot with a rock? Hey, if I knew it, I wouldn't have called him." Wang Dong complained in his heart.The two palms faced each other, starting the operation of Haodong's power.The moment they closed their eyes, there was a faint smile unconsciously on their faces
On the other side, Dixue was "using" a young man who was caught that day without martial ethics to vent his displeasure at being given dog food by Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao today. (Narrator: I saw that the young man who does not speak martial arts has no bones in his body. As for how to tell, just look at his body. Every time he is about to die, Dixue uses pills to kill him. The medicine was rescued, and now his heart has been broken 57 times, and something in his crotch has been crippled 7985 times, and now he resists even if he resists, he is used to it.)
"Phew~ It's comfortable. It's going to be a holiday. It doesn't matter if you stay or not, so you can go to the Paradise of Bliss now." Dixue let out a foul breath and said.

When the man heard this, instead of feeling hopeless, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.When he was killed by Di Xueyi Xuanyuan Sword, he died laughing.


The next day, early in the morning.

Dixue woke up early in the morning. I don't know if it was because she had enough relaxation last night. Dixue felt refreshed. Today is also the last day of first grade study.Tomorrow, the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy will be officially closed.

"Well, it seems that I have to reveal my identity~" Dixue stretched her waist and said helplessly. "There is no class today, so let's go back today. I haven't been back for a long time. But I still have to go to the classroom, and the teacher still has to talk." Di Xue said heartily.

After thinking about it, Dixue went to the canteen to eat, not because she was hungry, but because the food in the canteen of Shrek Academy was really delicious!Last time, the children next door cried.

Coincidentally, as soon as they arrived at the cafeteria, they ran into Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao.The three ordered meals together.

Di Xue asked Wang Dong: "Are you sure you want to go to the Arctic with us?"

"Of course!" Wang Dong said without hesitation.

"Well... eat and eat." Dixue had no choice but to eat with his head down.

After breakfast, they came to the classroom early. Fan Yu had given Huo Yuhao a holiday yesterday.He doesn't need to practice making soul tools tonight.It has been eleven months since he entered Shrek Academy, and he has never felt so relaxed like today.The feeling of relaxation all over his body made him feel lazy.

Zhou Yi and Wang Yan came to the classroom together, as long as Zhou Yi was there, no matter what time, the atmosphere of Class One, Grade One could be described as solemn.Even if tomorrow is going to be a holiday, no one would dare to mess with this Bawanghua teacher at this time!If any nerve of her old man goes wrong, no one can bear it.

Wang Yan walked up to the podium, while Zhou Yi walked to the back of the classroom and sat on an empty chair.

"Students, today is the last day of your first grade. The college has not assigned any teaching tasks. I just say a few words, and everyone can go back and pack their things."

As soon as Wang Yan said this, the whole class burst into cheers.Even with Zhou Yi around, he couldn't care less.The holiday is about to come, and everyone has a feeling of returning home. Who doesn't want to go home to see their loved ones!Of course, except for those who have no relatives.

Wang Yan smiled and said, "Everyone has worked hard this year. I can say that you are the best class I have ever taught. On behalf of myself and Teacher Zhou Yi, I would like to thank everyone for your hard work. We have a common glory."

"But." At this point, Wang Yan suddenly changed the subject.

"Different from the final exams at the end of each academic year in other academies, our Shrek Academy does not have a final exam. I think everyone should be clear about the reason. The test of whether you can become a qualified second-year student will be held in the next academic year When school starts. Therefore, everyone must not relax even half a point after returning home, and even put in more effort during the next month's vacation than when studying in the college. Only in this way can you continue to stay in the next school year Next. I like each of you, and I hope that in the next school year, when we have a class, there will be no more than one of you."

Di Xue said in her heart: "You can just wait, I believe you may be pleasantly surprised or frightened when you see Huo Yuhao's twin martial souls next semester."

Then Wang Yan said some useless nonsense, and then the get out of class was over!

Please take a good leave. On the way to the North Pole, the road is a bit awkward, and only Wang Dong is chattering.

At this time, Dixue clapped her hands together, "Ah! Am I stupid! I actually forgot that." That's right, at this moment, Dixue remembered the Porsche 911 she won in the last lottery draw.

"What's wrong?" Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong asked almost at the same time.

"Wait a minute, I'll get something!" Di Xue said.

"System, system! Quickly extract that Porsche 911 for me!" Dixue urged in her heart.

"It's you!" The system said with mischievous eyebrows.

The next moment, an extremely cool thing appeared in front of the three of them.

"What is this?" Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong asked.

It's just that Di Xue didn't speak, because she was extremely embarrassed right now. "Sloppy! Forget that the Porsche 911 doesn't have a rear seat."

"Ahem, you sit on the right, I'm on the left, I'll open it for you..."

Dixue hurriedly opened the door and let Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao in.

Huo Yuhao went in first.Wang Dongdao: "Sister Xue, there is only one seat..." Wang Dong said with some embarrassment.

"Ahem..." Dixue coughed in embarrassment.

Huo Yuhao was a little confused, so what?All men. "As for it? They're all men, not a man and a woman, so it shouldn't be the case." As he spoke, he pulled Wang Dong into the car.

"You!" Wang Dong was a little annoyed.Huo Yuhao, you idiot!Lumpy wood!Wait, wait, a bunch of sentences flashed in Wang Dong's mind.

But at this moment Wang Dong couldn't say anything, he was only embarrassed because he was hugged by Huo Yuhao.Even Dixue couldn't resist laughing.It's just that the corners of her slightly twitching eyes exposed her heart.

Dixue suppressed her smile and got into the car. As soon as she started the car, she was attacked.

"The car I just picked up!" Di Xue's heart was bleeding.

"Huh? What is this? Even me, the Soul Sage, can't break through this defense." At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded.

"Who are you? I didn't mess with you!" Dixue said a little excitedly.

"Who am I? I'm Wang Goudan, do you remember!" the Wang Goudan shouted in a dark and excited voice.

"Wang dog? Whose father made such a bad name? I don't remember." Dixue shook her head and said.

"You, you!" That bitch seemed to have eaten gunpowder, as if he was going to eat Dixue.But what he said next made Dixue surprised.

"Father, let me just say it, the name Wang Goudan is not good! You see this little girl laughing at me in the movies!" That Wang Goudan's eyes were full of tears facing Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong who couldn't see anyone. Shout where Dixue can see.

"Impossible! How can my Wang Tiedan's naming skills be bad!" Only a young-looking person in the shadow shouted loudly.

"Yes, but..."

"Okay, needless to say! Brothers, don't beat this little girl to death, let her see what warmth is!" Wang Tiedan shouted loudly.

"Bao Douluo, I don't need you to tell me. Remember to give me the second one after you enjoy it~" I saw him, a rather sinister ghost-faced man with fangs, squinting.

"Hey, is Laobao in such a hurry?" Wang Tiedan said lewdly. [Introduction, Wang Tiedan, Wuhunfeng Baboon (the one in the legend who kills the gods) has a 91-level title Douluo spirit ring configuration, which is also a perfect soul ring ratio: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black. 〕

"I've never seen such a juicy little girl, can I not be in a hurry." The eerie old man squinted.

"Hahaha, okay, don't worry, you don't know who I am? You will be the second one!" Wang Tiedan also promised to the old man.

"Hey, have you guys forgotten about me..." Dixue said with black lines all over her head. (Jun: In fact, she has been irritated, but now she just wants to see what these people can say.)
"Heh, even if you have great abilities, you can escape from the pursuit of me, a titled Douluo? Don't think about it!" Wang Tiedan shook his head and laughed.

"Yuhao, what should we do! Sister Xue is in danger now, what should we do!" Wang Dong ignored the embarrassment and said directly to Huo Yuhao.

"It's fine, sister is fine." Huo Yuhao smiled and said to Wang Dong.

"You, you, how could you be okay? Huo Yuhao, you are so cold-blooded!" Wang Dong was about to cry, but seeing Huo Yuhao like this, he felt extremely strange.They don't even say Yuhao's name anymore, but Huo Yuhao. "Is this really the Yuhao I know? Could it be that he is such a person? Did I recognize him wrong?" This was Wang Dong'e's inner question.

It's just that when he heard the next sentence, he let go of his heart. He was both moved and blamed himself.

"Actually, Wang Dong, let me tell you a secret, a secret that only a few people know." Huo Yuhao decided to tell Wang Dong about Dixue's identity and the purpose of coming to the North Pole this time.

 One more chapter at 10:30pm!
  Ask for a ticket! ~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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